Oh boy. I'm working my way through this jumble right now.
The Watchtower 3/15/2015 Parables! New Understanding! plus More!
by wifibandit 65 Replies latest watchtower bible
It just amazes me how my wife when asked about any change in the doctrine can respond that the GB is continually guiding the organization and things do change. I asked her if the bible has changed and she just sort of quizically looks at me.
What a mindjob! Those poor JWs.
The WT says that the clearer, simpler comparisons between Bible narratives and modern lessons for us (without all the complex type/anti-type applications) "has the hallmark of divine teaching" (p. 11). It would be reasonable to conclude, then, that the previous complex type/anti-type applications the Org gave didn't have the hallmark of divine teaching. It was all man-made hooey masquerading as divine teaching.
The same goes for the "specific symbolic meanings" assigned "even to small details of Jesus' parable of the ten virgins, including the lamps, the oil, the flasks, and so forth." The paragraph continues, "Is it possible, though, that we were allowing the spotlight to shift from the parable's simple, urgent message?" (P. 13) Note the phrase, 'we were allowing.' Yes, it was you, Watchtower. Not God; not Jesus; not the Holy Spirit. You. You, who claim to champion Bible Truth and boast about exclusively having God's direction and favor. You who constantly denigrate the churches for their perversions of Scripture.
Additionally, the Org has always, since Russell's day, insisted that the Bridegroom had already arrived - 1874 then 1918 - always a retrospective interpretation. From 2013, however, the Bridegroom's arrival has been pushed into the future and the GB reiterates that new understanding in this article.
Despite these long-running falsehoods published by Watchtower, the GB states that, "Throughout the last days," the anointed "have acted like those discreet virgins," faithful and "steadily shining as illuminators, undaunted by any apparent delay in the arrival of the Bridegroom." (P. 14) Apart from the anachronistic expression, 'undaunted by any apparent delay in the arrival of the Bridegroom' (see paragraph above), how can the anointed be called 'discreet' or 'illuminators' when boldly promulgating misinterpretations of prophecy and parables, when the spotlight was turned in the wrong direction?
To addle poor JWs' brains even more, para. 9 on p. 14 construes Jesus' detail in his story about the ten virgins actually dozing off and falling fast asleep as an "implied warning" that faithful, anointed ones heeded so that they didn't fall asleep!
Here's a real doozy from the QFR on p. 18:
"Humans cannot know which Bible accounts are shadows of things to come and which are not. The clearest course is this: Where the Scriptures teach that an individual, an event, or an object is typical of something else, we accept it as such. Otherwise, we ought to be reluctant to assign an antitypical application to a certain person or account if there is no specific Scriptural basis for doing so."
With all the repeated shooting itself in the feet lately, it's a wonder Watchtower has any lower extremities left to be able to add another bloody hole.
You've just torpedoed your interpretation of DANIEL 4, you muppets!
Thanks AnnO, for this " You've just torpedoed your interpretation of DANIEL 4, you muppets!"
It was reading Daniel 4 without WT Specs on that started my wake-up.
Surely, as noted above, they have no Biblical justification for making the Parable of the discreet and evil slaves anything more than a parable.
But they do, and are stuck with continuing to do so.
"And you people thought that I was ABSTRUSE?"
"All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not"-WATCHTOWER November 2013
The metaphorical destruction of Watchtower publications printed before the year 2000 has already begun. Can the literal destruction of those publications be coming soon?
So as we have all said many times:
Either they had the truth once and changed to an untruth, or they taught untruths once and now teach truth?
So did GODget it wrong the first time, or did they?
If they got it wrong, then they are NOT from god and not to be trusted!
Simple really!
"But where else are we to go? They alone have the sayings of Truth!"
So Fred .... puuffff .... what do you think....
Yeah this WT read like a bad joke. There are no types or anti types, we can't force complex understandings of simple parables, oh and btw we are the faithful and discreet slave since 1919 and we are becoming "more discreet" then before. it's getting pretty sad.
I think they are just putting random ideas on a board and they take turns throwing darts to see what to print next.