Another point on this magazine. page 9 para 7
"Is there a Scriptural basis for prophetic pictures? Yes. For instance, Jesus
spoke of “the sign of Jonah the prophet.”
(Read Matthew 12:39, 40.) Jesus explained that Jonah’s sojourn in the belly
of the fish—which would have been Jonah’s grave had Jehovah not preserved
him alive—was prophetic of Jesus’ own time in the grave."
For that to be a type/antitype, that would have been planned by God. The fact that Jesus was dead from Nisan 14 to 16 was a fulfillment of the offering of the Barley on Nisan 16. The fact that Jonah was in the belly of the fish for that length of time was a coincidence because I don't think it was part of God's purpose. Jesus knew of Jonah and what happened and the length; he just used that as an example, rather than his being in the fish that long for a purpose. That is not a prophetic fulfillment, just a coincidence that they could understand and relate to.
para 8 says:"The Bible contains other inspired prophetic pictures."
They are inspired because they are prophetic pictures from their past, not because Paul was inspired of God.
the prophetic pictures - Jehu and Jehonadab. Elijah and Elisha class etc.
Stuff that made the anointed back then feel good.