hey its my update. I left and moved into a place of my own. i packed up my car, left the house and never went back.
I like my new place, its only two miles from where I lived. i really miss my cats though.
within two weeks, my soon to be x husband [ I filed] ] had taken everything he did
not want that i left there for him to use, and gave it to my daughter
to give to me. i hear hes rearranged the whole house.
the small amount of alimony isn't going to cut it. barely pays my rent.
. now I have to find suitable work. and where i love its all healthcare and retail.
I have no ged or diploma, never got one i got married.
I figured back then, like all of us did, hey God will take care of me. and things were fine for a little while. i never was in need in a material way.
and if i wanted to stay in an unloving marriage sleeping alone wasting hours pulling weeds and cooking dinners for a man who spent zero time with me, and got drunk every weekend, while i stayed out of the house till he fell asleep, then things would still be great. I would be getting a brand new car in 3 years. whoopdi do, heres your reward for sleeping alone being alone going everywhere alone, and slaving for a selfish person
a brand new car ! ugg. thats how some men show appreciation, with things. things are great but I want a husband who loves me, and shows it physically. being present with me! at the family picnic, at the weddings at the school orchestra concerts. at the ball game. doesn't every woman?
well, wish me luck, as a jw all my adult life, stay at home mom, and married from age 19, I have zero work place skills, and not the energy or funds to start all over. all I can apply for is cleaning type jobs, and with my back the way it is going I have to be very careful what i do. I worked cleaning for 5 hours the other day, and im still recuperating. my neck is killing me. Im 52 yrs old, Im not able to pull of an 8 hour shift anywhere.
I need to share my life with someone. so i got on a dating site. went on one date, i had to tell him so and he was pretty disappointed. he really liked me. but being a jw all my life i have no desire to be with a smoker, and he told me he did not, but he did. he was 7 years older too that sort of was not too great.
then id get messages, and id reply why i felt they did not meet my needs, a couple sore losers replied with berating comments
like, 'oh you have no education all you were was a 'lazy' housewife, living off a mans money,
your lucky to have been married that long'
bla bla. they have no idea how hard i worked or how my husband was. do i need that aggravation?
wow, girls, lets get that one and show him a thing or two. hes an a@@ . he things a clean house is easy?
so all men think that if you don't have a degree, and a big income, your worthless? whats this mentality that will not go away on this planet? I am by no means lazy or stupid. degree ged or not. im not 15.
hmm i thought having someone with you was a good thing.
So, How the hell are we supposed to meet people when we work alone?
I have cleaning jobs. no one is around. all the better dating sites want you to be legally divorced before you go on them. well its going to take 4 months before the paperwork gets mailed out, pa makes you wait 91 days before you file the second papers. so i cant even date? it takes a while to find someone special, im supposed to wait again? really?