I listen to one of these all time in our hall. She brings it up constantly about how they would do this or that but he has to work that Saturday. I think she should get a job and then he could find a lower paying 9 to 5 job.
Wives who complain about their husbands work schedule but refuse to get a job
by hoser 39 Replies latest jw friends
Do they have children that require babysitting? My friends with children find that many times the cost of getting a second job, travel, babysitter or equivalent, business attire, can eat up what they earn.
No kids...get a job
What's even worse is when the family is struggling financially and the husband is working himself to death trying to make ends meet, and the wife still refuses to get a job because she likes Pioneering (or prefers it to having a job-the lesser of two evils).
Oh, and she's usually the one driving the new vehicle, too.
There are no children and she is healthy. I think she just expects a free ride.
Y'know, if "higher education" weren't condemned as the very work of the devil, maybe the typical JW would get a degree and, oh, I don't know, wouldn't need to work 80 hours a week at 3 different low-paying jobs just to make ends meet.
keyser soze
We had a CO back in the 80's who used to make married sisters who held jobs feel guilty for working. He always said that they didn't trust in Jehovah enough to provide. Never mind the fact that my mom working enabled our family to get off government assistance.
One of the hypocricies of the women's movement. Assuming he isn't stopping her from working - She thinks what she is sitting on makes her entitled.
I was married to a man that refused to work because he only wanted to pioneer and be on stage. His parents supported us for the first decade (lovely, right?). I was not allowed to get a job because I would probably fornicate and do other unspeakable brazen acts.
I was not allowed to get a job because I would probably fornicate and do other unspeakable brazen acts.
It's common knowledge that it's impossible to have a full-time job and not brazenly fornicate...
1. It's none of your business how other people choose to live their lives. If you don't like hearing about it don't go near her. If you have to be around her tune it out.
2. You're quite possibly missing the point. She may be using his schedule as an easy excuse to get out of doing what others want her to do. Don't be misled by times when it looks like she really wants to participate, it could be just a cover. Maybe she/they would rather keep their lives to themselves.