"You know, the financial system that's presently tottering on the edge of collapse?"
somehow, I don't think the world financial system depends on the well-being of India and Pakistan, or even on the Middle East as a whole, or even on the reliability of the oil flow from that region. would nuclear war there bring a "great tribulation" to mankind? undoubtedly. are the world's leaders likely to be saying "peace and security at last" immediately before such a tribulation? HAH. you are engaging in fantastic speculation, trying to scare people into converting, just as the WTS does, just as the majority of Christian religions do with hellfire (and are subsequently ridiculed by the WTS for using scare tactics, as opposed to their "sober warnings").
"the political system that holds things together....sort of? You don't honestly think that the world would go on in a business-as-usual fashion if millions of people are instantly obliterated on the Indian Sub-continent do you?"
no one in their right mind suggests that the world will go on in a business-as-usual fashion if even one nuke is ever used again against human targets. rather, as has already been posted, the vast majority of nuclear powers are likely to keep their nukes (and their borders) more closely guarded than ever before. "rogue nations," it is true, would be likely to try to take advantage of the chaos in some way, even in some massively destructive way; but is it likely that a single suitcase nuke would wind up on American soil, with America at its all-time greatest level of caution? HAH. is it likely that a rogue nation has the technical ability to send a missile into America? HAH. is it likely that even China would try to nuke America, when they'd already be able to see the horizon glowing at midnight as a result of their close neighbors nuking one another to smithereens? HAH.
"A few months back a couple of planes slammed into the WTC and the Pentagon and it nearly brought the nation to it's knees."
that is patently false. the nation was not "nearly brought to its knees." we were in shock at first, and then *immediately* the country pulled together to save what could be saved, begin the work of rebuilding, and stop such a thing from ever happening here again. and, whether such a thing DOES happen here again or not, even with nukes, it's a shame you can't admit to yourself that the human race is a hell of a lot stronger than your tiny little god would have us believe.
"That was really nothing compared to nukes---the ultimate terror weapon. / You Know"
ignorant scare tactics: You Know, you are full of them, and full of "it." what really gets one's attention here is not the horror of the thought of such things happening, but that one who sees himself as a witness of Jehovah is so gleeful to imagine such things happening to his human brothers and sisters, and SOON.