by You Know 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SpiderMonkey

    "You know, the financial system that's presently tottering on the edge of collapse?"

    somehow, I don't think the world financial system depends on the well-being of India and Pakistan, or even on the Middle East as a whole, or even on the reliability of the oil flow from that region. would nuclear war there bring a "great tribulation" to mankind? undoubtedly. are the world's leaders likely to be saying "peace and security at last" immediately before such a tribulation? HAH. you are engaging in fantastic speculation, trying to scare people into converting, just as the WTS does, just as the majority of Christian religions do with hellfire (and are subsequently ridiculed by the WTS for using scare tactics, as opposed to their "sober warnings").

    "the political system that holds things together....sort of? You don't honestly think that the world would go on in a business-as-usual fashion if millions of people are instantly obliterated on the Indian Sub-continent do you?"

    no one in their right mind suggests that the world will go on in a business-as-usual fashion if even one nuke is ever used again against human targets. rather, as has already been posted, the vast majority of nuclear powers are likely to keep their nukes (and their borders) more closely guarded than ever before. "rogue nations," it is true, would be likely to try to take advantage of the chaos in some way, even in some massively destructive way; but is it likely that a single suitcase nuke would wind up on American soil, with America at its all-time greatest level of caution? HAH. is it likely that a rogue nation has the technical ability to send a missile into America? HAH. is it likely that even China would try to nuke America, when they'd already be able to see the horizon glowing at midnight as a result of their close neighbors nuking one another to smithereens? HAH.

    "A few months back a couple of planes slammed into the WTC and the Pentagon and it nearly brought the nation to it's knees."

    that is patently false. the nation was not "nearly brought to its knees." we were in shock at first, and then *immediately* the country pulled together to save what could be saved, begin the work of rebuilding, and stop such a thing from ever happening here again. and, whether such a thing DOES happen here again or not, even with nukes, it's a shame you can't admit to yourself that the human race is a hell of a lot stronger than your tiny little god would have us believe.

    "That was really nothing compared to nukes---the ultimate terror weapon. / You Know"

    ignorant scare tactics: You Know, you are full of them, and full of "it." what really gets one's attention here is not the horror of the thought of such things happening, but that one who sees himself as a witness of Jehovah is so gleeful to imagine such things happening to his human brothers and sisters, and SOON.


  • Yerusalyim


    Why is it that when you loyal dubs quote the "Wars and rumors of war" bit, ya never quote the next part which goes on to say...


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]


    Hey NN,I like those met`s just fine(LOL)..>>>Hey Valis,thanks for the link-up.I`ll grab a brewski and check it out...OUTLAW

  • Larsguy

    Thanks for posting your analysis, You Know.

    When things got too far out of hand and to the point of no return the last time, God stepped in and corrected the matter; that was the time of the global flood. Maybe this world will be on the brink of disaster when that happens again. Let's hope so!


  • You Know
    You Know
    somehow, I don't think the world financial system depends on the well-being of India and Pakistan, or even on the Middle East as a whole, or even on the reliability of the oil flow from that region

    You are apparently unaware of how fragile the system is. Nuclear war would absolutely panic the money boys. There is no way investors would leave billions of dollars on the table in the face of nuclear war. The markets would most likely collpase in a matter of hours.

    are the world's leaders likely to be saying "peace and security at last" immediately before such a tribulation? HAH. you are engaging in fantastic
    Do you really think apostates would have a clue as to how that prophecy is going to unfold?

    no one in their right mind suggests that the world will go on in a business-as-usual fashion if even one nuke is ever used again against human targets.
    Are you admitting that you are not in your right mind then?

    but is it likely that a single suitcase nuke would wind up on American soil, with America at its all-time greatest level of caution? HAH.
    "Unless Jehovah himself guards the city it is of no use that the sentry stands the watch."

    the nation was not "nearly brought to its knees." we were in shock at first, and then *immediately* the country pulled together to save what could be saved, begin the work of rebuilding, and stop such a thing from ever happening here again.
    "Carry on my good man." Spoken by a humored Clarence the angel to the spooked guard in "It's a Wonderful Life" / You Know
  • cellomould


    Keep trying to blow smoke up people's bungholes, but Satan has nothing to do with instability, just as God has nothing to do with stability.

    Read your bible. Satan didn't appear on the scence until very late, because the early believers didn't have a concept of Satan.

    He is a scapegoat that doesn't exist.

    You prove nothing by saying the world is unstable. The universe is unstable. It always has and always will be.


    "My toes taste really good" J.R. Brown

  • biblexaminer

    Gee... I can't see New York Bethel there anymore.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Read your bible. Satan didn't appear on the scence until very late, because the early believers didn't have a concept of Satan.

    Are you sure you haven't mistakenly been reading the book of Moron? LOL / You Know

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    You know,

    " Matthew 12:38 - Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him, "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you."

    Matthew 12:39 - But he answered them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

    Matthew 16:4 - An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah." So he left them and departed. "

    You sure you want to continue looking for those signs, YOU KNOW?

  • Derrick

    If these countries go nuclear then imagine all the Kingdom Halls that will be incinerated. Would Jehovah allow such a thing to happen to those who were truly his chosen "spiritual Israel"? Not according to a local elder! These things only happen to Christendom because God's blessing was removed from it, I'm told.

    Therefore, along that line of reasoning, isn't it IMPOSSIBLE for an atomic bomb to detonate in New York because the world headquarters for the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is located there? Again, a local elder said such an event is impossible because if the FDS were destroyed in a nuclear blast, it would mean they never were the FDS in the first place, and require the organization to basically start from scratch in its core beliefs.

    Since you consider yourself a prophet within this organization, Is it possible for the Watchtower to be at or near ground-zero of an nuclear explosion?


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

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