When my father died in 2010, I did exactly that. Of course! I went to the memorial service in spite of it being held at the Kingdom Hall he had attended for decades. I went out of love and respect for him, even though we had very different beliefs on certain topics. He could not and would not accept anything critical of the Society. He had been the Congregation Servant since the 50's and an Elder from the beginning of that arrangement. He yearned for me to return and "throw myself on the mercy of the brothers," but he knew I never would. He accepted the Society as the big J's spokesmen, and I knew in my heart they were no such thing. Still, he never shunned me, never asked me to stop calling him, never asked me to stop coming to see him. For the last 3 years of his life, as he pined away after Mom's death, I called him each and every day and flew into town to see him at least once a month for a day or two.
Even though I have never been officially DA'd or DF'd, my loving sister yielded to the influence of a certain (still unnamed) relative and decided that I was a de facto apostate and no longer welcome to stay overnight at her house when visiting Dad, or even fit to have meals with. She didn't like it when I pointed out that since I was neither DA'd nor DF'd, she was running ahead of the ol' chariot by treating me this way. Still, she couldn't bring herself to completely shun me. She would still talk to me on the phone about Dad, and she cooperated and assisted me in visiting him by picking me up and dropping me off at the airport shuttle whenever needed.
No effort was made to dissuade me from attending Dad's service. But I was warned in no uncertain terms that if I showed up at the restaurant where my parent's lifelong friends were gathering to share a meal together and reminisce, there would be a scene. I acquiesced because I didn't want Dad's service and "visitation" marred by unpleasantness. I really didn't want to be around most of those folks right then anyway. I was heartbroken at Dad's passing and I just couldn't bear any gladhanding about how wonderful the Society is and how Paradise is right around the corner.
Still, I would do it again. I loved Dad, and Dad loved me, despite his severe disappointment in my leaving the Truth©. I went to honor him for being the wonderful person and role model he was in so many ways, and to acknowledge the undying and unconditional love we had for each other, despite our wildly divergent, even diametrically opposed, views on "spiritual" matters.
He was my dad. And I miss him.