Under the radar= what a beautiful experience you gave.
If Your JW Parent Died Would YOU Go To The Kingdom Hall For The Talk?
by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends
"Infomercials" sadly correct.
jean-luc picard
I have often asked this question and think that i will fly home for the funeral but will not go to the hall.
My sister is still in. I will probably explain to her that I have no intention of going to the hall to be snubed by holier than thow people who couldnt be bothered to go and see my lonely mother while she was still alive.
I don't know. On one hand, I think I'd rather honor him with a personal service of my own. On the other hand, it would be expected of me. I would not stay with my JW relatives, only my non-JW relatives or a hotel. The JW ones are guilt trippers and too messed up in the head.
I would have no problem with attending a service in the kingdumb Hall per se. After all, I know the drill well. The issue with me is that my mother has shown virtually NO respect to me in my entire life and I am the only child. Shouldn't respect be a two way street? I have had 3 JW uncles die in the last couple of years and had to find it out on the internet or from a distant friend LONG after the fact. Since my realatives don't like or respect me enough to even inform me of a death in the family why should I arrange a KH memorial of mom for them? I might have some kind of remembrance at a graveside or funeral home but IF I do I will be the speaker and I think what I have to say would SHOCK my audience !!!
I wopuld, I did, and it went quite well.....better than I expected. Decide for yourself....But remember: If you don't go, there is no re-take. If you go and regret it, you'll get over it.
my mom is elderly and sickly. She expressed to me that she would want a KH talk and I would make sure that she got it. But I don't know for sure if I would attend.
Nooooo! I will not have hers funeral at KH. When my father died my JWs relatives tried to disrupt funeral, and the same happened when my grandmother died, because they decided to take first two rows in the church and refused to have my cousins refused to carry the coffin because "JWs do not do that". When my JW aunt and uncle died, I did not got to their funeral. Last thing I want to do on my mom's funeral to make a donkey from myself.
I would go, no matter how much we disagree on religion I still love them know they would want me there.
Coded Logic
JW funerals don't honor the dead. They just try and use it as a recruiting tool.