I would attend for my parent's funerals for sure even if it is at the KH. I am there to pay my respects to my parent's and that is it. I know I would have the support of all my ex-JW siblings who would attend with me for sure. I can bet it would be very awkward to attend but we would make it and just leave right after.
If Your JW Parent Died Would YOU Go To The Kingdom Hall For The Talk?
by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends
I went to my mother's funeral in her Kingdom Hall ten years ago. It was the one I grew up in and all the people I knew as a child were there but they didn't speak to me. Very odd experience. Afterwards when we went to a pub for sandwiches three young men in their twenties came up to my nine-year-old daughter and said we are your long lost cousins. They all said the same thing and nothing else and eventually walked away. She found that very odd too. I really don't know if I want to repeat that experience if I am still here when my siblings pass. I suppose I will have to see how I feel at the time.
Well my grandmother is nearly 100 years old. She's had serious health problems for over 50 years, and she's suffered greatly. She has had cancers, tumors, strokes, four brain surgeries, countless hospitalizations, and much more more. And when I say much more, this is a bit of an understatement. She is still brought to the kingdom hall for every meeting, assemblies and out in service. She really isn't in any condition for the grueling schedule they put her through, and things happen that upset her greatly (falling and pooping her pants as just two examples).
It's inevitable that she will pass. I don't know what to do about the KH service. I think I will wind up going and suffer through it. I try not to think about it.
Laverite - DOes your grandmother have someone taking care of her and can tell them that she's not up to going out? i guess I can understand going to the meetings,that is, if she wants to, but that's insane if someone take her out in field service. My aunt will be 102 on her next birthday and she lived alone until she was 99
yes and I did and would still do it. It was what she wanted.
Laverite, after reading about your grandma, I don't know if it is that inevitable that she will ever pass away. She seems like cast iron!
Does she want to go out in service/meetings or is she being compelled in some kind of way? That sounds like a rough schedule for an 80 year old! Let the woman stay home and watch jeopardy!
Would there be a reason to contact your local senior services to maybe give the person dragging her around some counseling (or a little scare?)
I wouldn't go to the talk in the kingdom hall, but I'd definitely want to be there when they close the door of the oven in the crematorium, to make sure they are really gone. Sounds harsh maybe, but that's the way it is. -
I went to my mother's funereal a few years ago and it was a mess.
The talk was 90 % JWS theology using the death as a vehicle to support their doctrines.
I hadn't been to a Kingdom Hall for over 20 years, was never DFed or DAed just left without fanfare
Most people knew me because I was brought up in this faith and was a regular at one time. Funny feeling to sit there listening to the JWS environment .
People actually snubbed me thinking I must have been DFed, I had one guy that I knew very well who apparently was DFed and I guess he thought well here's someone i can talk to and he did and stuck to me like glue.
Now my father is getting up in age and I've sort consoled within myself that I wont be going to his JWS funeral .
I never had a good relationship with him because he was a cold hearted abuser/child beater when growing up with that asshole around and the abuse and lack of respect continued all throughout my adult years to this day.
The fact that I left the JWS was another mitigating factor.
He was always a devout JWS. and used the religion as a means to cover himself with a white sheet as it were, it suited his needs and probably getting ever lasting life in paradise was also just too appealing .
So reflectively for all that abuse and lack of respect which made up his character I still have little respect for the man as it exists to this day.
Hellllllllllllllll NO! Never setting foot in that mutha again!!!