When my parents die I most definitely will not go to the kh because they're not jws thank goodness!!!!
If Your JW Parent Died Would YOU Go To The Kingdom Hall For The Talk?
by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I would go for my mother, just like I would go to any church she might belong to when she died.
My dad on the other hand ... I did not go. It was at a Kingdom Hall and I would not have gone no matter what church it was at.
There are many reasons people choose to not attend their parent's funeral or memorial service, but to not go simply because it is in a church you do not agree with is silly.
I went to my mother's funeral, so yes. I also have two siblings still in, if I am around when they pass, I will go to those as well, which is likely as they are ten and fourteen years older than me. Family is family, they would talk to me if they weren't brainwashed, so I am not going to carry a grudge about it, and they did both talk to me at my brothers service.
There are five of us left and It's sad because I will probably only see them ever again at the next funeral. Stupid cult.
Thank you for your thoughts
I haven't decided yet, and have put it off until I'm forced to choose, I suppose. My parents take their shunning very seriously; I am not welcome to see or speak to them at all. The only time I expect to ever see them both together again is if my (non-JW) grandfather gets sick or if he passes. After that, I fully expect the next opportunity to see either of them is when the first of them passes away.
Right now I think I would go, but it will be hard to stomach for sure seeing all these institutional shunners and being treated like a pariah at the funeral of a parent. I'm surprised to see that some were treated reasonably respectfully at a parent's funeral. I know my wife would go to her parents' funerals, and I would go with her for support. Their situation is a little different; she speaks to her mother on the phone a few times a year.
I don't see the point in making a fuss the ore simple a funeral the better. If I felt the need to attend I would if it was,at the hall.
I went to my aunt's KH funeral, for the sake of my mother.
When my JW mother passes away, I would probably go for the sake of my JW wife. It just would seem as if I was being a stubborn apostate if I couldn't walk into a Kingdom Hall for my own mother's memorial talk.
only if there was someone else Id hurt If I did not. otherwise no, because a dead person doesnt know anyway.
I hate funerals they are morbid and pointless. my mom wont miss a funeral no matter what, she views it as a social event, though shed deny that.
she says 'oh you got to be there for the people who are alive to show them you care'
ah, but you dont care about them until they loose someone? then you care about them for a day?
its like a wedding, one day fo acting.
you invite lots of people so your 'gift list' is filled, then you dont see half of those people ever again. weird traditions.
I would...they are my parents, no matter what...just because they may not have been so nice to me or even shunned me. Many of us don't like the way some of JW's relatives treat us...they are not nice, they shun, they do this they do that....but should we be like them....NO...
Here's something to think about...Let's think about the story of Christ & Judas...now...Christ knew Judas was going to betray him, yet when he washed the feet of his disciples, did he leave out Judas...NO...to me that's the true meaning of being a Christian....sometimes doing something you don't want to do for someone that you don't like or have treated you badly. It's easy to be nice to those who are nice to you, but when they aren't, & we try to get them back, that's not the right thing to do.....We come on here & say how JW's are this & that...but we have to be better...even if you are not a christian or believe in God, it's just the right thing to do....It's not good to hold grudges...they can be toxic...maybe at one time or another we treated someone not so nice too...maybe we knew it maybe it was un-intentional.....ain't none of us here were ever perfect & always did or said the right thing...we may have hurt someones feelings at one time or another....It's called life...your parents gave it to you...& you are on this site, because they decided to have you, & being a child, and some of us did the silly & stupid things we did, they could've killed us...but they didn't...they left us alive....Life never promised us fair...
Of course I would. My parents are both in their mid-70s and most likely will be "in" until the end of their days.
Their freedom of religion, choice, and belief system is their own and would be honored by me, just as I would hope to be treated (though I most likely wouldn't by them is another issue entirely).