Hey Simon,I must agree.It has been a little over the top this week..>>>Lady Lee,good post...OUTLAW
Too much bad language, sex & pics
by Simon 67 Replies latest jw friends
i like this board because it *is* organized well, and monitored to prevent straying too far off a topic or inane spamming. i have been to one other board that was not monitored and it wasn't pretty. i personally don't have a problem with anything anyone has to say or post, i just don't keep reading or looking at things that don't interest me. but i do realize that there have to be some guidelines to facilitate discussion and sharing of feelings and maintain some semblance of order, so i support simon (or whoever's) request. it is extremely gratifying to express my feelings about my experience in the watchtower society and not feel judged in any way. and this small restriction doesn't make me feel that i can't express myself in any way, and if i want to rant or talk about sex or something, this board is structured very well to facilitate that. thankyouthankyouthankyou
and i must add this comment:
we must remember that it is monitored by the Watchtower and others. When we get a bit too raunchy, as all of us do, it only serves their purpose and they can point fingers and show how being an exJW leads to "debauchery."
personally i stopped caring what the wts thought a long time ago. who gives a crap what they think or feel, or about their perceptions of myself or 'apostates' or exes as a whole. the wts can kiss my a$$thank you.
~no apologies(edited to correct typo)
i dont think its so much that we care what the wts thinks of us. but a lot of us still have family, or friends in or just care about all those 6 million people that are being decieved, hurt, mentally and emotionally damaged in the cult.
we'd like them to come out and that is the goal of many here at one point or another.
the purpose of the board is to help people out and help people heal and to educate.
unfortunately because of the way the wts has them brainwashed into thinking that apostates and former witnesses act and behave a certain way it is important the image that we show them. seeing that xjw's and apostates are just normal people means a lot and helps a lot in helping people who are struggling with believing the truth about the 'truth'. at least it helped me a lot. but i did go through quite a long period of disbelief because of some of the things i saw being said and done by people here.
i agree the wts can kiss our collective asses and one day maybe they will have to. but till then we need to think of the millions of kids growing up in their cult.
***personally i stopped caring what the wts thought a long time ago. who gives a crap what they think or feel, or about their perceptions of myself or 'apostates' or exes as a whole. the wts can kiss my a$$***
I agree.
I think Simon is adjusting to the current events. Dateline, Barbara Anderson, Silentlambs, and a few other activists, are trying to maintain thier standing as jw's, avoiding the big df if at all possible.
So they are walking kind of a tight rope, at least for awhile anyway.
They don't know if they are in or out. Most likely they will find themselves ousted before long, then they can join the rest of us 'great crowd' of unwashed heathens.Danny
Thanks Simon for all your hard work in keeping this site open....I agree with your sentiments. Yes it is true, the great majority have been affiliated with an organization that only espoused things like moderation and fellow concern. Perhaps this is a place where we can continue to progress in those areas. For some that feel the need to really 'get funky', maybe you could start your own site, thereby leaving Simon more free time for that great community work he does down at the local pub.
I was going to try to say something wise and meaningful, but Lady Lee did it first and better.
Thanks, Simon!
Didn't I see a thread started by Simon the other day about something measuring nine inches?
yes, but that was a fine example of outstanding humour and er, well ...
I did say I was guilty too though!
It is more to do with not putting people off and I too have family and friends that I would like to direct to the forum but sometimes would be embarassed to.
Simon? Password protected adult forum? It would make your problems go *poof*
I'd say "yes" to the pswd protected adult forum, if enough people really want that..but dang you can do a quick internet search and get more than you can handle...
And 'yes' to alot less swearing at each other if we dont agree with one another...just doesnt help anything...compounds situations, etc..
And 'yes' to self-moderation...after all, we can have a password protected forum, but if the odd poster won't conform to limiting really outlandish stuff to that area, it'll still show up elsewhere and then Simon will still have to work hard to root thru it all...we all have to 'buy in' to the concept...
Good post tho Simon, noble aims...
"Well the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister!"
Bullet the Blue Sky, Rattle n Hum version