Too much bad language, sex & pics

by Simon 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    ooh i agree wiht you a thousand percent. i just come here to share my experience with other ex-jw's and meet other 'apostates' (the jw's word, not mine) and see what made them leave. i couldn't care less what jw's think of me, nor do i feel it's up to me to save any of them. do they feel that way about us? nope. when the wtc was going down, my jw sister was happy, and said, and i quote, 'good. maybe they'll all kill each other.' i hung up on her. i think she forgot who she was talking to. or something. and i seriously doubt some little jw child is reading these posts - first of all they are so brainwashed they wouldn't have the gumption to even go near a computer - second of all their mommies and daddies watch them like hawks, any ex knows that. i will respect simon's request because that is his wish and apparently this is his board, but not because i want to censor myself because 'some witness might be reading these.' screw them! what the h@#$ is any jw doing here anyway, mingling with ex-jw's, estranged (spiritually weak) jw's, or apostates? errrr..... p.s. welcome. i'm new too.

  • Mackin

    Thanks Incense. I'm not ready to post my story just yet, but I will sometime.

    I really appreciate your support.

    To the world you may be one person,
    But to one person you may be the world.

  • WildHorses

    Darn, I could have answered this post with some good humor but you asked us to watch the bad language. Can I still say it if I use *** in place of some letters?

  • Solace

    "but not because i want to censor myself because 'some witness might be reading these.' screw them! what the h@#$ is any jw doing here anyway, mingling with ex-jw's, estranged (spiritually weak) jw's, or apostates? errrr.....

    Im sorry,
    but I just needed to say that it wasnt too long ago that many of us were "J.W.s mingling with ex J.W.s" and if it wasnt for those ex J.W.s who cared enough to help us J.W.s, many of us would still be trapped in the society. The witnesses are the victims here just like we were. I believe its the society that we should be angry with and not the witnesses.

  • Simon

    No, I think some people are missing the point.

    Making the 'adult' area protected, optional or whatever gives the impression that posting stuff like that is allowed.


    The adult section is for serious discussion of adult related content and is not intended to be a place for smut.

  • Cygnus


    If I can't read smut on the Adult forum anymore, please deactivate my account. ;)

  • c5


    You have my support in this issue. Thank you for trying to maintain this board in a dignified manner.

  • ballistic

    Simon, can you create sub-sections in this password protected adult section to cater for all tastes in porn? After-all the internet is completely devoid of porn and we have no where else to go??? LOL

  • beckyboop


    I'm going to have to speak up again. I totally agree with Mackin. If we can't come here and be honest with who we are right now in life, then what exactly is this forum for? If it's for having a white-washed appearance for the dubs, then why have specific sections for Adult, Sex, Disagreements etc.? You yourself said that "it isn't wanted even in the adult section". Then what exactly are they for? Biblical approved discussions of sex?

    And what exactly qualifies as smut? Why would it be ok for you to start a thread like the 9" one (knowing how people would think), but it not be ok for someone else to post a nasty post regarding something THEY may need to talk about? I'm sure that your post, as well as other not as explicit posts, was just as offensive to some. There are many here who have expressed that they don't want to talk or read about sexual subjects, and who don't like cussing. That is their choice, and they can choose not to read it. There are many though who need this place to be an outlet for all the emotional trauma you go thru when you leave. And for many of us, that includes the colorful words from time to time as well.

    Why is it so bad to want to talk about things that we never could before, but we need to "be careful" just because there may be dubs lurking? Isn't the whole point of a forum to be able to discuss, talk it out, think, read, disagree etc.? Am I wrong in thinking that's what it's for?

    I don't mean to be disrespectful of all the hard work you do to keep a wonderful and informative board open for us. But, why is it so easy to fall back on "for the dubs"? I do not think that some of the shock posts are "beneficial", so to speak, but the people who post some of those obviously need a place to let it out.

    IMHO, if any dubs come here and are offended, that's because they are jw's--not because we are "apostates"--and because they may not be ready anyway. And they still have the option to CHOOSE to read what they want, just like a tv show, a movie, a book, music, just like they chose to come to this board. One of the biggest lessons we all learned from quitting the borg was that our life is OUR CHOICE. And that same lesson will be for any and all other dubs who CHOOSE to come here.

    That said, I think that everyone here would disagree on exactly what should be allowed and what shouldn't. I wasn't even offended by KJV's post--it was pretty graphic and disgusting, but I CHOSE to read it. I think we should be able to choose what we want to read, even here. And to the fluff posters who try to interupt good subject lines, guess what--we can ignore them. I just sincerely hope this place doesn't turn out to be something that's a "front" for the jw's--I thought it was for us. I DO NOT want to offend anyone; however, jw's will always be offended, because we are "apostates", and because they are told to think that way.


  • Simon

    Ok, I;ll try and explain things better:

    If we can't come here and be honest with who we are right now in life, then what exactly is this forum for? If it's for having a white-washed appearance for the dubs, then why have specific sections for Adult, Sex, Disagreements etc.? You yourself said that "it isn't wanted even in the adult section". Then what exactly are they for? Biblical approved discussions of sex?

    No, I am not advocating putting up any kind of appearance to deceive people - I just want the place to be welcoming and accessible to everyone who visits including my relatives, minors etc... as far as possible. The adult area are for discussions that are likely to be of an adult oriented nature such as discussions concerning sex. However, 'sex' is different to 'porn'.

    And what exactly qualifies as smut? Why would it be ok for you to start a thread like the 9" one (knowing how people would think), but it not be ok for someone else to post a nasty post regarding something THEY may need to talk about? I'm sure that your post, as well as other not as explicit posts, was just as offensive to some. There are many here who have expressed that they don't want to talk or read about sexual subjects, and who don't like cussing. That is their choice, and they can choose not to read it. There are many though who need this place to be an outlet for all the emotional trauma you go thru when you leave. And for many of us, that includes the colorful words from time to time as well.

    I disagree. There is a world of difference between a bit of humourous innuendo and graphic, obscene, descriptions. How do you decide that you don't want to read something? You have to read it first before you know what it says! I agree that people will use colorful lanuage from time to time - what I don't want is to have to read it in every other post.

    Why is it so bad to want to talk about things that we never could before, but we need to "be careful" just because there may be dubs lurking? Isn't the whole point of a forum to be able to discuss, talk it out, think, read, disagree etc.? Am I wrong in thinking that's what it's for?

    Yes, read, discuss, debate. Posting pornographic images, obscene or explicit descriptions and swearing is none of these things!

    I don't mean to be disrespectful of all the hard work you do to keep a wonderful and informative board open for us. But, why is it so easy to fall back on "for the dubs"? I do not think that some of the shock posts are "beneficial", so to speak, but the people who post some of those obviously need a place to let it out.

    Yes, sometimes the shocking things are beneficial but I think it's shocking 'information' such as the UN thing, dateline etc.. that helps, not shocking text and images. How would reading a graphic description of oral sex help someone??

    IMHO, if any dubs come here and are offended, that's because they are jw's--not because we are "apostates"--and because they may not be ready anyway. And they still have the option to CHOOSE to read what they want, just like a tv show, a movie, a book, music, just like they chose to come to this board. One of the biggest lessons we all learned from quitting the borg was that our life is OUR CHOICE. And that same lesson will be for any and all other dubs who CHOOSE to come here.

    I myself have been offended by some of the things posted. It is not about being dubs or not being dubs or proving how 'free' we are by posting anything we fancy. It is about basic common sense and communicating in an adult way.

    That said, I think that everyone here would disagree on exactly what should be allowed and what shouldn't. I wasn't even offended by KJV's post--it was pretty graphic and disgusting, but I CHOSE to read it. I think we should be able to choose what we want to read, even here. And to the fluff posters who try to interupt good subject lines, guess what--we can ignore them. I just sincerely hope this place doesn't turn out to be something that's a "front" for the jw's--I thought it was for us. I DO NOT want to offend anyone; however, jw's will always be offended, because we are "apostates", and because they are told to think that way.

    That is my point. You can choose what you want to read on the internet and if that's what you want to see then there are plenty of places you can get your 'jollies'. However, I and others may choose not to want to read stuff like that and while you suggest we just 'ignore them' if we don't want to read it this is not actually possible in reality.

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