Sentinel Wrote: <I judge no one and am totally open minded to all honest expressions. >
Hi Sentinel,
I tried to be open and non-judgmental at one point. Now I have happily abandoned those.
Now, I judge others every day. I judge them by the way they treat me and by how they treat people who are important to me.
When a member of a high control group shuns or snubs me or someone important to me, I convict them and sentence them to their own behaviors.
I am skeptical of all claims of a supernatural nature and demand extraordinary proof for all extraordinary claims. Honest expressions mean nothing to me and I only respond to objective reality. I hold nothing sacred and submit to no power over me. People who try to control me are fools and are doomed.
Outside of that, we have lots in common. :-)
Welcome and thanks for being here.
The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm