First of all welcome sweatpea,sentinal,giantjason I'm kinda new also but having been DF'D since 1990 I can say that it's a continual process there will be issue's that will come up in life that will trigger your past thoughts or emotions.It's something that I can relate to growing up in that kind of enviroment,hang tuff,don't let the hard stuff get you down,your included in this as well sweatpea and giantjason.
Finding out Who you really are
by Sentinel 32 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow double post,that's a first,oops.
I commend you for the progress you have been able to make.
There are many things that shape us as individuals. Our home invironment, our "cognition" of the world around us during our shaping years.
Whether we lived in a big city or a small town, the generics of location within the world bare a very strong influence as to what happened within the "congregations".
Although I lived in a smaller community at the time of my initial experiences with the JW org, I was privy to attend large conventions in NY. I also visited friends in Baltimore, Washington, and VA area. Yes, there is a vast difference as to how everything is handled. The meetings are straight forward, as dictated by guidlines from the org, but when it would come to handling problems within the congregation, some were v e r y linient and understanding, others were cruel and harsh. In some congregations, teens were roped in and quartered like dangerous animals. In other places, they had fun things to do as groups and were the center of activity--they were accepted and respected in their own right of passage. It wasn't that way in my old congregation...
I've never been to CA, yet, but will probably get an opportunity to go there in the next couple of years as my brother and his family are relocating there. Considering the we have the Michael Jackson family out there, as well as other celebrities, who are in and out, etc., you can only imagine what differences exist in those congregations!
It is always good to try to get a well rounded perspective--and then of course, STILL GET OUT!
Have a Great Day!