Any further contact with YouKnow is feeding a troll who claims victory only in his own mind.
How about it Robert King?
Ive addressed you on THREE seperate threads attempting to get you to answer very simple questions concerning WT doctrine, and direct quotes taken from your own mouth.
ON EVERY THREAD you ignore them, and instead you resort to name calling and FALSE accusations:
Then after that you claim victory? Your a fucking idiot.
Whats even funnier is you reference the:
side-step shimie
You have mastered that song and dance well. You have YET to address issues at hand I raised weeks ago, instead you retort to name-calling and accusations.. then in your own twisted mind you claim victory. Your truly pathetic.
It has taken me this long to realize it, but the only reason I bother to respond to your posts is to show any anonymous lurkers what the JW's and fanatics such as you are all about.
I see now that you are not interested in debate, if you were, you would answer very simple questions, and stop evading me. Dont you think thats quite obvious to the board by now that you run like a little coward whenever you have no legitimate rebuttal? Dubla has demonstrated that, I have demonstrated that, as have countless others.
You relish the attention Robert. You dont get attention anywhere else but on an Internet board. Typing into the computer and convincing yourself that your intellectually superior to other people youve never met is the only gratification you get in life.
While it is blatantly obvious to everyone else who reads these threads that you are a fucking idiot, you have convinced yourself otherwise.
You wont respond to my inquiries, because you cant. You will sit and sing a song and dance all day long that I am a "thug" or "goon" or I have somehow "forfeited my right to a response" but the fact remains you have NOT given ANY type of legitimate reply.
You sit and insult people and are condescending in every thread you comment on. Yet when someone else clearly has proven over and over that you are a HYPOCRITE and LIAR and support a FALSE religion... you IGNORE the facts, call people names like a 4 yr old child, and start a whole new thread thinking that people will forget the old one. Worse yet after being bested by quotes taken from your religions literature and from your own mouth, you IGNORE the FACTS and then claim victory.
Do you truly see how SAD you ARE Robert King?
Anyway, you will not respond to this post, and if you do, you will just call me a "goon" or "thug"
The facts prove otherwise.