Yet, now, I respectfully presented a very simple and challenge that not one person has been able to answer in any satisfying way.
That is simply not true. Perhaps it would help if you actually READ some of the replies.
The point you are raising a non-issue. Nobody disputes that events happening today are unique. What we dispute is the special significance you place on these events. (hypothetical events at that - the fact is we have NOT had a finincial collapse and we have NOT had a nuclear conflict. (excluding ww2))
Your original argument was meant to counter the assertion that we are not living in the end times because we have always had wars, famines, disease, earthquakes etc.
It is indisputable that famines and disease played a more important role in most people's lives than they do today. It is a unique feature of our times that the impact of these 'signs' is much reduced.
There is no evidence that earthquakes have increased in our time. In fact, siesmologists suspect that they have actually decreased.
War is your trump card. WW2 was the most devastating war ever. But ONE war does not make a pattern. WW1 wasn't the most destructive war before that either. The Tiaping rebellion in 1873 cost 20-30 million lives; twice the casualty figure of WW1! But perhaps Chinese lives don't count eh? After all most of 'em aren't Christians.
As the Society is keen to point out, the signs of the end are COMPOSITE, that is they all must be happening concurrently to be the sign of the end. (This is without going into the alternative interpretation of scripture that Jesus was saying these things aren't a part of the sign anyway- 'do not be misled' etc)
You are guilty of unwarranted speculation, going beyond what is written and thus have become a false prophet.
You have steadfastly ignored answering the various posters that have answered your challenge except with snide comments without substance.
You are an empty vessel.