by You Know 104 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dmouse
    Yet, now, I respectfully presented a very simple and challenge that not one person has been able to answer in any satisfying way.

    That is simply not true. Perhaps it would help if you actually READ some of the replies.

    The point you are raising a non-issue. Nobody disputes that events happening today are unique. What we dispute is the special significance you place on these events. (hypothetical events at that - the fact is we have NOT had a finincial collapse and we have NOT had a nuclear conflict. (excluding ww2))

    Your original argument was meant to counter the assertion that we are not living in the end times because we have always had wars, famines, disease, earthquakes etc.

    It is indisputable that famines and disease played a more important role in most people's lives than they do today. It is a unique feature of our times that the impact of these 'signs' is much reduced.

    There is no evidence that earthquakes have increased in our time. In fact, siesmologists suspect that they have actually decreased.

    War is your trump card. WW2 was the most devastating war ever. But ONE war does not make a pattern. WW1 wasn't the most destructive war before that either. The Tiaping rebellion in 1873 cost 20-30 million lives; twice the casualty figure of WW1! But perhaps Chinese lives don't count eh? After all most of 'em aren't Christians.

    As the Society is keen to point out, the signs of the end are COMPOSITE, that is they all must be happening concurrently to be the sign of the end. (This is without going into the alternative interpretation of scripture that Jesus was saying these things aren't a part of the sign anyway- 'do not be misled' etc)

    You are guilty of unwarranted speculation, going beyond what is written and thus have become a false prophet.

    You have steadfastly ignored answering the various posters that have answered your challenge except with snide comments without substance.

    You are an empty vessel.

  • Reborn2002

    dmouse said:

    You are guilty of unwarranted speculation, going beyond what is written and have thus become a false prophet.

    You have steadfastly ignored answering the various posters that have answered your challenge except with snide comments without substance.

    Well spoken dmouse, and indisputable.

    YouKnow said:

    I am merely one, of perhaps a couple Jehovah's Witnesses, who choose to defend their faith on this board.

    May I direct your attention to this thread, wherein YouKnow admits a faithful Jehovah's Witness would be submissive to doctrine as currently interpretated by the WTBTS, and WOULD NOT SPECULATE on their OWN. To compound upon that YouKnow is WILLINGLY and PURPOSELY associated with KNOWN DF and DA ones. He is willingly going against what the WTS teaches. He is taught to stop "mixing in company" with them, yet he posts on this website daily. You are a walking contradiction Robert.

  • seven006

    Bobby boy,

    You want an answer? Here is an answer.

    There is absolutely nothing anyone on this board can say to you contrary to your own thoughts that you would ever admit is correct or accept as the truth.

    Anyone who tries to quote scriptures or present facts to you in contrast to your preconceived thoughts is completely wasting their time.

    You are so incredibly egotistical and self absorbed you persist in posting on this board even after you have been warned personally by those in Bethel to stop and you know what I am talking about.

    You are a very mentally ill individual who's only concern in life is to listen to your own voice and read your own words.

    You are a very lonely and rejected person who will do anything for attention.

    We are, in your mind, the replacement for your mother who never loved you.

    Buy a puppy Bob.


  • You Know
    You Know

    Dannybear writes

    Ever heard of the 'black plague' ? Millions died. How about 'polio'. Millions affected. World War's I,2. Millions died. Famines, earthquakes, plagues, ffloods, are all UNIQUE to those witnessesing them.

    Yes, of course I have heard of the Black Death and WWI & WWII. I mentioned them in my post. Didn't you read what I wrote? I didn't say that the present crisis is unique to the exclusion of all others. You and others have missed the point entirely. I explained what makes the present crisis unique in regards to the potential it possesses to fulfill an aspect of Christ's prophecy. That's the point that is entirely lost upon you all, and apparently no one has the intelligence to grasp the concept put forth. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    dmouse writes:

    The point you are raising a non-issue.

    Says who? I made it an issue. Just because you can't answer the challenge doesn't make it a non-issue. That's just plain silly.

    Nobody disputes that events happening today are unique. What we dispute is the special significance you place on these events.

    Correct. None of you can intelligently explain why the present crisis is NOT significant, other than the fact that you don't want it to be. Again, mere silliness.

    Your original argument was meant to counter the assertion that we are not living in the end times because we have always had wars, famines, disease, earthquakes etc.

    False. When did I say that?

    There is no evidence that earthquakes have increased in our time. In fact, siesmologists suspect that they have actually decreased.

    Red herring. You aren't even close to grasping the point of my post.

    War is your trump card. WW2 was the most devastating war ever. But ONE war does not make a pattern. WW1 wasn't the most destructive war before that either.

    Did I say WWII makes the present crisis unique. You are not just out in left field, you are in the bleachers man.

    As the Society is keen to point out, the signs of the end are COMPOSITE, that is they all must be happening concurrently to be the sign of the end.

    Well, it won't be clear exactly how that prophecy fits together until the tribulation commences, because as Jesus said, "When you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors," all these thing would include events of the tribulation, which hasn't occurred yet.

    You are guilty of unwarranted speculation, going beyond what is written and thus have become a false prophet.

    I am not speculating. I laid out how the present crisis has the unique potential, like no other, to fulfill Christ's prophecy. The fact that not on of the apostates has an answer to the challenge proves its relevance. Besides, according to apostates, the Watchtower is the false prophet, why should I be bound by them? Let's face it, you don't want to think about things that might lead you to feel uncomfortable about the bad decisions you have made.

    You have steadfastly ignored answering the various posters that have answered your challenge except with snide comments without substance.

    I have ignored posters that posted irrelevant nonsense. Show me one posters that answered my challenge that I haven't already addressed. / You Know

  • mindfield

    Of course we can't grasp it, you moron. We're all idiots, remember? Of course you do. Why should anyone even attempt giving you a logical and coherent answer when the answer from you will always be: "You're an idiot" or some other nonsense. If you're expecting a response that will meet your demands, go on JWZone.com or some other board that takes pride in having no freedom of thought or speech. I'm sure they'll appreciate your verbal masturbation and your nonsensical thoughts.

    Talking to you is the equivalent of kissing a trash can. Your heart might be in it, and you may even have strong emotions, but when you're done, you're left feeling dirty. And then, you suddenly realize, it was all useless. Why kiss a trash can, when you know you won't be accomplishing anything? Heck, I know I feel dirty right now. It would surprise me if you didn't write some stupid comment about me being an idiot, a "buffon" (that was a classic), or better yet, a goon or a bully. Hide behind your childish names all you want. None of us really give a damn what you think about us, since we know that you're just an apostate in denial. You're what a philosopher would call, "a double ignorant". You deny that you don't know. Some of us here are "simple ignorants". We know that we don't know everything. Which is more than we can say about you.

    Looking forward to your next verbal ejaculation. They always go out with a bang, don't they?

    Edited by - mindfield on 14 June 2002 11:48:52

  • seven006


    It has finally sunk in, you have been right all this time. I can see it now. The end is right around the corner.

    I want back in, I want to be a JW again, can you help me? What should I do?

    You are right about all of this and we are too stupid to see the light. I think that you have just convinced all of us that you have always been right.


    Come on guys, everyone that has ever read Bob's posts has to see he is right.

    Fill this thread with your posts of acceptance to Bob's words!

    If you want to be saved from Armageddon just say "I Agree with Bob!"

    Praise Jah! Praise Bob!

    Come on guys, feel the love, join us!!!!!!! ( I think I hear angels singing)

  • You Know
    You Know

    Looks like we have some late entrant, and yes, yes, doing jumping jacks while hopping on a pogo stick is quite a feat, but the dance competition is over. LOL / You Know

  • mindfield


    Too bad we won't be able to go back to the JW's if we have YK's mindset. I think they have enough of one crackpot, let alone a whole group of 'em.

    Ah hell, why not? *eyes glaze over* "I love Jehovah. I love Jehovah. The end is near. The end is near..."

  • mindfield

    Obviously, though, none of you have an answer, only bluster.

    Right back at you.

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