by You Know 104 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • toddy

    A little joke for You Know

    A man arrives at the gates of heaven. The Archangel asks, "Religion?"
    The man says, "Methodist."
    The Archangel looks down his list, and says, "Go to room 24, but be very quiet as you pass room 8."
    Another man arrives at the gates of heaven. "Religion?"
    "Go to room 18, but be very quiet as you pass room 8."
    A third man arrives at the gates. "Religion?"
    "Go to room 11, but be very quiet as you pass room 8."
    The man says, "I can understand there being different rooms for different religions, but why must I be quiet when I pass room 8?"
    The Archangel tells him, "Well, the Jehovah's Witnesses are in room 8, and they think they're the only ones here."

  • seven006

    Alan F,

    Remember last summer when I gave you the lecture about how you say things to morons? Well, forget what I said, you were the one that was right. Sometimes you just need to call an asshole an asshole.

    See ya soon.


  • You Know
    You Know


    My loving family was willing to let my mom die five years ago when she was in the hospital.

    Whatever the case, I really have no interest in your personal affairs.

    You say you loath Simon but you run to him for protection if someone decides not to play your game by your rules.

    You are a lying. When did I say I loathed Simon? I said I "loathed apostates as a group." That should be obvious, just as apostates loath us. Let's face it, we are enemies, why deny it? It's nothing personal. You might be a great guy, I don't know, it doesn't matter. But, for Jehovah's people to loath apostates doesn't mean we are going to try and harm you in any way. Here is where we fight our war with words. Debating can be a beautiful thing . And by the way, that's nothing you won't find in Scripture. For example, the Psalm says: Do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you?

    Every time you call us morons, idiots, delusional or any other soft porn expletive you are saying that to Simon.

    Huh? Now that is moronic. (YK slowly shaking head incredulously)

    You are so wrapped up in yourself and your loathing of exJW's you forget that the one you run to protect your rights is also one of us that you ridicule and condemn. Your sucking up to Simon like you are his best buddy right after you say you loath him is pathetic and twisted.

    You are being ridiculous, I am not sucking up to anyone. Simon and I have never even engaged in any sort of discussion that I can recall. I merely asked Simon to not let some prankster sabotage my post by downloading obscenities on a sound file. He agreed that that wasn't the direction that he wanted the forum to take. Apparently, though you do. Maybe you should go start your own forum or porn site or whatever?LOL

    Don't tell me or anyone else you "can take it." Every time you get nailed and exposed you clam up like the coward that you are and disappear for a while until you need to come back and pad your time slip.

    Nailed? Exposed? If that were really true you wouldn't be raving like you are. What really infuriates you is that I have answered the challengers and stepped over every trap the apostates have laid for me, and most people know that. Besides, I don't have to make an accounting of my comings and goings on this board to you or anyone else. I post when I want, and I take my leave when I please, the same as everybody else. It has nothing to do with anything you or anyone else may say or do. Apparently, you are one of many posters who are obsessed with a sort of "Get You Know" type of madness, so that you watch my every coming and going like some stalker waiting to pounce.

    You couldn't care less who listens to you as long as you can keep your lazy ass at home and count your hours condemning us all.

    More raving nonsense. I have several real friendships that I maintain through email from people who enjoy reading my posts and find them faith-strengthening and encouraging. And, again, I have never counted the time I've spent on this board as field service time. You have no basis to say that other then taking the liberty to fabricate out of thin air another lie.

    You have searched out an underaged girl on this board and picked her as the only one you have ever posted your e-mail address to and asked her to e-mail you.

    More blantant lies and slander. Bitter Mango asked me for my email address a few months back and I gave it to her---simple as that. I didn't seek her out. You merely siezed the opportunity to slander me and I let you do it, but now I am setting the record straight and calling you a liar. Besides, who I give out my email address to is none of your business, is it? I can't see how it can be..

    If we came here and said things like we hope you die and that someone comes into your house and kills you and your loved ones, you would go crazy and scream foul. But, you do it to us every time you post.

    I'd say you are in the process of losing touch with reality and could probably use a fair bit of psychiatric treatment. But, the most practical and loving advice I can give you though, is, that since my posts obviously greatly disturb you, and without a doubt talk of nuclear holocausts and such can disturb children and even some adults, and since no one forces you to read them, that the simplest solution to solve your upset condition is to just stop reading my posts. Like Jesus advised Paul, to stop kick against the goads because it only makes it painful for you. / You Know

  • Grout

    Same planet, different worlds.

    Edited by - grout on 13 June 2002 17:47:23

  • Bleep

    Why does everyone thing I cut and paste? Maybe I have a good memory. There are people out there who can type real good and have a photographic memory. A typical Vet responce I am sure. Just keep on scrolling to the next post ok?

  • Grout


    Why does everyone thing I cut and paste?

    Because you do?

    Just a guess.

  • joelbear

    I do not loathe you YK. So the loathing here is a one way street.

    You anger me with the blithe way you treat this serious subject. But that doesn't mean I loathe you. I doubt seriously that very many people here loathe you.

    I also doubt that most people here loathe Jehovah's Witnesses as a group. We have come to disagee with their teachings and the way their organization handles matters, but again, that doesn't mean we loathe JW's, even as a group. Some may, I do not.

    That's a major difference between you and me YK. My philosophy of life does not require that I loathe you or anybody. My philosophy of life only insists that I do the best I can to help people live happier lives.

    Obviously, I think my philosophy is better.

    My philosophy does not lead me to call people names, laugh at loud at them, or in any way try to diminish them or their feelings. When I disagree with them, I point out my side of the argument. It is up to them to decide what to do with my and any information they see.


  • Bleep

    Here is my view on the present crisis and why it is not unique.

    Terrorism-What Is Behind It and Why?

    "LONDON, April 17-Machine-gun fire from the Libyan Embassy raked a crowd today during a protest against the Government of Muammar el-Qaddafi, killing a police officer and wounding 10 people."-The New York Times.

    "In plain view, the gunmen inside fired from an open window, riddling the demonstrators with automatic gunfire . . . The unarmed policewoman was shot in the back. . . . Ten days after this barbaric incident, the British government provided the killers, along with their murder weapons, with safe passage out of the country."-Terrorism-How the West Can Win.

    As embassy staff, the gunmen were granted diplomatic immunity.

    WHY do people and groups resort to terrorism? Who are the main targets? What does terrorism accomplish?

    One point of view is that terrorism is a symptom that can indicate a variety of racial, social, and political injustices. Catholic priest and theologian James T. Burtchaell stated: "Some terrorism is perpetrated by an ethnic and/or religious (and usually economic) minority that demands self-governance: Basques in Spain, Catholics in Ulster, Huks in the Philippines. . . . Some is undertaken by governments threatened by majority dissent . . . Some is the venture of a national minority that aspires to control the government."

    But is it just minority groups that resort to terrorism? Burtchaell continues: "Some terrorism is sponsored by governments to discredit, destabilize, and displace the government of another, uncooperative nation."-Fighting Back.

    According to other commentators, the motives behind terrorism can be interpreted differently, depending on the observer's political sympathies. Some argue that when injustices are committed and the people have no legal redress, terror becomes their only answer. Others see in terrorism a strategy against Western democracies, inspired and manipulated by the opposing political ideology. Let us examine some of the facts and opinions about this complex problem.

    Why the Terror in Northern Ireland?

    According to the writers of Northern Ireland-The Divided Province, British Protestants, many from Scotland, were transplanted onto Irish Catholic soil over 350 years ago, which created a clash of cultures and later led to competition for jobs. That book states: "The Protestants of Northern Ireland mostly arrived during the 17th century in a process begun in 1607 and known as the 'plantation' of Ulster. This at last established firm English rule upon the whole island of Ireland." This English rule has been the basis for bitterness and violence for centuries.

    The Catholic Irish Free State (Eire) was formed in 1921, and the six mainly Protestant counties in the northeast were left as a separate entity, forming Northern Ireland. From the Irish nationalist viewpoint, this act dismembered Ireland. Ever since then, the illegal IRA (Irish Republican Army) has continued its fight to reunite Ireland-which the Protestants strongly resist. Why? Because they refuse to come under what they perceive to be 'Catholic Papist rule' in Dublin.

    The Protestant viewpoint is summed up in the words of The New York Times regarding the recent vote in Ireland to keep a ban on divorce, which was upheld by a 3 to 2 margin: "Politicians in Northern Ireland who oppose any ties with the republic were among the first to denounce the vote as a measure of the 'stranglehold' of the Roman Catholic Church on the Irish Republic."

    The IRA is presently divided into two factions-the Officials and the Provisionals (Provos). According to professor of history Thomas E. Hachey, "the IRA Officials are committed to an all-Ireland, thirty-two-county socialist republic. . . . The Provos advocate a federal solution and a federal constitution for Ireland." (The Rationalization of Terrorism) How seriously the latter feel about their aims was illustrated in 1984 when the Provos left a time bomb in a Brighton hotel, nearly killing British Prime Minister Thatcher and her cabinet.

    In spite of religious, political, and ethnic factors, some questions remain: Are there any deeper motives behind terrorism? To what extent are the great powers involved?

    The Motives Behind Terrorism

    Most of the Arab terrorist groups justify their actions by pointing to the plight of the Palestinian refugees who lost their homeland, Palestine, when the nation of Israel was formed in 1948. Over the decades, feelings have run so high that now the Arab terrorists' aim is not just a separate homeland but something more sinister to Jews-the annihilation of Israel. How is this known?

    The following quotation is taken from the "Open Letter" of Hizballah ("Party of God"), a Shi'ite group operating in the Middle East.

    "Our sons are now in a state of ever-escalating confrontation against these enemies [Israel, United States, France, and the (Lebanese) Phalange] until the following objectives are achieved:

    "Israel's final departure from Lebanon as a prelude to its final obliteration from existence and the liberation of venerable Jerusalem from the talons of occupation."-Hydra of Carnage.

    On the other hand, many terrorist acts have been perpetrated by "martyrs" under the influence of Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini and his philosophy, expressed in these words quoted from the book Sacred Rage: "The governments of the world should know that Islam cannot be defeated. Islam will be victorious in all the countries of the world, and Islam and the teachings of the Koran will prevail all over the world."

    This perspective leads to his further conclusion: "We have in reality, then, no choice but to destroy those systems of government that are corrupt in themselves . . . and to overthrow all treacherous, corrupt, oppressive and criminal regimes. This is the duty that all Muslims must fulfill."

    The driving force behind other terrorists is revolutionary socialism and the overthrow of capitalism. Writer Jan Schreiber states in his book The Ultimate Weapon-Terrorists and World Order: "In general the capacity to exploit is equated with capitalism, and capitalism, whether or not tempered by democracy, is equated with fascism." As a Japanese supporter of terrorism expressed it: "What we will never accept in this world is the fact, brought about by capitalism, of people exploiting other people. And this is our motive for being willing to fight."

    However, others see terrorists in a different light. Israeli ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu writes: "Terrorism is not an automatic result of anything. It is a choice, an evil choice." He reasons: "The root cause of terrorism lies not in grievances but in a disposition toward unbridled violence. This can be traced to a world view which asserts that certain ideological and religious goals justify, indeed demand, the shedding of all moral inhibitions."-Terrorism-How the West Can Win.

    But why has our modern society suddenly become the victim of terrorism?

    A Vulnerable Society

    Neil Livingstone, a U.S. expert on terrorism, writes: "As our world has become ever more urban and complex, we have correspondingly become ever more vulnerable to the designs of small groups, or even single individuals, bent on disrupting the lives of or inflicting their will on, the majority." Why is our society so vulnerable to terrorist activity? "Our slender lifelines of water, energy, transportation, communication, and sanitation are all at the mercy of sophisticated terrorists and saboteurs."-Hydra of Carnage.

    Because of the fragility of our life-support systems, one terrorist can exercise the power of an army of ancient times. Livingstone adds: "As a result of technological advances . . . one man can command more killing technology than ever before. One individual in the age of technology is potentially the equal of an army [of the age] when the chief weapons of war were the sword, the bow, and the spear. This is one of the chief reasons why terrorists represent such a threat to the contemporary world."

    Another vulnerable point in modern society is the instant impact of news events. Television multiplies the power of terrorism. The terrorist wants international publicity for his cause-and thanks to the media, he gets it!

    Only about a century ago, it took days for news to travel around the world. Now news is instantaneous. In some cases the terrorist can actually see himself enacting his role on TV. Often he knows what the other side is doing while he continues to play his cards close to his chest. Jan Schreiber goes so far as to say that "the drive to seize public attention" has been "the most consistently successful terrorist ploy."

    But are there any other reasons why terrorism continues to prosper?

    Terrorism and Two Opposing Ideologies

    Offering no hope for the future, two consultants on terrorism write: "Terrorism will not disappear. Small, weak states have discovered that it can greatly increase their political clout, and plagued as they are by resource shortages, they are not likely to abandon terrorism as a political and military tool." At the same time, they add, some major powers see advantages in waging surrogate warfare through terrorism. "Larger, stronger states, by contrast, have discovered that terrorist proxies can help them achieve their national objectives without the risk attendant to other forms of warfare."-Fighting Back.

    If the stronger states have discovered that terrorism can help them achieve their aims, could this account for some, or a major part, of world terrorism? Jan Schreiber writes: "Disclosures in the mid-seventies confirmed what dispassionate observers had long known without proof; that the two dominant ideologies of the world had employed, and would likely continue to employ, all means, fair and foul, to confound their enemies and gain, or retain, supremacy."

    This clash of ideologies is implicit in a speech by Soviet leader Gorbachev when he said: "It must be crystal clear that international relations can be channeled toward normal cooperation only if the imperialists abandon their attempts to solve the historical argument between the two social systems by military means."-A Time for Peace.

    Others also recognize this international "chess game" between the two major powers. For example, Robin Wright states in her book Sacred Rage: "Muslim militants also feel the United States has looked at the Middle East primarily as an area for rivalry with the Soviet Union, virtually ignoring the powerful local forces at play. In a bipolar world, the U.S. has not been sensitive to the frustrated calls for recognition of the emerging Third World." Apparently, some smaller nations see themselves being used as pawns in the clash of ideologies.

    Western experts view much of terrorism as another weapon being used to destabilize the capitalist system. Ambassador Robert B. Oakley, a U.S. expert on counterterrorism, stated: "Left unchallenged, the rise of terrorism will undermine the system of political, economic, and military relationships which the United States and its allies have come to rely upon to preserve, protect, and promote their national and mutual interests . . . During the years ahead, we must be prepared for continued serious threats from international terrorism . . . much of it supported or encouraged by a handful of ruthless governments."

    U.S. ambassador Robert M. Sayre expressed his opinion more directly: "Terrorism is politically motivated and is planned and organized. . . . Most of it is carried out by states and groups of Marxist-Leninist persuasion, and the Soviet Union and its Eastern-bloc partners lend support and comfort to them."-Department of State Bulletin.

    Terrorism and Bible Prophecy

    Why is the clash between the two great powers, with terrorism as a tool, of special interest to Bible students? Because of a significant prophecy found in the Bible book of Daniel, chapter 11. This prophecy describes an ongoing conflict between two great powers, "the king of the north" and "the king of the south." "The king of the north" is identified as being atheistic, having rejected "the God of his fathers." (Daniel 11:37) He magnifies himself and gives glory to the god of fortresses, or armaments. He acts effectively against fortified strongholds and establishes his world position. (Daniel 11:38, 39) Does "the king of the south" stand idle while his opponent expands?

    The ominous prophecy states: "And in the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through." (Daniel 11:40) Logically, terrorism under its different guises is now being used by both kings in their struggle for world dominance. Daniel's words indicate that there will be competitive coexistence between the two leading world powers until God brings an end to their rivalry at his war of Armageddon.-Revelation 16:14-16.

    The questions remain: Can man alone end the scourge of terrorism? If so, how and when? If not, why not?

  • seven006

    <<<You are a lying. When did I say I loathed Simon? I said I "loathed apostates as a group." >>>

    What do you consider Simon? A JW with doubts? He owns and runs the biggest Apostate board in cyberspace and you would have to be a complete idiot not to consider him an apostate whom you say you loath! You twist and manipulate to cover your ass and you know it. Just because you do not recognize something in your twisted and locked down mind does not mean it is not a reality. When you put us down as you do continually you put Simon, his wife and his kids in the category of evil and corrupt. You continually blanket us all together as one evil group of people out to get your beloved cult.

    Try denying that one Bobby. Now who's the liar?

    I do not loath you or any other JW, you simply make me sick with your close minded following of a mythical god of killing and perversion who is represented by your cult. You are not my enemy Bob, I simply don't like you. The whole big wide world isn't at war with you Bob. Most of us quit playing army man when we were little kids, but, you can keep playing it if you like Bob.

    <<< But, for Jehovah's people to loath apostates doesn't mean we are going to try and harm you in any way>>>

    You are not going to harm us in any way? Who the hell do you think you are kidding? Iv seen my mom 4 times in 18 years! That's not harming someone? You are so incredibly stupefied by your cult you wouldn't know pain from a popsicle you idiot. You blindly walk through life believing all the bullshit you spew. Just because you do not accept reality and what is true doesn't mean it is not. You are a cult worshiper and the personification of evil.

    <<<You are being ridiculous, I am not sucking up to anyone.>>>

    Simon is the only one on this board you do suck up to because you want to stay on his good side so you can keep turning in your hours for jerking us all off with your sermons. If he did not own this board and was just another exJW posting here you would have absolutely no regard for him at all and you are a liar if you say any different. You complain about someone sabotaging your post? Does that ruin you little plan Bobby? Does that take you out of your little routine of posting and then side stepping responses? Does that make it harder to keep your little game going and your hours turned in?

    <<< What really infuriates you is that I have answered the challengers and stepped over every trap the apostates have laid for me, and most people know that.>>>

    Who the hell is "most people" Bobby? Do you have a little village of idiots living in your head? Try reading 99% of the people who post to you and ask you time and time again to respond to the biblical things they nail you with. This shows your delusion Bob. There is not one person who has ever read a thread you have posted on who has not seen you play the run a hide game when you are pinned against a wall. You do it each and every time you start a thread. The only one who sees you as coming out on top is you! You are oblivious to what everyone else sees because you are completely psychotic. You can care less what they say as long as you can turn a time slip in for having the conversation with them.

    <<< Apparently, you are one of many posters who are obsessed with a sort of "Get You Know" type of madness, so that you watch my every coming and going like some stalker waiting to pounce.>>>

    There you go with that poor victim Bobby thing again. Everyone is against you, but you are of course not paranoid at all are ya Bob? If anyone is obsessed its a nut ball that comes into a DB filled with those who he absolutely knows has opposite views as himself and continues to post his crap. You are obsessed with telling us how your loving god is going to kill us all. You do it against the direction of your cult leaders and against all sense of reasoning. I do not go to a JW board and preach to them. I am not obsessed with writing long sermons to those who I know will not agree with me or see things my way. You are the one who is obsessed little man. You are the one who ignores all reason and logic to continue your street corner doomsday preaching insanity. You are the one who can only see yourself and what you say as your own little reality.

    All I am doing is joining in the fun exposing you for the obsessed nut ball that you are. Shall we take a little vote here and see who on this board thinks is right, you or me? Do you want to really see what those who you refer to as "most people" really think of you? That should be a real eye opener for anyone who is not completely delusional. As usual you wouldn't believe the results. You would continue on with your delusions and obsession completely oblivious to any reality in front of your face.

    <<<More raving nonsense. I have several real friendships that I maintain through email from people who enjoy reading my posts and find them faith-strengthening and encouraging.>>>

    No shit Bob? Do you mean people on this board read your posts and then god telepathically sends them your e-mail address that you have locked on this board so they can tell you how great you are? Is that how it happens Bobby? Your email is locked, how is it they read your stuff and then e-mail you?

    Do you have powers you are not telling us about Bob?

    <<< And, again, I have never counted the time I've spent on this board as field service time. You have no basis to say that other then taking the liberty to fabricate out of thin air another lie. >>>

    Who are you expecting to believe this besides you Bobby? Do you think just because you say you do not turn in your time for the preaching you do here we are automatically going to believe you? You have lied countless times on this board and you know it. You are the most unethical and hypocritical person ever to post here. Your simple existence on this board is proof that you are unethical and hypocritical. Do the JW leaders warn all other JW's to stay off apostate boards except you? Are you a special JW that all 6 million JW's know about who has a special pass to post here? Or, is this where you flop sides again and say you follow gods laws instead of mans law again? You defend the JW leaders and their cult until it conflicts with your personal agenda and then they are all dog meat and unworthy of your conformity. You are so damned delusional you turn your back on your own cult to fit you little fantasy world.

    You lie about your allegiance to your cult and then you lie to us about turning in your time for your preaching here. Here is a clue Bobby, we are not brain dead JW's who will believe anything a self proclaim anointed god whore like you says. In simpler terms that you may or may not understand, we are not stupid Bob! You are so into Bob you wouldn't waist your time here unless you were counting your time. You are a liar, a hypocrite, and a fraud!

    I read the whole thread were you gave Bitter Mango your email address Bobby. It has been a while but as I recall I did not see her ask for your e-mail address anywhere. If I am wrong she will correct me. I might be wrong in my conclusion because I'm sure as she is one of the people who quotes many scriptures back and forth with you, your interest with her was simply to explain some biblical question she had. You do that for so many of us because your just a nice guy who loves us all. Your closed email box tells us how loving and helpful you are Bob. Damn, ...you are such a sweetheart!

    <<<You merely siezed the opportunity to slander me and I let you do it,>>>

    Who in the hell gave you the power to let me do anything Bob? Do you think you have power over me Bob? Do you think you can control what is said or done on this board Bob? You are the liar Bob, now run to Simon and tell him that I am being mean to you. That should do it, you'll show me what kind of power you have won't you Bobby.

    <<<I'd say you are in the process of losing touch with reality and could probably use a fair bit of psychiatric treatment.>>>

    Now this got all the little people floating above my head laughing Bob. The king of psychotic delusion telling someone else to seek therapy. Is that your answer to all the people who expose your insanity Bob? Tell them they are all crazy except you? I will certainly take your suggestion into consideration Bob. I will talk to a doctor and tell him that there is this guy who thinks he is above everyone else in the world including his cult leaders and we are all nuts except him and he told me to go get help. Yep, I sound like a typical nut ball to me Bob. Maybe if I tell him that I am one of the only people on earth that is going to heaven he might give me some nice little pink pills to help me get there? What do you think Bob?

    <<<But, the most practical and loving advice I can give you though, is, that since my posts obviously greatly disturb you, and without a doubt talk of nuclear holocausts and such can disturb children and even some adults, and since no one forces you to read them, that the simplest solution to solve your upset condition is to just stop reading my posts.>>>

    That was one hell of a long sentence Bob. Are you telling me you love me now? That is so damn cute Bob. Actually I don't listen to a word you say about the end of the world Bob, I have heard that story my whole life as most people have through out history. What pissed me off was you running to Simon to stomp your little feet and jump up and down as you accused my friend Reborn wrongly about hurting your widdle fweelings. You tell all of us that and our kids as well as ourselves are all hated by god and he is going to kill us because we are scum but poor widdle Bobby got his little fweeling hurt because a big bad person messed up his thread.

    You are so obsessed with anyone who messes up your time slip hour gathering game you can't even read to see if you are accusing the right person. You sure got Reborn in trouble didn't ya Bobby? Did you run to you mommy and tattle on your brother and sisters when they were picking on you Bobby? Has everyone been against you your whole life Bobby?

    Put your widdle head on my shoulder Bobby and I will cry with you. Poor widdle guy.

    I have told you before, quoting scriptures to me means nothing. I don't believe in your book of fairy tails. Here is a quote for you Bobby, it comes from Plato, you know, Mickey Mouse's dog:

    "The dead are the only ones who have seen the end of war." Shove that one up your holocaust Bob.

    Hey Bob! Have a nice day.


  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    You Know!

    You wanted a challenge?



    BTW. Stock is still going down!

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