by You Know 104 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 4horsemen

    Yk counts time here as part of his "field service"?

    I dont recall him citing very many Biblical references. Or Watchtower/Awake passages for that matter. I dont care if he is marking days here or not, but at the very least he should get a cut of the proceeds for Larouche website hits. He is an advocate for them far more than WTBS.

    Even Yardif got me to look up Daniel 11:35

    In another 10 years the WTBS will recommend going online to "witness" to prop up declining field service hrs once they see all YK's hours.

    Acrobat version of WT/Awake on the way!

  • You Know
    You Know

    What do you consider Simon?

    It doesn't matter what my personal opinion of Simon is, you said that I said...blah, blah, blah, and I said you were lying, which of course you are.

    You continually blanket us all together as one evil group of people out to get your beloved cult.

    Yes, that's what I said. I didn't single out Simon as a loathsome apostate. I made a blanket statment.

    I do not loath you or any other JW, you simply make me sick with your close minded following of a mythical god of killing and perversion who is represented by your cult.

    LOL. That's absolutely silly. 'I don't loath you but you and your God make me sick?' Why am I even bothering to read and respond to this sort of double-speak psycho babble?

    You are not going to harm us in any way? Who the hell do you think you are kidding? Iv seen my mom 4 times in 18 years! That's not harming someone?

    And you are trying to blame that on me? Whatever issues you have in your personal life has nothing to do with me. Because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses who vigorously defends his faith I merely become a convenient lightening rod for various malcontents to vent your rage. Like I said, you seriously need to get some kind of therapy.

    You are so incredibly stupefied by your cult you wouldn't know pain from a popsicle you idiot. You blindly walk through life believing all the bullshit you spew. Just because you do not accept reality and what is true doesn't mean it is not. You are a cult worshiper and the personification of evil.

    I think you are about ready to snap. Like I said, why do you put yourself through this? It's probably best that I don't respond any more because I fear you are going to completely lose it and go berserk or something. As a matter of fact, I think it best if I just cut it off right here. You are an emotional nut case as far as I am concerned and I am afraid I could drive right off the edge. / You Know

  • cellomould

    You Know,

    Cats make me sick (I have allergies), but I do not loathe them. I could say the same for lots of other things. How about you, are you lactose intolerant? Does that mean you hate milk?

    It's funny how you didn't reply when I caught you (earlier today) contradicting yourself in the same sentence, yet you are quick to try to pounce on others. Here it was a simple question of what he intended to say versus how you interpreted it:

    'I don't loath you but you and your God make me sick?' Why am I even bothering to read and respond to this sort of double-speak psycho babble?

    'You make me sick' implies that you, You Know and that angry God you keep in your back pocket, are initiating an action. 'I loath you' would imply that the speaker is initiating the action. Do you see the difference?

    When a person on this board tells you they do not loathe you, you are free to take that as a compliment rather than an insult. But of course you have a choice.


  • ashitaka

    Ok guys, this dead horse is beat. (The title of the thread) Let it lie. I think we all made our points, now we should all have a pint.

    Guinness, anyone?


  • hannibal


    How does all this jive with ....

    1989 was the year of internartional 'peace and security',

    Some believed this COULD be it, fufilling the sign of they will cry

    peace and security than sudden distruction would be instantly apon


    Question # 1 How can we have it both ways?

    Question # 2 Sept 11 has changed things in the U.S. . but has the world landscape

    changed that much since then. There was the threat of nuclear wars in the 80's

    as well.

  • seven006

    <<<You continually blanket us all together as one evil group of people out to get your beloved cult.
    Yes, that's what I said. I didn't single out Simon as a loathsome apostate. I made a blanket statment.>>>

    And who is under that blanket Bob? Is Simon like you in that he is an exJW but different just as you are a JW but different? Both of you are not included in either title? Are there good evil apostates that you don't loath and bad ones that you do loath? Do you see the problem with blanket statements Bob? They come back to bite you in the ass!

    Is Simon or is Simon not an apostate in your eyes? If he is not then why do you see him particularly in that light? If he is, then when you made the statement about loathing us why didn't you exclude him? Is he a good evil apostate and does his wife and kids fit into that special little category you have in your head for him?

    Don't you think Simon is doing something to hurt your cult Bob? Hasn't his web site provided an enormous amount of information that hurts your cult Bob? What makes Simon different from any one of us Bob? Is it because you need his web site to keep your hours up on your time slip Bob?

    I see you didn't comment on the email issue Bob, did I get you with that one? Everyone has read it Bob and is wondering how you are going to answer that little issue. How do the people on this board who you say e-mail you after reading your post get your email address Bob? Come on, you are a great liar, you can come up with a good one for this.

    <<<And you are trying to blame that on me? Whatever issues you have in your personal life has nothing to do with me. Because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses who vigorously defends his faith I merely become a convenient lightening rod for various malcontents to vent your rage. Like I said, you seriously need to get some kind of therapy. >>>

    I'll try and type this very slowly so you can read it very slowly and possibly understand. Your cult kicks people out who do not agree with them. Your cult tells it's people not to talk to those who it kicks out. I can't talk to my mom because of your cult rules. You preach that your cult is a good cult. You back up your cult's teachings. That is how it has something to do with you Bob. You teach the same Nazi mind control that Hitler did and that anyone who says that one special group of people is good and everyone else is bad.

    You are a religious Nazi and are no better than a white supremos in their teaching of racial superiority. Your a religious bigot Bob and I don't like religious bigots. Religious bigots blow up buildings with airplanes full of good people. They what to see them die just like you would like to see us die, all in the name of their imaginary god. It's all about revenge isn't Bob? You really get your rocks off telling us we are all going to die don't you Bob? You love talking about death and destruction don't ya? You can picture in your head your loving god killing us all for his glory can't you Bob? Are you getting excited Bob? You'll show us all won't you, we will all be dead and you will be jumping up and down with joy as you raise your hands up to god and bless him for killing everyone. You are a sick puppy Bob.

    Do ya got it yet Bob? Was that simple enough for you to follow?

    <<<I think you are about ready to snap. Like I said, why do you put yourself through this? It's probably best that I don't respond any more because I fear you are going to completely lose it and go berserk or something. As a matter of fact, I think it best if I just cut it off right here. You are an emotional nut case as far as I am concerned and I am afraid I could drive right off the edge. / You Know>>>

    The timing seems to be just about perfect for you to hit me with that one again Bob. Anyone who exposes your bullshit you simply play your little game of "your nuts and I'm not" so I am going to put my hands on my head and turn around three times and you will disappear from my reality. That game is getting old Bob and you are the only one playing it. You cannot come up with anything logical or reasonable to come back at me with so you resort to your warn out trick of trying to say I am going crazy so you can't talk to me any more. I am as calm as a floating feather Bob. You are spinning around in circles making bad people disappear from you little kingdom in your mind. You just click you heals three times like Dorothy did and soon the good witch of the North will have you and Toto home safe in your bed.

    If you are going to do this at least come up with a new excuse to stop talking to someone who shows you for what you really are. I hate to break it to ya Bob but you are not the only sane person on the planet and the other 6 billion people are all nuts. Now, go sponge off your next brain dead JW for dinner and make sure you write down all the time you spent on line today. You then can hold up your time slip to god and say "see what a good boy I am god, don't you love me now?"

    You need god to tell you that you are a good boy don't you Bob. You need to feel important in your congregation also don't you Bob? Why have you responded to me so much today? You usually just ignore me. Did I hit a few nerves today? You may say you are not going to respond to me anymore but I am going to keep responding to you. I'm going to mess with your little world Bob and there is noting you can do about it. Stop calling us all names and telling us god is going to kill us all and I will stop messing with your head Bob.

    You did some nice squirming today Bob and you are getting really good at ignoring specific questions and side stepping delicate issues that expose your lies, for that, you get a cookie.

    Night Bob, tell god I said hi!


  • seven006


    I'm just having a little fun with Bob. He loves to dish it out but he can't take it. I'm trying to teach my buddy Bob a lesson. It's all in good fun, ask Bob!

    I promise to stop real soon and wait until he starts a new thread about us all dying. It's a game we like to play, it's called "Reality Checkers".


  • DannyBear


    The History channel tonight aired a piece on the book of Revelation. It traced the Miller movement from it's early inception right up to Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It was superb, it showed pictures of Meggedo in the north of Palestine. It revealed the true ancient meaning of the number 666. If a jw could open his mind enough to hear what was said, they would have to conceed that John was a looney writing his prophecy of revenge on Nero Ceaser. Har-Meggedon the site where god would act on behalf of the Jews losing Jeruselem.

    How Robert and other brain dead, can continue after years of unfulfilled predictions, shows just how dangerous it is to attribute to much weight to anything man has ever written.

    They a victims of thier own upbringing or indoctrination. 'My parents, my teacher, told me that the 'bible' is God's word....so it must be so! Then again............How many other fables told us as youngster's or adults are just that FABLES.


  • seven006


    Did you hear the one about Columbus discovering America? I think Native Americans have something to say about that especially since the boneheads who thought they were in India and named them Indians.

    There is a big difference between what we are told and what is true in many things. The problem is some people need to believe what suits their life whether it is true or not. Once you have based your whole life on a lie it may become disastrous to accept the truth in reality. If you disregard simple truth and reality it can drag you down to the point of becoming completely delusional to almost all things. You have to accept other lies to fit the first lie you have based your life on.

    That's how we get people like Bob. He has to believe his bullshit or his whole world will come crashing down. Truth is the last thing he wants to accept so he has to create his own truth based on his altered reality for simple survival. The really bad part of it is convincing other people who are desperate into believing the lie. Hitler did it to the Germans, look what happened to them. Superior race, superior people, it's all bullshit! Stupid people keep believing those who have the ability to con them. It's a real shame.


  • ashitaka


    Reality checkers....hilarious..... Quite true.

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