Hi all:
Everlasting Life, is a "gift" from God. Jehovah does not have to grant it to anyone. Spirit creature nor earthling man.
You cannot not earn it, in His eyes. It is His special Gift, His reward to "obedient" mankind, and "obedient" Spirit Creatures, who also possess "free will." Both possess free will.
Now, if Satan, Adam and Eve, decided ON THEIR OWN, to exercise "free will" that God endowed them with, and go down a road OF THEIR CHOOSING, against the clear RECOMMENDATION of Jehovah, and practice things that God, the Creator, CONSIDERS BAD...then they have lived their lives doing what THEY want to do... They have exercised their own "free will."
And as a fact, how long as Satan been doing what he, SATAN, wanted to do...how long...exercising his "free will."
The angel called Satan, was in the beginning, created good, then, later turned bad ON HIS OWN, ... and yet he lives, doing the things he wants to do... God cannot be faulted for this.
Even if God had exercised "fore-knowledge", a unique ability that He alone possess, then he could do this with complete impunity. Afterall, its not God who is carrying out the bad work, but Satan, or man. The spirit Creature we call Satan, was created "good," not wicked. Satan brought "wickedness" upon himself, "sin," into the world by HIS OWN DOING...thus Sin cannot be charged to God, just as James 1:13 clearly says.
We cannot convict God, Jehovah of Sin...it cannot be done.
Even so, Satan, the Rebel, continues to live...and Jehovah has not stopped him yet.
Adam lived for many years, after sinning...all together, some 930 years. Adam did HIS WILL...not God's. And yet, he lived...Jehovah permitted it.
Just as Jehovah permits a world of wickedness on earth today...Jehovah has permitted it. Jehovah permits mankind to exercise "free will," and practice wickedness, over and over again.
God permits this. He permits mankind to exercise "free will."
And the permission of wickeness on earth today, is truly serving a very wise purpose. It shows that God's ways of doing things, are always, right. Right, in the long run, or short run, either way, Jehovah is right, he is proven right, in the end.
And Satan, is wrong...he proven so, over the course of many years...exercising His, Satan's, Free Will.
Jesus, on the other hand, was created good too, righteous, and has continued on a righteous course. He got his start, even before the angel we call Satan, and is still continuing on a course of righteousness... and Jesus has exercised HIS FREE WILL too.
He gained special "merit" with His God, Father, and Creator. This way he has used his "free will," in a way as to please his Creator, and has accomplished this for himself, yes Jesus did this for himself.
Jesus has been "declared God's Son" ....solely on the basis of how he has USED HIS FREE WILL!!! -- Romans 1:4
And for that, he "inherits" all the blessings promised in the bible to a "righteous" man.
Now, if God wants to EXTEND someone's life, and grant them EVERLASTING LIFE,...for ever, and for ever... because that person voluntarily chooses to FOLLOW the RECOMMENDED COURSE of conduct from Jehovah...and uses his "free will" to Jehovah's satisfaction...then, what of it?
I see no injustice here, no cause for alarm.
Afterall, doesn't Jehovah God, too, have "free will?" Can he not grant "blessings" upon the one, who PLEASES him? Can he not do this, and be considered "righteous" in so doing?
I say yes.
So God, now, exercises HIS FREE WILL and grants "EVERLASTING LIFE," unending life, ETERNAL LIFE, to the one who FOLLOWS INSTRUCTIONS...HIS INSTRUCTIONS...voluntarily, since he has "free will."
And for those who exericise "free will" and so do not follow explicit instructions from their Creator...
...well, God, also decides to EXERCISE HIS FREE WILL, too in their case also and thus decides at some appropriate time to HIMSELF, to end the life of EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, in spirit form or fleshly form, who prove themselves totally, "Disobedient", incorrigible living beings, who have demonstrated, that under no circumstances, yes, as along as they possess FREE WILL, simply WILL NOT FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDED course that Jehovah God has outlined for them.
In other words, the only way Jehovah is going to get them to FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS, is to MAKE THEM ROBOTS!!!!!!!
That's the only way they will obey???
Or, worse, reduce to the state of an animal, and take away any "reasonings" powers they may possess at all. Now, they have "instincts" only, to guide them, and pre-programed instincts at that. To, eat, to sleep, to procreate and so on. They can even store up nuts, like skirrels, for their offspring. Some humans practically live this way even now...as animals. But, no spiritual relationship with the Creator... Yes, they are alive, but they now live as "animals."
... like Jehovah reduced Nebuchadnezzar for 7 years...to eating grass like an animal. Or, possibly some form of lycanthropy (wolfman) or some similar man/animal like mental condition... a state of being an animal. Whatever to God's liking ...
These are the only choices I see on the matter, if someone does not "exercise" free will to God's satisfaction over a period of time.
The only alternative.
This is justice...I have no problem with this situation, and the Godly right of Jehovah, as the Creator of Man and Spirit beings, to TERMINATE the life of such beings, be they spirit beings, or humans....Satan, or Adam... if they do not, freely obey Him.
I do not think, Jehovah God, is going to make "robots," or animal beings out of any of us... who are wicked by free will.
He is going to make probably a more productive use out of us humans, he will send us back to dust, where we can be put to better use...helping to push up daisies, and help make other plant life grow. That way we are again, productive, serving some honorable purpose, being transformed back into dirt...giving the earth back minerals that further nurture the "cycle of life."
That way, Jehovah, WASTES nothing...he makes good use of everything...even the "free will" wicked one.
...Let us obediently Preach the "Word of the Kingdom," to Israel..."without letup." -- Matt. 13:19; Acts 5:42
Edited by - MDS on 13 March 2001 16:51:48