Gods name
by Mr.logic 36 Replies latest jw friends
What is the correct spelling of Gods proper name"Yahweh or Jehovah"? If the JW's maintain that Yahweh is more proper, why do they misspell it "Jehovah"? If the name of God is so important, then you should not only pronounce it correctly, but spell it correctly too. -
How do you pronounce John in Hebrew? It's a Hebrew name. So why do you say John instead of Yochanan (the Hebrew pronunciation)? Is it perhaps because John is the accepted English pronunciation?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this argument is a straw man.
There are plenty of other things to criticize the Borg for than this issue.
It's pronounced odin...or Thor. Or zues. -
with due respect @cappytan, is it really a straw man argument? for example the Director Jean-Luc Goddard (or even the Star Trek character Jean-Luc Picard!) has a french name, we call him Jean-Luc Goddard even though we speak English, we don't translate a non-english name into English when we refer to him and call him John-Luke. By the same reasoning as Gods name was revealed in Hebrew, shouldn't that be the creator's name we eho read the Bible should use? YHWH/Yahweh? But really,
I dont think he is too hung up on it as according to scripture he didn't reveal it too often, called himself many things and allowed its true pronunciation to be lost. Also his son never referred to him by name - in a similar way that I never address my dad by his name - which would be a little weird
As "Jehovah" is the more recognizable form of the Hebrew God's name in English, I'm sure they will reintroduce the Trinity soon as that is the more recognizable form of worship among Christians.
Half banana
Does it really matter how you spell the name of an invisible friend? -
Frazzled UBM
It is Hebrew - in Hebrew, like Arabic, words are written without short vowels and word patterns and common usage causes people to know what the short vowels are. The Jews viewed it as wrong to pronounce God's name so it wasn't in common usage - hence ambiguity about the vowels. Secondly the sounds in Hebrew consonants do not correspond exactly to English consonants so there is discretion in any translation about how certain Hebrew words are translated. So there is no 'correct' version of the Hebrew in English, which is why the whole WBTS preoccupation with the name of God is a joke. -
Driving Force
With the tetragrammaton the Jews used two different sets of vowel, with one set of vowels they would say "Elohim" and with the other set they would say "Adhonay". Only when combining these vowels with the tetragrammaton could anything resembling "Jehovah" be pronounced.
The first recorded use of the word "Jehova(h)" was in the thirteenth century by a Spanish monk, Raymundus Martini in his book Pugeu Fedei.
This information can be found in the old bOrg book, "Aid to Bible Understanding" on page 884, the last paragraph on the page.
I do agree with cappytan on this, there are more serious issues to criticize the bOrg on.
Welcome to the forum Mr.Logic , I hope you stick around , you can discuss any topic without recrimination .
Unlike what you might receive at a Kingdom Hall.
Others may correct me here if I am wrong, however , my understanding is Gods personal name never came up in the English language until the 13th Century when a Catholic Monk added vowels to the 4 letters of Hebrew consonants ,and came up with the name Jehovah ,which was around for a few centuries .
A couple of problems exist however .Their was no J sounding letter in Hebrew , and modern day scholars lean more to the pronunciation of Yahweh as Gods name.
Their are not a few Bible Translators that render y instead of j for names in the Bible. E.G. Yosiah, Yermiah ,yesus ,etc.
So in effect Jehovah`s Witnesses can give credit to the Catholics for giving them the name of their God Jehovah which I might add in their first addition of the Aid Book admitted it was not the most likely pronunciation of Gods name ,however it was the most popular pronunciation of the time.
So I ask you ,Jehovah`s Witnesses are more interested in a popular rendering of God`s Holy Name , than actually rendering a more accurate pronouncing of his Holy Name ?
Of course they have gone on record as saying that the actual pronunciation of Gods holy name is immaterial , so long as the reader knows who is meant.in the said discussion.
Did they not put out a book titled ,words to the effect of" Sanctifying Jehovah`s Name ?" the name that they identify as Jehovah ?
Mr Logic I am going to address the name Jehovah as simply as possible as there are already threads that break down the facts.
jehovah... is a german pronounciaton, of a word, yehovah, which was made up by a Dominican monk only about 500 years ago, by jumbing together adonai and yhwh... it is in fact not the name of the desert god.