Gods name

by Mr.logic 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    What is the correct spelling of Gods proper name"Yahweh or Jehovah"?

    If the JW's maintain that Yahweh is more proper, why do they misspell it "Jehovah"? If the name of God is so important, then you should not only pronounce it correctly, but spell it correctly too.

    That's like asking what the correct spelling and pronunciation of Jesus is. In the original Hebrew it is Yeshua (Joshua) which was transliterated into Iesous in Greek then Iesus in Latin which then morphed into the English Jesus.

    Nobody pronounces the name Jesus as it really was pronounced so what's the point in quibbling over Yahweh (which is more closely Yahveh)?

  • Mr.logic
    My logic is as follows: make a simple point, see how far it goes, if you forget the past be it simple or mundane you lose . the point is not valid, only the judgement that insues, get it. Made my point sheeple
  • johnamos

    VI by any chance have you seen my post on this thread…anyhow I just wanted to make mention that although what you say in regards to Jesus’ name is 100% correct, it is important to point out that you are using the shorten form Hebrew name “Yeshua (Joshua)” but the fuller form is “Yehoshua (Jehoshua).

    This is important to note because the fuller form shows the prefix Yeho/Jeho and since Jesus said that he came in the name of his father and because Yehoshua is said to mean ‘Jehovah is salvation’, then you should expect that whatever God’s name really is it should be reflected in Jesus’ Hebrew name.

    Depending on what 4 you use, YHWH, YHVH, JHWH, JHVH, the name would be YeHoWaH, YeHoVaH, JeHoWaH, JeHoVaH. In any case the prefix Yeho/Jeho can be seen as well as the ‘HO’ sound.

    Also IMO, the name ‘YaHWeH’ seems to be less likely to be correct. The YHWH can be seen and the vowels a and e are there (vowels used in other English forms of Hebrew names) but it is missing the vowel o which causes it to miss the Yeho/Jeho, and the ‘HO’ sound as in Yehoshua/Jehoshua.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "VI by any chance have you seen my post on this thread…"

    Sorry john, I didn't read your post first. As for the full version of the name Yeshua/Yehoshua that's more along the lines of Rick which is short for Richard which in turn is short for Richardson. The name was contracted long ago (i.e. Joshua of the Old Testament).

    The name that would count would be the name as it was pronounced by Jesus' mother. Anyone care to give her a call?

  • johnamos

    I kind of got that you didn’t read my posts based on how you wrote yours so it was great to see someone else make the same point that I did coming from there own knowledge and reasoning…


    The name that would count would be the name as it was pronounced by Jesus' mother. Anyone care to give her a call?

    Yes, that is true as well, which it would be whatever the 'Hebrew name' that was said to be given…and it certainly was not 'Jesus' but yet many don't seem to make a fuss about using that name.

    So the angel said to her: “Have no fear, Mary, for you have found favor with God; and, look! you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name _________.

    Now when eight days came to the full for circumcising him, his name was also called ________, the name called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Thank you for your comment. My purpose is to state what I believe. You have every right to disagree and you have every right to express your views.

    I am most interested to know which are my sources that are you are referring to.

    I am interested in writing a Study that sets out the reasons for my position and I would like to work with you on a project. My thought is that the Study would be in two parts, with each part presenting our respective positions.

    You will find my email address at: http://www.jwstudies.com/contact_me.html

    I give you my personal guarantee that I do not share confidences, which enables people to freely communicate with me.


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The name "Jesus" is a westernized version of Yeshua which is the Hebraic version of "Joshua".


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