Name the song from a snippet of lyric

by Simon 623 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Cowboy

    try this...

    I've been too long in the wind
    Too long in the rain
    Taking any comfort that I can
    Looking back and a-longing for the freedom of my chains


  • Cowboy

    BTW plm....Willie Nelson what???


  • plmkrzy
    LMAO@Cowboy. after reading Pope's last post all I could think of was Willie Nelson. He wrote the song "What was it you wanted" But he sang it on his Internal Revenue CD I think? The CD he made with several performers along with Dylon? can't remember. it hurts now Im going to go watch T.V.
    I thought the 2nd one maybe "What was it you wanted" but that has the other line about "When you were kissing his cheek".....DAMN!!! I need more time!!!!
  • Cowboy

    LOL-Ok plm


    Edited by - Cowboy on 24 June 2002 1:42:41

  • PopeOfEruke

    Whats really scary is that I knew exactly what plm meant! Willie does a cover of that song on Across the Borderline CD from 1993 or so.

    Does that mean I am krzy too???


  • NeonMadman



    Yes, those are tough ones, aren't they? But take your time, I'm in no hurry. They are bonafide Dylan songs, though. (One of them he even recorded himself on an album - the other he has only played in concert but was recorded by someone else).

    BTW, plmkrzy, Dylan wrote What Was It You Wanted and Willie Nelson did a cover of it, not the other way around.

    Edited by - NeonMadman on 24 June 2002 10:1:32

  • AuntieJane

    Cowboy...isnt it something about Lyin' in your lovin' arms again? Can't think of the singer though.

  • Cowboy

    Yep Auntie Jane,Loving Arms is the title...I'm thinking the first hit with it was Kris Kristoferson...I used the lyrics from the Dixie Chicks,though.


    edited because I can't spell

    Edited by - Cowboy on 25 June 2002 0:37:1

  • COMF

    Valis: Arlo Guthrie, The Motorcycle Song

    Cowboy: Yeah, I've heard the Mellencamp song, but I'm not a big fan of his so I only hear him on the radio. You got me on that one. Now about this new one... I've played that song many times. One of the bands I was in used to do it. But I'm like AuntieJane, I can remember that next line, but not the title or the artist. Well, poop.

  • COMF

    Arite, Cowboy, let's find out who's a real cowboy.

    Now I've got (song title), a jukebox, and a barstool
    And my new home has a flashing neon sign
    Drop by and see me any time you want to
    Cuz I'm always here at home til closing time

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