Name the song from a snippet of lyric

by Simon 623 Replies latest social entertainment

  • plmkrzy
    The killer awoke before dawn
    He put his boots on
    He took a face from the ancient gallery and he
    Walked on down the hall

    One of the few songs I didn't care for. I always skipped it.[sarcastic face]

    This was Morrisons Freudian song about insest. "The End" One might asume his father started it and he caried on the tradition. Or something along those lines.

    I'm still not sure of the other one.

  • COMF

    The End is right, Plum. I read a biography of Morrison's life that gave a long, detailed explanation of the meaning of all the lyrics in The End and I still don't know what it was about. Trust me, this does not reflect badly on me. However, Horse Latitudes, from the Strange Days album, was a rare flash of pure poetry from Morrison, written before the Doors were formed.

    Mac's two hits of Purple Barrel have got me reminiscing... who can catch this one? You either know it, or you don't.

    In a coffee house Sebastian sat
    and after every number they passed the hat McGuinn and McGuire just a-gettin' higher
    in L.A., you know where that's at

    Extra points for telling who Sebastian, McGuinn and McGuire are.

    Edited by - COMF on 7 July 2002 1:20:25

  • plmkrzy

    Geez I was really stuck on that one..couldn't get the tune in my head. All these songs are spinning and flashing and spinning.....

    I was leaning towards the Lizard song for some reason.

    Your next one, "Mamma's and Pappa's.....and Im still thinkin'

    AHHHH! I can't remember the name of the song. Still digging for the album up in the closet. HAhahahaha.

    And no ones gettin' fat except mama cass. doooodooo daaadaaddaaadadaaa

    One of those dudes married mama Danny? And MaGuin and McGuire went on to become the Lovin"Spoonful??Gettin high no more but thats what they were aimin for...And no ones gettin' fat except mama cass.........,or or something...AAHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 7 July 2002 1:28:55

  • COMF

    Awkward instant... and the first animal is jettisoned.

  • Mac


    Creeque Alley (and no ones getting fat but mama cass) John Sebastion , Roger McGuin, and Barry Mcguire.

  • COMF

    Aw, ya beat Plum out while she was digging up the album!

    John Sebastian formed The Lovin' Spoonful with Zal Yanovsky, who also gets mentioned in Creeque Alley. Roger McGuinn formed The Byrds (which also had David Crosby before Crosby, Stills and Nash). Barry McGuire had a hit song with Eve of Destruction.

  • plmkrzy

    That was weird!! I clicked on the link and it opened RealPlay full screen with the "cosmicbelt" visuals and as soon as morison said "tiny monsters" a bunch of little green stars began asending through the cosmic belt.

    Ahh...those were the days. hehehehehehe.

    Goin to the movies now and rest my poor head.

  • COMF

    Ahah! It finally came to me, Mac (do I have to admit I used to listen to a radio station that played this stuff?)

    (d) I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
    a love there is no cure for

    That would be I Think I Love You, by the Partridge Family. Mmm, Shirley... Mother Earth Goddess. I'd lick the dirt from between her toes.

    That "teenybopper runaway child" is percolating down in there too. Gimmie another day on it before you tell. I hear a lyric in my mind, muffled and unclear, but the phrase "rainbow shades" keeps popping up.

    Edited by - COMF on 7 July 2002 10:40:38

  • Mac


    Who are you trying to kid, I know you,ve still got those TeenBeat posters up in your room. Suck it up, like me , and declare to all the world that go go boots are the most COMFortable form of footwear you,ve ever worn!!! You nailed the Partridge's. (And as for Shirley, I'm with you. I always like to start with an appetizer, myself, before moving on to the main course.) Keep following those shades, you're on the right course, no tacking!

  • COMF

    Something, something, take off your rainbow shades
    Something, something, hey, won't you go my way.

    That's as close as I can get.

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