Well, Well, Well.......Look who found another place to bash people.....SNOOOOOOOOZY! Golden Girl!!! HA!!! Actually, that's too much of a compliment for you.....if you are reffering to the show because of your age, well then, you are sadly mistaken! All three of them have more of a personality and more compassion and understanding than you have one ounce of in your brain!
Didn't think I'd find the post about my name, huh?! If you had taken the time to read any of my original posts you would have seen that "Garbage" is the name of one of my favorite bands! And you better watch out....there are a lot of Garbage Fans on this site...and another member named Beautiful Garbage! Watch your mouth Snoozy. As usual, you are treading in unknown territory!
I may have held my tongue on the other board, only out of respect for Tim though...but not here....I'll tell you how it is! Don't talk shit about me Snooooozy! As usual, you know nothing about me, and it shows in your post! And don't even start in with Wind....I'm NOT HAVING IT on here!
You may have got by with all your constant badgering and game playing shit on the other board, but I am not about to deal with it here!
You wanna be here fine....but don't start with me and Wind!
Have you taken your medication yet today Snoozy? You know the one...for your MENTAL ILLNESS.....
(Sorry to anyone I may have offended. This has been a constant thing with her. Lots of people left the other board we posted at because of her. She's sneaky and manipulative. She likes to "play" the nice guy. Then she starts to stir up shit, gets everyone upset, and screams "Poor me! Poor me! What did I do?!" She is also notorious for writing nasty threads to get people upset, then she goes back and deletes all the text so there isn't any proof of what she said. She caused quite a stir on the other board. Even when we had a person on there that was terminally ill. She made loads of nasty remarks and got everyone so upset. Our friend that was terminally ill ended up leaving because of all the drama she caused. She did come back periodically...but it was never the same. Golden Girl is nosey, manipulative, sneaky and just downright nasty! She just doesn't like me cuz I don't put up with her games. I speak my mind...she's not used to that.)
Edited by - GarbageGirl on 20 June 2002 21:35:35