JWs and Stronger Marriages?

by Pubsinger 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pubsinger

    I wasnt making any statement about the REASONS for JW divorce, just pointing out that it is actually quite common, probably around the national average.

    To try and claim that they have a better success rate is just simply untrue.

    Did anyone spend 20mins and make a list?

  • Xander
    i don't think you really find out who you are until your early 20's and some of us are still finding out who we are.

    Ahem. YES.

  • eyegirl

    wouldn't it be nice if people actually realized that?? while i was in the org, i always felt like i had to 'have everything together.' you weren't allowed to make mistakes. that's such a big part of growing up and learning about yourself. even making mistakes in a relationship is sometimes beneficial. i dated a guy (non dub) for a year and a half. we really do love each other, but have come to realize that we just can't make things work. our priorities are so totally far off from each other. only time will let you realize that. unfortunately in the org you're not given the luxury of time....

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