On Cockroaches:

by SixofNine 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    You should see the cockroaches in South Africa. Good God.

    Step on them, and you just piss them off.

    Spray insect killer on them, and they jump up and attack the spray can.

    Kick them, and they just jump up and attack YOU.

    They SCREAM when you try to kill them, I kid you not, and they spray a foul substance out of their asses.

    They have horrible claws all over their legs, big thorny ones.

    Even dogs are afraid of these things.

  • MrMoe

    Ok, this thread is just plain gross. I HATE bugs...

  • Farkel

    It's beend discovered that Cockroaches can live up to 48 hours after their heads are severed. That's a scary thought.


  • Englishman

    ..anyone wondering why there are no UK responses to this thread?

    Well, most of us have never seen a cockroach!

    Or a skunk

    Or a rattlesnake

    Or an alligator.

    However we do have some of the most ferocious lady-birds in the whole world!


  • closer2fine

    Milquetoast (the roach)

  • Angharad

    Does anyone else watch Fear Factor - the other day they had to eat some hissing cockroaches that were still alive

    Edited by - angharad on 21 June 2002 9:8:39

  • SpiceItUp

    I love all animals...including bugs ( Yes I am one of those people that wont harm a bug unless they are biting me)......


    I cannot stand Roaches and squish them any time I see them. They aer foul and disgusting and I see no real reason for them to be around.

    *chanting* Extinction to the roaches!

    Spiced out

    Ang- I heard about that one..I have a strong stomach but I would have lost that show.

  • Mimilly

    SixOfNine - I had no choice but to lose it over you being a 'cockroach whisperer' - now that indeed, would be a movie I'd have to see.

    Syn - you can keep those screaming cockroaches riiiiiiiight there.

    Ang - I couldn't even watch a show like that. Well, I did once and they had to eat boiled pig's uteruses. That did it. To actually eat a living hissing bug? ewwwww.. makes me squirm...ugh.

    Mimilly - of the greatful to live where there are no cockroaches class

  • safe4kids

    Six You funny

    Eman Dude, you really need to visit Florida. We have skunks, alligators, rattlesnakes, AND cockroaches, although around here we call them palmetto bugs (I don't know why). But roaches, of ANY kind, are disgusting and I hate them! I HATE them I tell you!!!

    Syn Holy Sh*tzoli!!! You just keep them lil buggers right over there. Geez, I'd have nightmares!


    Edited by - safe4kids on 21 June 2002 10:17:12

  • Undecided

    Did anyone see the program on Discovery about the Kissing Bug that is migrating from Central America through Mexico into the US? It sucks your blood while you're asleep and carries a parasite that eats your heart from the inside. Another great creation from God.

    Ken P.

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