On Cockroaches:

by SixofNine 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • terafera

    Undecided, thats gross!! Time to shut the borders up..

    SYN, yes I did see that show..it was so nasty. The host even does it himeself, sometimes. The worst Fear Factor I saw that actually made me throw up was when they had to eat a bowful of huge slimy worms. They were chewing them and spitting chunks out..it was all drippy and ..*ugh*.. be right back.. going to bathroom...

  • RedhorseWoman

    To anyone who is interested....we are looking for volunteers to knit or crochet tiny sweaters for the displaced cockroaches that are now living on the street in horrible conditions. Please....volunteer....they need us.

  • terafera

    Rhw, LOL!

  • Valis

    looks like a book study to me..


    District Overbeer

  • SYN
  • SYN

    Imagine touching one of those puppies! These are GIGANTIC, like the size of your hand including their antennae!

    One crawled across my face once when I was a kid sleeping on a matress on the floor. That was fun!

    Been scared of them ever since! They make all sorts of raspy noises and squeak & stuff, they are truly scary. There are several dozen species, the ones shown here are not the EVIL looking black ones that you get in some parts of the Highveld, YUK.

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Caring for your Pet Cockroach


    As most species of cockroach are good climbers a tight fitting lid is required with a good quality fine mesh to allow for air flow. For smaller and faster moving species access can be obtained via a cloth or mesh sleeve which can be tied tightly closed when not in use. The best method is to house them in a specially heated room, but for most people this is not possible, another alternative is to keep the cage in an airing cupboard. However the commonest method is to use a heatpad, these come in a variety of shapes and sizes and it is best to talk to your local retailer as to what you need, a good general estimate is that the pad should rest comfortably under the cage/aquarium so that two thirds of the cage is directly over the pad. This produces a temperature gradient giving the cockroaches some choice over what temperature they experience. The use of a thermostat can make things easier but it isn't really necessary for most of the commonly kept species.

    The floor of the cage should be covered with wood shavings for leaf litter species such as Gromphadorhina portentosa or with peat for burrowing species such as Pycnoscelus surinamensis as well as a mixture of surface objects to offer hiding spaces, egg boxes and the inner from toilet and paper towel roles are excellent.


    All known species of cockroach are omnivorous (this means that like you and me they eat nearly everything) though in captivity most species do well on a mixture of dried feed/grains etc. and fresh vegetables or fruit. I feed mine mostly on rolled oats and fruit like bananas and apples though they especially like over-ripe peaches and plums when I can get them. Although they don't need fresh food every day it is important that they always have enough to eat otherwise they will start eating the cage as well as each other.


    As a general rule breeding will take care of itself, eggs are normally laid in an ootheca (natures answer to the polystyrene egg box). Some species will secrete these in the corners of the cage or other accessible nooks and crannies while others will carry the ootheca around with them, either inside or partly extruded from the body until it is time for the young to hatch. Some species are parthenogenic (the females give birth to other females only etc. etc. and no males are ever seen)

    Edited by - MoeJoJoJo on 21 June 2002 14:55:12

  • Earnest

    They also write books. One prolific writer is Archie who wrote about himself and his mate, mehitabel (a cat). This is still in print in paperback but he had problem with capitals as he could only strike one key at a time. Other titles include "archys life of mehitabel" (1933), "archy does his part" (1935) and the omnibus volume "the lives and times of archy and mehitabel" (1940). Read them and you will never hate a cockroach again.

    http://www.donmarquis.com/archy/index.html for more.


  • Tammie

    Has any one seen Joe's Apartment?

    Well I think that is the name of the movie. It has lots of those little bugs.

  • Angharad

    Hi Tammie

    I remember that film - it was hilarious but disgusting!

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