by You Know 155 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • You Know
    You Know

    Crazy Drinker says:

    Our current rate of inflation is around 3%. This is not hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is in the realm of 1000%+ . So you are WRONG, Deal with it!

    No doubt you would fail any sort of sobriety test, even a metaphoric one. The comparison bewtween the Reichsmark and the dollar is that they both were inflated to service an unpayable debt. In Germany things went along really well for a few years. There was even an illusion of prosperity---just like now. Then, suddenly, the hyperinflationary shock wave hit and in a matter of 6 months the Reichsmark was rendered completely worthless. When I said that the dollar was being hyperinflated I didn't mean that there was a corresponding hyperinflation of consumer prices at the present moment, just that the currency itself was being hyperinflated to the tune of about a trillion and a half dollars in the last year. Although there is asset price inflation, seen in the doubling of real estate prices in the last couple of years, the currency has not seen the sort of typical hyperinflation that has destroyed other currencies. But, it is only a matter of time. One reason that the dollar has held up relatively well is that foreigners have invested in the dollar as a safe haven. So that has temporarily forestalled the inevitable devaluation of the dollar, which after all, is what inflation really is. Now, though, that is all changing and the dollar is being dumped, rapidly. That is just one of the indicators that the leading edge of the hyperinflationary storm is about ready to make landfall. / You Know

  • D8TA

    OH MY GOD!!!!





    I guess nothing happened with that situation, did it YouKnowNothing?

    Here's MY prophecy of YouKnow: With the current dip in the U.S. stock market, YouKnow will now start a NEW thread about "people throwing money out in the streets, because it's worthless" according to Revalation. And again, absolutely NOTHING will happen and YouKnow will start a new thread about "How I stubbed my toe, and Armagedon is nigh".

    Poor poor YouKnow....Silly Psycho....deep thinking are for people who didn't fool around with LSD.


  • expatbrit
    people throwing money out in the streets, because it's worthless

    Bah! We've been doing that with the Canadian dollar for months!


  • You Know
    You Know

    D8TA bellows:

    INDIA AND PAKISTAN ARE GOING TO START A NUCLEAR WAR!!!!...I guess nothing happened with that situation, did it YouKnowNothing?

    What has changed in that situation? The answer is...nothing. There are still two hostile nations poised to go to war over Kashmir this month just as they were on the brink last month. Just because they haven't blown each other up yet doesn't diminish the potential of a catastrophe. Basically, the media have for the moment turned the spotlight off of the India Pakistani crisis and have focused it more squarely on the scandals wracking corporations and the ongoing collapse of the stock markets around the world. Yet, that is surely just a momentary diversion.

    And again, absolutely NOTHING will happen and YouKnow will start a new thread about "How I stubbed my toe, and Armagedon is nigh".

    But something has happened, and is happening. The global financial system is collapsing on a daily basis and the United States is gearing up to attack Iraq with thousands of land troops, and terrorists are presently waiting the next moment to strike a decisive blow against America. I suspect that you are simply a raving fool who is too perverse and stupid to comprehend what is happening all around you. / You Know

  • D8TA

    I suspect that you are simply a raving fool who is too perverse and stupid to comprehend what is happening all around you.

    No, I'm a student of Cultural Anthropology/International Relations. My "awareness" and "education" on international and domestic situations far surpasses any knowledge in which you possess. All you have are bible quotes and pop-media information. ( CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, ABC, CBS, NBC, CSpan ).

    Please list your sources as to these "thousands of troops" gearing up for an attack on Iraq? Hard data, facts, evidence. I want to articles involving "sabre ratteling". I want to see proof of military personel and hardware being ammassed and locations of such...for an attack on Iraq. In fact, I would like to see any such evidence of "amassing" troops for any countries EXCEPT: Afghanistan, The Philipine Islands, or the nation of Indonesia.

    Not only that, I've not injected my body, past or presently, with any "mind altering" drugs. Now honestly Robert, you have in your lifetime, once indulged in taking such illegal and harmful drugs. Is it true, that you believe yourself to be one of the "annointed" as per beliefs of the WTBTS? Can you provide verfication that the WTBTS recognizes you as one their "annointed"? Or is this a self proclaimed belief, in which only YOU hold? Given your history with drugs that affect the mind, can we not question that perhaps you are a the "raving fool who is too perverse and stupid to comprehend what is happening all around you"?

    The answer is...nothing. There are still two hostile nations poised to go to war over Kashmir this month just as they were on the brink last month. Just because they haven't blown each other up yet doesn't diminish the potential of a catastrophe.

    Yes, and I will acknowledge your game of "semantics". These two nations have been in conflict with each other, long before you or I were born. They have engaged and once again, are poised to go to war, and the threat of "catastrophe" is imminent between the two nations. This does NOT mean ARMAGEDON! Nor does it mean the entire world will go to hell, should these two nations go to war....or even USE nuclear arsenal. This conflict between these two nations does not support, nor lends credence to your point of view on the beginning of Armagedon.

    terrorists are presently waiting the next moment to strike a decisive blow against America.

    And pray tell, what does this "decisive blow" indicate? What is "decisive" about it? What will it decide? Terrorists have been making blows against their domestic and the international community for centuries. It's a "cycle" that has been happening since the beginning of humanity. They have been making "blows" to the U.S.A., sure the events of 9/11 were on a "grand" scale...does this event make it anymore "speacial" or "different" from the history of humanity? Nope. Is there a scripture in YOUR bible that even indicates that attacks on the U.S. a sign of YOUR "end times"? Nope. Oooops, sorry, genralities do not apply. Wars and Rumors of Wars...sorry, that can apply to any event in the past 2000 years. So please provide evidence, by scripture, that is specific to you claims of "the sky is falling".

    Spout what you will YouKnowNOTHING, the facts are; You are a self proclaimed "annointed" as per the beliefs of the WTBTS, and a person who holds a history of questionable behavior involving use of narcotics that damage the brain to the extent of mental impairment. You have NO credibility, you have no evidence, you have no proof, you have no facts that conclude your warped sense of "the end of the world". You are nothing more then a sorry broken down old man, who lives in the shadow and beliefs of his masters in New York, in the fading halls of Bethel.

    We pity you.


  • Crazy151drinker


    "When I said that the dollar was being hyperinflated I didn't mean that there was a corresponding hyperinflation of consumer prices at the present moment, just that the currency itself was being hyperinflated to the tune of about a trillion and a half dollars in the last year"

    What in the hell are you talking about??

    Extremely rapid or out of control inflation. Prices are rising rapidly thus reducing the purchasing value of money.

    Hyperinflation is for situations in which the general price level is increasing at rates in excess of 30-50% per month

    "just that the currency itself was being hyperinflated to the tune of about a trillion and a half dollars in the last year"

    What a bunch of mumbo jumbo doublespeak crap! Where is your evidence of this??? INFLATION is about prices! Hello! And prices are not going up! Please explain how currency can be hyperinflated without prices going up!!! YOU ARE WRONG! GET AN EDUCATION! Too busy being a Janitor???

    Hyperinflation is for situations in which the general price level is increasing at rates in excess of 30-50% per month

    This is not happining. Once again YOU KNOW, HYPERINFLATION is not occuring. If you have some other DoubleSpeak word for:

    "just that the currency itself was being hyperinflated to the tune of about a trillion and a half dollars in the last year"

    Please use it. I recommend the word :BULLSHIT

  • You Know
    You Know


    No, I'm a student of Cultural Anthropology/International Relations. My "awareness" and "education" on international and domestic situations far surpasses any knowledge in which you possess.

    Oh, so you were just pretending to be a raving lunatic?

    All you have are bible quotes and pop-media information. ( CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, ABC, CBS, NBC, CSpan ).

    Actually, no. I frequently quote from non-acceptable alternative news sources like Executive Intelligence Review, The John Birch Society, as well as the Socialists perspective and various contrarian market observers. I cite pop media for the benefit of the poor deluded individuals who consider those "official" channels of information as the real news sources.

    Please list your sources as to these "thousands of troops" gearing up for an attack on Iraq? Hard data, facts, evidence. I want to articles involving "sabre ratteling".

    You are contradicting yourself right off the bat. First you ridicule pop news and then you demand that I provide some verification, presumably from the very sources that you ridicule. I don't think you are as smart as you imagine.

    I want to see proof of military personel and hardware being ammassed and locations of such...for an attack on Iraq.

    Well, you know the saying is that the first casualty of war is always the truth. And certainly there is always going to be misinformation deliberately leaked. But, unquestionably ever since Bush's state of the Union speech in which Iraq was targeted as part of the new Axis of Evil plans for an invasion of Iraq have been on the table. More recently it seems that those plans are taking shape as back in April the NY Times ran a piece that was supposedly leaked from official sources that stated that the Bush administration was going to deploy possibly as many as 250,000 troops into position to invade Iraq before the end of the year. Now, just yesterday, Jordan, caught in the middle, has officially denied that it was going to play host to a contingent of American invaders, which, such denials would be absurd if there was not something afoot. But, my subscriber EIR source says that advance troops are already on the ground in Jordan, Turkey, and Kuwait in preparation for a much larger force to follow. As far as hardware, ever since theAfghan invasion aircraft and aircraft carrier groups have been anchored in the region so it doesn't require any build of of plans of ships other than to land troops.,2763,755062,00.html

    Not only that, I've not injected my body, past or presently, with any "mind altering" drugs.

    Obviously not, as "mind altering drugs" are typically not injected but rather are ingested. Hence, the term "dropping acid" as opposed to shooting it. I hope that helps bring you up to speed, no pun intended.

    Now honestly Robert, you have in your lifetime, once indulged in taking such illegal and harmful drugs.

    No, that's not true. It was not just once. I indulged many times. But what does that have to do with the ongoing global finanacial collapse and the imminece of war, perhaps with the large scale use of WMD?

    Is it true, that you believe yourself to be one of the "annointed" as per beliefs of the WTBTS?

    Yes. But, I don't spell it with double n's.

    Can you provide verfication that the WTBTS recognizes you as one their "annointed"?

    What difference could that possibly make? The anointing doesn't come from the Watchtower Society. It comes from Jehovah God. Men don't know where the winds blows or where it comes from, according to Jesus. So, no one needs to be officially approved or recognized by men to have Jehovah's seal.

    Given your history with drugs that affect the mind, can we not question that perhaps you are a the "raving fool who is too perverse and stupid to comprehend what is happening all around you"?

    Apostate dubs have been running that game on me for years ever since I told my story on H2O several years ago. The thing is, my drug use ended over a quarter of a centruy ago. I have never experienced any lingering side effects of memory loss or flashbacks or any of that stuff. As a matter of fact, back in the late 70's and early 80's I went of a seris of long fasts and a macrobiotic diet to purge myself of any possible residue that some experts say stay in a person's tissues for decades. The irony is that many apostates are themselves currently drug users. So, go figure. The fact is that I am completely sound in mind and my observations are credible. If not, then it's up to opposer to point out how I am supposedly insane.

    Yes, and I will acknowledge your game of "semantics". These two nations have been in conflict with each other, long before you or I were born.

    There is no semantics. And the point is not that India and Pakistan have been in conflict. The point is that they are two nuclear powers. That has only been the case for a couple of years, at least in the case of Pakistan.

    This does NOT mean ARMAGEDON! Nor does it mean the entire world will go to hell, should these two nations go to war....or even USE nuclear arsenal. This conflict between these two nations does not support, nor lends credence to your point of view on the beginning of Armagedon.

    I didn't say it would be Armageddon. I said that a nuclear war would collapse the system. That is pretty much a given. You are naive if you imagine that the financial system could endure such a shock. It is on the edge of panic and collapse as it is. A nuclear war would simply vaporize the thing in an afternoon.

    And pray tell, what does this "decisive blow" indicate? What is "decisive" about it? What will it decide? Terrorists have been making blows against their domestic and the international community for centuries.

    The world presently resides under the relatively domicile oversight of the Anglo-American dual world power. They have brought some measure of stability to the world through political, military, and economic means. However, it is a given that terroists possess WMD. One well-placed back pack nuclear weapon could bring out the real beast in the Anglo-American dyad. That would effectively spell the end of the present system and usher in a nightmarish totalitarian system that would no doubt lead to the implimentation of a long-standing policy of liquidating 80% of earth's inhabitants. I would show you some prophecies that indicate that that is exactly what is going to happen, but I know you aren't into that scripture quoting thing.

    It's a "cycle" that has been happening since the beginning of humanity.

    In other words, "ever since out forefathers fell asleep in death all things have continued exactly as from creations beginning." It is amazing to me how Jehovah foretold the very reasonings of ridiculers as if you were reading from a script. It is like you have fallen victim to a real life Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And, I guess when you consider the demonic forces that predominate most people's thought, you have. / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 15 July 2002 19:15:6

    Edited by - You Know on 15 July 2002 19:15:36

  • Englishman
    I have been away from my desk for a while

    Yes. It hadn't passed un-noticed. Most dubs are lying low right now.

    We do understand.


  • Crazy151drinker


    Ground troops in Turkey??? Come on you can come up with better lies than that! Well I guess its not your fault its what you special 'source' told you. We'll if we are going to invade within the year, I guess I better hurry up and sign with the gaurd.

    Have you come up with a new word for your noexistant hyperinflation?

    Will you have Christmas at my place this year or our we going to your place???

  • You Know
    You Know

    Ground troops in Turkey??? Come on you can come up with better lies than that!

    Some posters apparently enjoy making buffoons of themselves. You are just one of those types I guess.

    Have you come up with a new word for your noexistant hyperinflation?

    I explained what I meant by that. Evidently you don't have the ability to grasp it. Do you need for me to write more slowly? / You Know

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