by You Know 155 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hillary_step
    I see someone is a little jealous of Russell, VanAmburgh, and JUDGE Rutherford.

    I presume you mean You Know? After all, it is Robert whose persistent defence and loyalty of the past past Presidents of the WTS seems to be vacillating, as he clambers on their bodies and plants the conquering flag of Robert King firmly in their nether regions.


    Edited by - hillary_step on 27 June 2002 16:36:49

    Edited by - hillary_step on 27 June 2002 16:37:56

  • dubla


    hows it going? havent talked with you in awhile...hope all is well. anyhow, on the current topic:

    You want quotes from Watch Towers up through at least 1925 to prove it?

    if you get some free time, i wouldnt mind reading the specific quotes. unfortunately i havent had the personal time to go back and research as much into the old wts as id like to, but i know youre a bit of an expert on the subject....and its pretty apparent that yk likes to spout with no proof. example:

    That can't be true.

    if you would post the wt snippets proving this statement completely false, it would be beneficial i think to any lurkers who are still holding on to a shred of yk credibility. perhaps it would even show yk how foolish his blind statements are........(yeah right, hell find a way to weasel out of it in his normal serpent-like fashion.)


  • AlanF

    Howdy dubla!

    I'll do this sometime this evening.


  • You Know
    You Know


    So YK, you cannot have it both ways. If they are anointed, then they must have accurate knowledge. That means they are "sinning" with knowledge, in which case the blood of Jesus does not help them. Or you have to admit they are not anointed and so do not have accurate knowledge as of yet. In that case, then forgiven could be granted. But they cannot be "anointed" and at the same time lack crucial "accurate knowledge" while practicing sin before God. That combination doesn't work.

    Nonsense. That's not the way it works. In fact it's the exact opposite of what you suppose. Here's why: Jesus' judgment of his slaves says, "that the slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes. (destroyed in fact) But the one that DID NOT UNDERSTAND and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with a few." The evil slave and his apostate dub followers fit the description of the slave that knew but didn't perform. The majority of the anointed are simply guilty of sins of ignorance and neglect.

    "Israel must be restored spiritually, before the Spokeperson role is bestowed upon the nation, the above prophecy says. They are "restored" before God "puts His Words in their mouth" as of a true prophet. They will at that time, speak "truth", and experience the "change to a pure language" of truth. They will speak truth to each other at that time, when God restores them.

    Correct. We are not Jehovah's spokesmen to the world in the same manner that we will be in the future.

    Now, I know you think this prophecy applies to Jehovah's Witnesses and not to the world in general, right? The "shoulder to shoulder" unity and all. That can only be Jehovah's Witnesses, according to you. So then you must be saying Jehovah's Witnesses are going to receive a "change to a pure language". You have to say this. But why is this needed?

    The change comes about as a result of the refining that Jehovah performs upon his people. Whereby all error and flasehood will be absolutely eliminated.

    Well, it is because they really need it. They need a "change", to speaking real truth. A true "change" is really needed too, since they've been lying the whole way. So a "change" is long over due and needed for lying Israel.

    No agrument there. Jehovah knows exactly what we need. And you can be sure that Ray Franz and his presumptuous anointed- wannabe disciples will not have any part in what Jehovah performs for us. / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 27 June 2002 17:27:19

  • hillary_step
    No agrument there. Jehovah knows exactly what we need. And you can be sure that Ray Franz and his presumptuous anointed- wannabe disciples will not have any part in what Jehovah performs for us.

    Can you actually name somebody who fits into your definition of 'us'? I mean somebody you personally know, as opposed to somebody who is identified as some group by your own opinion of what some scripture might mean.

    I suspect that there are no other persons you can name who are are part of 'us', so why not be honest and just say 'ME'.


  • one


    started this topic saying in part::

    "Of course, loyalty and devotion are two separate things and it is possible to be loyal to the Society without having our faith bound by their every utterance. "

    "There are in fact numerous prophecies that speak to this very test that God has arranged"

    Obviously he still beleive that God has an org or group apart the rest of the world, which make some mistakes..

    Then can anyone ask him the followin question:

    How should we understand the prophecy about sheep and goat?

    Where the jw fit on the whole picutre, when Jesus separate sheep and goat.

    When will it happen?

    Does the prophecy shows/describeshows an special group apart from the rest of the world?

    With all the "tacking" I lost WT track on this one...

  • bjc2012


    Jesus' judgment of his slaves says, "that the slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes. (destroyed in fact) But the one that DID NOT UNDERSTAND and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with a few." The evil slave and his apostate dub followers fit the description of the slave that knew but didn't perform. The majority of the anointed are simply guilty of sins of ignorance and neglect....We are not Jehovah's spokesmen to the world in the same manner that we will be in the future.

    So the "evil slave" is destroyed, and the Faithful Slave turns out to be an idiot!

    In other words, we have the "Evil Slave" and the "Faithful & Dummy" Slave. Those are our two choices for leadership.

    Seems to me, being the "Dummy Slave" (and not the "Discreet Slave"), he certainly is not a very worthy leader by any means to be in charge of God's Household. But your statement implies the "evil slave" KNOWS the will of God, but the so-called "Dummy Slave" does not. Seriously though, how can the "Evil Slave" actually "understand the will of his master" and the "Faithful Slave" not understand his master's will? And if he does not "understand his master's will", why does Jesus call him the "Discreet Slave"?

    Your description unmistakedly means God and Jesus left the sheep "in the lurch", with no way out. Thats because the ones left in charge of the flock, and those put in the front of the sheep are either "evil" or totally not "qualified to teach" and lead. (2 Cor. 4:9; 1 Tim. 3:2)

    Is this vision of yours reminiscient of the picture left by first century christian writers of the congregation of "anointed" ones in their day? Did the first century congregation only have Evil leadership or Dummy leadership to depend on? These are the only two choices they had. No truly "discreet" leadership in the first century. (Of course that does not make sense.)

    So you would have us to believe the "Other Sheep" today, are obligated to listen to either the "evil slave" as a leader, or the "Dummy Slave" as a leader.


    I'm not convinced you have all of the facts before you to make such a decision. For one thing, your description of Jesus' parable does not take into account the one that the "evil slave" beats, namely his "fellow slaves", or "menservants" and "maidservants". Are you prepared to say the "domestics" are pictured here as the "menservants" or "fellow slaves" that the "evil slave" browbeats?

    Or do you think the "Evil Slave" and the "Dummy Slave" just fight it out between themselves. I mean, who is the "Evil Slave" browbeating? Is he "browbeating" the "Dummy Slave" or the "Domestics"?


    PS: BTW, since you are "anointed", which group are you in, the "evil" group or the "dummy" group?

    Edited by - bjc2012 on 27 June 2002 22:38:49

  • AlanF

    Hi again Dubla,

    Here are the Society's own words that give the lie to You Know's standard rantings, from something I wrote a year ago:

    C. T. Russell came to believe that he personally was the "faithful and discreet slave". From The Watch Tower, December 1, 1916, p. 5998 Reprints:

    It is here interesting to note that Jesus said, "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing! Verily, I say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods." Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of "that faithful and wise servant," and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation.

    From The Finished Mystery, Studies in the Scriptures, Series VII, "75,000 Edition", 1917, p. 4:

    In 1879 Charles Taze Russell began the publication of THE WATCH TOWER, of which he was the sole editor as long as he remained on earth. THE WATCH TOWER was, and is, the first and only journal declaring the presence of the Lord Jesus. Pastor Russell being the messenger to the Laodicean Church, and occupying the position of the Lord's special servant to give the Household of Faith meat in due season, it was to be expected that he would bring forth from the Lord's great "Storehouse" the needed spiritual food for the Church, in harmony with God's will. By the Lord's grace he wrote the six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, which writings, aside from the Bible, have gladdened more hearts and thrilled Christians with greater hope and joyful expectation than have any other writings extant. These books have been properly designated "Keys to the Divine Plan of the Ages."

    From The Watch Tower, March 1, 1922:

    p. 70:

    ... It will be disputed by some even who have come to a knowledge of present truth, that Brother Russell occupied any more peculiar relationship to the Lord than any other servant of follower of Jesus. In him we find another example of one who applied his heart to wisdom.

    What was his peculiar relationship to the Lord, and why was and still is he the special target of the adversary? Let us examine the evidence here upon these points.

    pp. 71-74:

    Daniel the prophet is caused to utter the key words by which the "time of the end" may be definitely located... [the prophecy of Daniel 11:40, 41 is quoted]

    The fulfillment of this prophecy fixes the beginning of the "time of the end" because the prophecy so states. The king of the south here mentioned refers to Egypt; while the king of the north refers to Great Britain, which was then an integral part of what had been the Roman empire. Napoleon, fighting his battles in Egypt, gained great victories; but at the same time the British, under the leadership of Lord Nelson, were making an effective attack upon Napoleon's forces at sea. This campaign began in 1798 and Napoleon finished it and returned October 1, 1799. Therefore 1799 is marked as the beginning of the "time of the end"...

    Fulfilled prophecy consists of historical and physical facts, which are indisputable. Such facts never stultify themselves. While we have a line of Bible chronology showing the presence of the Lord due in 1874, even if we did not have this the evidence given by fulfilled prophecy clearly marks the date of the Lord's second presence. Having now in mind God's unchangeable promise, that during the "time of the end" the wise should understand, and added to that the testimony of St. Paul that greater light would be given to the watchers at the end of the age, it is to be expected that some one in the world, waiting and watching for the coming of the Lord, would be numbered among the wise.

    Like fulfilled prophecy, circumstantial evidence is one of the most conclusive ways of making proof of a question at issue. If, then, we find the circumstances around a certain person that exactly fit conditions foretold in prophecy, the fulfillment of the prophecy shows the time definitely; while the circumstances in connection therewith locate the person or persons in connection with the matter.

    There lived in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in the early seventies a young man engaged in the mercantile business, by the name of Charles Taze Russell. He was fully consecrated to the Lord... While he watched and studied, waited and prayed, the Lord further illuminated his mind; and it was about 1875 when he became convinced of the second presence of the Lord, and in 1877 he wrote, published and widely distributed a booklet entitled "The Object and Manner of Our Lord's Return". We believe without question that this was the first publication that ever announced the Lord's second presence.

    In 1879 he began the publication of THE WATCH TOWER AND HERALD OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE, the sub-title expressing his confidence in the fact that the Lord was then present...

    He had written much in THE WATCH TOWER and other publications which was afterward used in compiling the seventh of the series of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, "The Finished Mystery," which was published after his death.

    Jesus said that the age would end with a harvest, at which time he would be present, and that he would then send forth his messengers to gather together his elect. (Matthew 13:24-30; 24:31) It is to be expected that the Lord would have some witness in the earth at the time of the harvest to make announcement of the fact of his presence and of the harvest. Here is some more circumstantial evidence which is proof conclusive; some more physical facts that speak louder than audible words, to wit: It was Brother Russell who announced the time of the harvest and the presence of the Master of the harvest. It was he who first went forth throughout the land crying out, `The harvest is here; go ye into the field and labor'. And thousands of others taking up the slogan joined in the proclamation of the message.

    Jesus plainly said that during the time of his presence he would have a faithful and wise servant whom he would use to give meat to the household (of faith) in due season. Every one today who has a knowledge of the divine plan of the ages must truthfully answer that he derived that knowledge from studying his Bible in connection with what Brother Russell wrote; that before such time he did not even know that God had a plan of salvation. Every person who today is rejoicing in the light of the truth of God's Word realizes that the Lord brought to him that truth, unfolding it through the ministrations and work begun by Brother Russell shortly following the presence of the Lord.

    Was he a servant of the Lord? No one who knew him and who tells the truth can deny the fact that he was a servant, because he gave his time over to service. He devoted all of his earthly possessions that others might gain a knowledge of God's plan. He devoted his life from the time of his early manhood until his death in going throughout the earth serving others in the name of the Lord.

    Was he faithful? This question must be answered in the affirmative...

    Was he wise? As the world understands that word, particularly as defined by worldly clergymen, he was not. And thank God he was not. Had he possessed great worldly wisdom, such as that employed by his defamers, the Lord would never have used him...

    Brother Russell was not that kind of man. His heart was completely devoted to the Lord. He realized his dependence upon the Lord and joyfully laid all of his burdens at the feet of Jesus. He numbered his days and applied his heart unto wisdom; and the Lord made him wise. Christ Jesus was made unto him wisdom. (1 Corinthians 1:30) To him was the promise fulfilled: "When the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth".--John 16:13.

    The indisputable facts, therefore, show that the "time of the end" began in 1799; that the Lord's second presence began in 1874; that the harvest followed thereafter and greater light has come upon the Word of God. In this connection, then, let us note the words of Jesus: "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing." (Matthew 24:45, 46) It must be conceded, then, that at the end of the world, at the "time of the end", during the presence of the Lord, during the harvest, he would have in the earth a servant who would be faithful and wise. The physical facts show that Brother Russell met every one of these requirements. This prophetic utterance, then, has been fulfilled. Therefore fulfilled prophecy, or physical facts, and the circumstantial evidence are conclusive proofs that Brother Russell filled the office of that faithful and wise servant. He applied his heart unto wisdom.

    From The Watch Tower, May 1, 1922, pp. 131-132:

    Ever and anon there arises some one who has been following the Lord, for a time at least, who possesses a measure of beauty of mind and character, and possibly of person---one who takes himself too seriously. He succeeds in convincing himself that the Lord has appointed him to look after things divine and to lead God's people out of the wilderness. As he goes on in this way, he becomes convinced in his own mind that the Lord made a mistake in selecting Brother Russell as that servant; and this doubt leads to the conclusion later on that Brother Russell was not "that servant" at all. He begins to doubt what Brother Russell wrote, and so expresses himself. Now he disregards the Lord's Word, which says: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

    Thus disregarding this admonition, and being led on by the subtle influence of the adversary, he convinces himself that it is his solemn duty to undo all the things that Brother Russell taught and to turn the church's vision in the right way. He prepares a manuscript and charts in support of same, setting forth his views. Submitting it to others and being advised that his thoughts are wrong, he construes this to mean a desire to prevent him from permitting his light to shine, and disregards such advice. So thoroughly is he impressed that he must thus teach the people and undo that which has been taught, that he begins the publication of his thoughts and to send these forth to the consecrated. His arguments seem plausible to those who make only a superficial examination, and especially to those who have forgotten what they were taught. Doubt arises in the minds of some who thus read. Now the test is on...

    To be faithful means to be loyal. To be loyal to the Lord means to be obedient to the Lord. To abandon or repudiate the Lord's chosen instrument means to abandon or repudiate the Lord himself, upon the principle that he who rejects the servant sent by the Master thereby rejects the Master.

    There is no one in present truth today who can honestly say that he received a knowledge of the divine plan from any source other than by the ministry of Brother Russell, either directly or indirectly. Through his prophet Ezekiel Jehovah forshadowed the office of a servant, designating him as one clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side, who was delegated to go throughout the city (Christendom) and comfort those that sighed by enlightening their minds relative to God's great plan. Be it noted that this was a favor bestowed not by man, but by the Lord himself. But in keeping with the Lord's arrangement he used a man. The man who filled that office, by the Lord's grace, was Brother Russell.

    Jesus clearly indicated that during his second presence he would have amongst the church a faithful and wise servant, through whom he would give to the household of faith meat in due season. The evidence is overwhelming concerning the Lord's second presence, the time of the harvest, and that the office of "that servant" has been filled by Brother Russell. This is not man-worship by any means. It matters not who Charles T. Russell was--whether he was a doctor, a hod-carrier or a seller of shirts. St. Peter was a fisherman; St. Paul a lawyer. But these matters are immaterial. Above all, these men were the chosen vessels of the Lord. Regardless of his earthly avocation, above all, Brother Russell was the Lord's servant. Then to repudiate him and his works is equivalent to a repudiation of the Lord, upon the principle heretofore announced.

    From The Watch Tower, March 1, 1923, pp. 67-69:

    The fact of our Lord's second coming is definitely settled by the Scriptures. (John 14:2, 3; Acts 1:11; 2 Timothy 4:8) The Scriptures show that his second presence was due in 1874. (See C83-127.) Also it is definitely settled by his own words, that at the time of his second presence he would gird himself, cause his servants to sit down to meat, and would come forth and serve them. (Luke 12:37) He also firmly establishes the fact that during his presence he would conduct a harvest work (Matthew 13:18-40; 24:31); and with equal force he states that at that time he would appoint some one to the office of that "faithful and wise servant" and make him ruler over all his goods. (Matthew 24:45-47) These points are incontrovertible; therefore must be considered by all reasonable and fair-minded Christians as conclusively settled.

    By proof is meant the physical facts in fulfilment of prophetic utterances by the Lord or some of his inspired witnesses. This proof shows that the Lord has been present since 1874, and that he has been conducting and is still conducting a harvest work; and that this harvest work has gathered together from every creed and denomination, and from the four quarters of the earth, as well as from all the ecclesiastical systems, those who really love the Lord. It must be conceded, then, that this work of the Lord is done in an orderly way. He could do it in no other way except in an orderly way. If it is conceded that he began his work in an orderly way, the burden of proof is on the objectors to show that he would afterward change his course and do that work in a disorderly way. The presumption must be indulged that he would continue it in an orderly way, even to a completion.

    In connection with his presence and the harvest work, the office of that "faithful and wise servant" is important, and is made so by the Lord himself. The one who fills that office is made ruler over all the Lord's goods during the time of his incumbency in office. The office of that "faithful and wise servant" therefore is a part of the orderly manner in which the Lord carries on his work during his second presence. The office is of far greater importance than the individual who fills the office; for if the officer placed in the office should fail to fill it properly, the office would still exist, and the Lord could easily appoint or assign some one else to fill that office.

    We believe that all who are now rejoicing in present truth will concede that Brother Russell faithfully filled the office of special servant of the Lord; and that he was made ruler over all the Lord's goods. Discussing this question of "that servant" himself in THE WATCH TOWER (April 15, 1904), Brother Russell said:

    " `Who then is the faithful and wise steward whom his Lord shall set over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?' The implication seems to be that when the right time should come for understanding the parable, it would be clearly set forth: that at the time of the parable's fulfilment the Lord would appoint a servant in the household to bring these matters to the attention of all the servants, and that certain responsibilities would rest upon such a one respecting the dispatch of his duties. If faithfully performed, a great blessing would be his reward; and if unfaithful to his charge, severe penalties would be inflicted. The implication would be also that if faithful the servant would be continued in his service, and if unfaithful he would be dismissed and another take the position and its responsiblities.

    ". . . there would be no violation of principle, however, in supposing that the Lord at the time indicated would specially use one member of his church as the channel or instrument through which he would send the appropriate messages, spiritual nourishment appropriate at that time; because at various times in the past the Lord has used individuals in such a manner."--WATCH TOWER REPRINTS, pages 3355, 3356.

    If Brother Russell filled that office, then it must be conceded that he did so under the supervision of the Lord. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." (Psalm 37:23) Acting under the supervision of the Lord, Brother Russell organized the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. In expressing his reason why the Society was organized, he said:

    "It seems tolerably certain that some of the saints will be in the flesh during a great part at least of the `time of trouble'; and if so, there will be need of printed matter, tracts, etc., as much then, perhaps, as now, and possibly will be more heeded; for when the judgments of the Lord are `in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.' (Isaiah 26:9) Should those at present prominently identified with the work [undoubtedly referring to himself] not be the LAST to be `changed,' some interruption of the work might result; but this may be obviated by having a legal standing, granted by a State Charter."--WATCH TOWER REPRINTS, page 671.

    In modest phrase Brother Russell here clearly indicated that it was his thought that the Society, as organized in an orderly manner, would carry on the work begun by him and finish that which had been committed to him personally. Often when asked by others, Who is that faithful and wise servant?--Brother Russell would reply: "Some say I am; while others say the Society is." Both statements were true; for Brother Russell was in fact the Society in a most absolute sense, in this, that he directed the policy and course of the Society without regard to any other person on earth. He sometimes sought advice of others connected with the Society, listened to their suggestions, and then did according to his own judgment, believing that the Lord would have him thus do.

    Since Brother Russell's "change" some who believe that he filled the office of "that servant" have said that the Lord has cast off the Society. Is such a conclusion either reasonable or Scriptural? Brother Russell's own thought was that the Society would continue to do the Lord's work as above indicated. Besides, if the Lord was pleased to have this organization started originally for his purposes, why should he cast it off? Why not continue to direct the servants therein according to his own will or supply other servants? Such is the reasonable conclusion.

    Do not the facts prove beyond a doubt that the Lord has been doing some harvest work during the past six years and since the death of Brother Russell? During that time have not many been gathered to the Lord, even out from the world, and have manifested every evidence of acceptance with the Lord? If the Lord, then, has been doing a work and is still doing it, is it reasonable to conclude that he is doing it in an orderly manner? If the Society is not being used to fulfil the office in carrying out the work, then who is? Can any of the murmurers or objectors point to another arrangement the Lord has in which he is carrying out his work? If any of them know of any other arrangement, let them come forward and name it. If there is any such other arrangement that the Lord has, all the saints will want to be in harmony with it and serve in the Lord's way, and not man's way.

    The word Society as used herein is a generic term applied to the body of consecrated, anointed Christians throughout the world engaged in the work of representing the King and the King's interests on earth. It is an organization for the purpose of doing the Lord's work in an orderly way. This organization has its officers, elected in an orderly manner. The officers are not the Society, but are servants of the Society. Should every individual now in the Society prove disloyal, the Lord could put others into their places, and still the Society would exist and continue his work. Let us be wise enough to make the distinction between office and individual. All the individual members of the Society may make mistakes, being imperfect, but that would not mean that the Lord would cast off his organization and go about doing his work in a disorganized manner.

    If it is seen, then, that the Lord is conducting his work through his followers organized into a body for that purpose, and doing it in an orderly way, then all saints should wish to abide together in harmony and work together in harmony, following peace and holiness, having their hearts and minds united together in love; and in no other way could they get on. (Hebrews 12:14; Colossians 2:1-3, Diaglott) Each one, then, who represents the Lord should be looking out well for the interests of the King and his kingdom. Each one who possesses the spirit of the Lord will be glad to leave all judgment of his brother to the Lord, and to follow the admonition given by the Scriptures to cover the defects of his brother with the mantle of love. He will keep in mind that every servant must make his accounting to the Lord and not to any other body member.

    For the following, see also the Proclaimers book, page 143.

    In the February 15, 1927 Watch Tower article "Servant--God and Evil" the Society reconsidered Matthew 24:45, 46 and then changed its view of C. T. Russell; he was no longer "the faithful and wise servant". After a good deal of discussion the article concluded (pp. 55-57):

    Jesus said that he would make them [the `faithful ones'] `ruler over all his goods'. To rule, as stated here, means to be appointed as a convoy or guard or escort. It would mean then that those faithful ones are designated by the Lord to look after his kingdom interests on the earth. Now let each one answer the question for his own satisfaction: Who on earth are now earnestly and zealously looking after the kingdom interests by proclaiming the day of God's vengeance, holding up the standard for the people, testifying that Jehovah is God, and declaring that the kingdom of heaven is at hand? All who answer truly must admit that there is but one small body of Christian people on earth, and that these are working harmoniously together to this end, and that there is none other so doing. The same class of Christians collectively are feeding each other upon the Word of God, and are diligently endeavoring to feed the prisoners who are also of the household of faith.

    There seems to be no ground, within the meaning of the Scriptures, for concluding that "the faithful and wise servant" refers to any individual person, but does have reference to the feet members of Christ on earth--those who are blind to everything except to the will of the Lord, and who are harmoniously lifting up their voices together in declaring his message of the kingdom...

    What is here said is no reflection on anything that has heretofore been written. Some have claimed that the scripture, "The faithful and wise servant," specifically applies to Brother Russell. He never made that claim himself. That Brother Russell was greatly used of the Lord no one can doubt who knew him. That the Lord used him more wonderfully than any one on earth since St. Paul's day there can be no doubt. But that does not at all affect the explanation of this scripture. It is clearly manifest from the scriptures hereinbefore cited that the elect Servant of God is Christ, Jesus the Head and his body members; and that Christ Jesus speaks of these faithful members as a part of himself.

    To say that "that faithful and wise servant" specifically applies to one individual and to none other would imply that a large proportion of the body members of Christ could not be classed either as faithful or wise. That would be doing violence to the scripture. It is only the wise and faithful that God has promised shall be preserved in this time of stress. "O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful."--Psalm 31:23...

    Furthermore, if the coming mentioned in the above text refers to the Lord's coming to his temple, and the text applies after he comes to his temple, it is manifest that this scripture could not be understod prior to 1918. The Lord does not interpret his Word in advance...

    With these physical facts with which we are all familiar now in mind, let us read this scripture and answer the question: "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?" (Matthew 24:45) The answer to this is, Those found faithful when the Lord comes to his temple. The goods of the Lord are all his interests. The Lord has made this faithful and wise class ruler over all his goods, or kingdom interests, on earth. Continued faithfulness unto death is required of each one who remains in this wise and faithful Servant class.


  • You Know
    You Know

    This link is for Dubula. It indicates that the book-cooking fraud originates at the top. The govenrment has all kinds of gimmicks that they use to put out phony numbers, which are later usually downvised to give later numbers a percentage increase in comparison with the lowered previous numbers. For the last few years the establishment is only concerned about getting through the next quater without a catastrophe. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know


    Seems to me, being the "Dummy Slave" (and not the "Discreet Slave"), he certainly is not a very worthy leader by any means to be in charge of God's Household.

    Well, that would explain why you are an apostate dub I suppose. / You Know

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