Many of you know what a year I have been having...
Things got a wee bit worse for me...
I work for a non-profit membership based high-technology Corporation. Monday they laid of 2 people. Today, when the CEO realized what happened with MCI, and after a phone call with a company called Symbol, we lost a wireless deal that was basically going to save our company. With MCI in the toilet, that chance is gone. So, my company laid off thier entire middle management team (and most of thier admin dept.) Including... me. The company has until August with a small skeleton crew to make a miracle or they will go under.
Perhaps I am in shock, or perhaps I have been through hell and back in the last 12 months that my skin is made of bone. Either way, I am having the worst 12 month period of my life.
I am going to try to go to school, I want to be a nurse. Now is my chance. Keep your fingers crossed for me, because I can't loose much else.
Edited by - MrMoe on 27 June 2002 19:31:1