This is a sincere question. Do you worry about offending active witnesses?
Do you care that you offend JW's?
by wholewheat 59 Replies latest jw friends
this is a sincere answer: hell no!
They get offended by the most petty crap ,the question is -how don't you offend one?????????
i try my best not to offend my parents because they are still active JW's--more of a don't ask, don't tell policy. however, they don't frequent internet message boards that have openly apostate people. when i was in, i thought the society was pretty clear about that. so my question to you: why are you offended when you're visiting a board that would be 'frowned' upon by your elders and congregation if they knew? what exactly are you offended by? just curious.
Not really. This idea that we gotta be presentable/comparable/appealing to jw's is just leftover jwism IMO. However there are other branches of xjw's, like ray franz and brci that are exactly that. I can't criticise them. Different groups help in different ways.
I for one do care since these places were designed, amongst other reasons, to be a place where they can learn the truth about the 'truth' and intentionally insulting them or conducting ourselves in such a manner that would chase them away defeats that purpose.
I am curious as to which person is writing this question tho? Is this the Uncle or Milky? If Milky you have a lot of nerve asking this question considering how you insulted and treated one of the kindest hearted person I have ever known. You drove her off H20 both as a member and as a participant. You got banned from H20 for your insulting behaviour and now repeat it here.
So do you care if you offend anyone whether JW or not?
If this is the alleged Uncle, please encourage your nephew to seek professioanl help.
Wholewheat, I treat all as decently as I can. I don't set out to offend any JWs, but won't take their nonsense anymore either. When the JW wife and I were still together, that included any who came to visit heror her kids. I never was rude to any of them, but they sure didn't care if they offended me in my own house.
Maybe you should also be asking the active JWs if they care about offending exJWs. It is a two way street, you know.
Lew W
I care about not offending JWs as much as I care about it for other people. JWs are people too, dont forget that.
In gnereal, I try not to offend anyone. But I am true to myself. In person, I am less confrontational than I am online, unless someone is shoving something I dont want to hear down my throat.
So the short answer is that I will treat JWs as I do everyone else.
i don't try to offend people on purpose, maybe shock 'em a bit hehe. i agree that jws that come here are pretty much going to be offended no matter what. what can you do? i just try to be honest.
In general life, I try not to offend anyone, but occasionally things have to be said. Same with this board - if people are offended by what I say, it is not deliberate, but we can't go around on tippy-toes worrying about the smallest things.