Hi Wholewheat,
Ahhh! The dreaded personal question....lol
Well, offend is a huge word. A rapist may be offended because his mother refers to him as a pervert, which he clearly is. As has been already stated, sometimes the truth can hurt. As it is such a broad term I am taking it as stated that you might really mean, "Do you care if you are rude to JW's'
I have no issues with any individual JW. In fact I love and respect many of them for the kind, considerate and decent people that they are. I also pity most of them for the emotional prison that they are unknowingly confined in. Even the ones who have hurt me deeply in the past I find very easy to forgive as they were in many ways only doing what they thought to be right. I would certainly not want to be rude to such people, though my views on their theology might lead me to having to offend them on occasion.
As to rudeness, well I think my views stated very often on this Board are a matter of public record. I do feel that those who deliberately attack JW's who venture on this Board by being rude to them, using cuss words that they know would offend them, sneering at their faith and their God, are probably far more contemptible than the JW's that they seek to humiliate.
Best regards - HS