: Do you care that you offend JWs?
The question is way too generalized. Do I care that JWs are offended if I show them the truth? No. Do I care if they are offended if I call them braindead when they act braindead? No. Do I care if they get offended when they see curse words? Hell no! What planet do they live on, anyway? There are many children in elementary schools who use words worse than they'll see on this board, and dub's children hear those words every day. I heard those words in elemetary schools back in the early 1960's. This is not to mention the fact that many dubs routinely curse like sailors when they can get away with it. Hypocrites!
Do I care if they are looking for any reason to be "offended" so they can have a convenient excuse to avoid seeing the facts they don't want to see about their religion? No. Those kind of folks are braindead and enjoy being braindead. To hell with them.
If you want to be more specifc with your question, the please feel free.
Here's a question: Do JWs give a single rat f they offend one of their very own by their shunning, or self-righteous judgements they routinely pass on their own brothers every day? Shit no, they don't. Do they care in the least that they can say right to the face of one of their former very own, "you are a dog returning to your own vomit," (like my former "best JW friend" said to me)? Shit no, they don't. They don't have a problem saying those things to their parents, siblings, children or anyone else when they have the chance.
JWs are the biggest whiner-hypocrites in the world. They aren't getting back half of what they've dished out and they deserve every bit of what they get.
Edited by - Farkel on 8 July 2002 19:58:39