Hey WholeWheat,I`ve never and I mean never, seen a JW give a rats ass for offending anyone with their point of view.There is no reason for them to expect to be treated any differently.If you offend them,they`ll squeal like a pig stuck under a gate...OUTLAW
Do you care that you offend JW's?
by wholewheat 59 Replies latest jw friends
Yes it does bother me if I offend them. It bothers me that it bothers me, because it doesn't bother them that they offend me and I wish I could be like them in that regard.
Lost Diamond
I'm with a few of you here. I don't try to offend anybody just because I can....even a JW. I don't feel hatred towards anybody. I'm very open minded and I believe everybody has a right to say or feel as they please, and I respect that we are all different. If they happen to not agree with me...oh well, I can live with it. I'm my own person and I just as well let everyone be.
The only time I feel I would have to say something is if somebody or something is being hurt.
Not hugely ... they are masters at taking offense.
I worry about offending people in general which is why I post so many posts admonishing to keep it clean etc...
My brother in law is a fine example of the kind of self righteous 'taking offence' that JWs are particularly good at:
An elderly brother (note) from another hall did a Tommy Cooper style magic show at someones wedding. For those who don't know, Tommy Cooper was a brilliant comedian who did tricks that went wrong or were exposed how it was done while he was doing them ... a brilliant guy.
Well, Mr Self-Righteous decides he is going to get upset and walk out because, and I quote:
"He is using the power of Satan and demonism to perform magic"
What a stupid idiot. He was using a piece of string ...
LOL Simon,I read your post twice and I`m still laughing..(LOL)...OUTLAW
hi whole wheat............ ya, i worry, ........ why?
what should i do?
I find it to be disturbing and quite disappointing that the truth does offend them. Even so, I will not lie to spare their feelings. On occasion I may disengage from them. If the real truth is offensive to them then there is something very amiss there. People were so offended by Christ that they crucified Him.
Should I be rude? No. Should I accomodate their lies about Christ? As yet I can't see why I should.
To be perfectly honest, I try extremely hard not to offend JW's. The most challenging trait to display when you are talking to a JW though is tolerance, patience and self - control. I think this is why many exJW's attack and be rude to active members.
Jw's though, Im not sure whether they consider their own claims, and how that would offend members of different churches. For instance, my husband was somewhat OFFENDED when the JW's told him that his gifts of the spirit which he held very sacred (ie. Speaking in tongues) was from Satan,
I felt very OFFENDED and HURT when I was ignored by JW's after comeing out of the org (and I was'nt even baptised)
God loving individuals are very OFFENDED when they are told that they should use only one type of bible translation.
Householders are very OFFENDED when they are lied to by Jehovahs Witnesses at the door and told that they are not seeking to recruit, but merely show them a few scriptures about god's love.
Individuals are OFFENDED that they are that their personal relationship with god, no matter how great or life riveting, means nothing without the WT.
And finally, I am sure that not alot of people are over the moon when they are told that if they dont read the watchtower, and attend the KH, themselves and their family will DIE.
What do you think wholeweat? Do you think people in other religions are somewhat offended by the condemnation delivered by JW's?
Wholewheat, My thoughts are similiar to Kismet's, Hillary's, and BeautifulGarbage's. When JW's come here, I never attack them as a person, but I certainly attack their ideas, as you are well aware. So, Wholewheat, I have to ask you this question: were you offended by my numerous posts directed to you. If so, why? If not, why not?
I don't think we are sure what you really mean, Wholewheat, so we're surmising.
So that being said, it seems to me.................
.................. that Dubs suffer from both paranoia and an inflated opinion of their significance on the world stage. The fact is, that most people care little, or know little, about JWs. It's a bit like a goldfish in a bowl, who looks out at the world and believes that he's the centre of attention. Of course, we know he isn't, he's just a very insignicant and confined creature swimnming around in his prison-like bowl. Much like the Dubs really.
So whether I, and others here, worry about offending Dubs is, to me, secondary to the main question "Do I worry about giving offense to ANYBODY?" And, I think this has been brought out by other fellow posters.
Having said that, I have found that the position in reverse is much more obvious i.e. Dubs cause great offense to others (non-Dubs). Even more than that, Dubs have been guilty of the most heinous conduct and what makes it so much worse is that, like the Catholics in the Inquisition, they believe they are doing it "for God".
Cheers, Ozzie