Agh, don't worry, Jehovah hasn't been seen for about 4000 years now, so the chances of him taking offense are pretty SLIM!
Lots of Jehovah Bashing in Here
by Perfection Seeker 57 Replies latest jw experiences
What gets me is all the Odin-bashing going on. It's not Odin's fault, either, but most people treat him as if he's nothing but a bunch of made-up stories.
Jehovah who?
Perfection Seeker
Well, that wasn't as bad as I thought I would get :-) Thanks for being so nice everyone! It's just that I have a good friend who also had the same background as I did- and when she left the organization, she left God as well. She said no god would allow her to go through the torment she went through being a witness all those years. Yes, everyone has a right to believe or not believe, but in my opinion, if you stop believing in God because of that cult- they still are "winning' Just my opinion. I, too, went about 7 years before I "looked up God" again- and when I did- it felt great. Everyone has their own opinions, ideas, and are on their own time schedule. I guess its kind of like someone who gets divorced & says they will NEVER marry again. Marriage isn't bad- just picked the wrong mate- had a bad experience. Same with God. The witnesses are a VERY bad representation of him- but he's still there. In my opinion, that is :-)
Perfection Seeker: One of the most important things I learnt leaving the Tower was to respect the faiths of others, no matter WHAT or WHO they believe in! The key thing is not to hurt others...that is WRONG! Notice that the GB hurts others.
Perfection Seeker
Beautifully said JJRIZO! :-)
the original text doesnt say Jehovah, neither does it translate to Jehovah, unless naughty people translate it.
I do agree that we do reap what we sow while here on earth.
Lots of people are here for lots of different reasons. Many are in various stages of recovery from being in a cult, many of them from childhood and had no choice about being there.
I don't know if I can believe in "God" anymore, for myself, and for my own reasons which I choose to keep to myself.
But, from the description of God - all knowing, all seeing, all forgiving, all loving, all justice, all righteousness - that has been expounded for as long as I can remember, don't you think that if God is "all that" and we are merely "dust" to him, why should he care what we think about him?
Does he take offense so easily?? Can he not "handle" a little anger or criticism or "bashing" from mere mortals?? If not, how can he be "perfect"?
Does he have a self-esteem problem??
Everything he has "so lovingly provided for us" - is that just a ploy for him to get affirmation from people he could just as easily wipe out with a plague??
Does he hold out health and long life and prosperity like carrots for people who praise him?? If that's the case, why are there so many sickly impoverished God-worshippers on this planet??
Just curious.
Love, Scully
One thing I guess that gets me, is that Christians never seem to answer any questions. Or maybe they think they answer questions, but do not. So I must ask you, to answer the questions asked of you in this thread. It seems only fair to me.
I agree that it is a fact that humans have to answer for their own actions. Where I disagree is that the consequences are directly related to God's law, which I am not too clear and many other Christians are not clear on what they actually are. There are other faiths, that have a set of laws so to speak as well, are they considered doomed, because they aren't following the bible? How do you think they feel about Christianity?
PS, I can only speak for my self but...
I was brought up in the truth. I loved Jehovah. I knew no other way of life. I was indoctrinated week in week out as to what I should believe and how I should live my life.
When this ended, I realised I was not actually a very religious person at all. It was like the scales fell away from my eyes. My hunger for 'truth' was the hunger the society kept giving me. The questions I had about the meaning of life were questions I would have not pondered without the publications reminding me over and over again. I realised for the first time that the dub religion had left me with more questions than answers and I went away knowing that if there is a 'Jehovah' he doesn't hate me.
In my lay-mans study of science and philosophy, I was left with what you might call a new religion, one of knowing I am at peace with the universe, and a respect for the infinate power and consciousness which fills the universe and permeates us all.
I dare say that many people are in fact living the lie the organisation has given them.