I FEEL so bad!!!!

by SpiceItUp 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    Syn, have you ever tried taming an adult feral cat? Believe me, you don't know the meaning of the word "aggressive". I had to handle Bumper wearing welding gloves and high rubber boots.

    Getting vasectomies and retaining all the adult feline aggressive, territorial behavior would just result in lots more kitties being gassed to death in shelters because most humans would not put up with being lacerated and bitten five times a day. There are millions now that are put to death every year simply because no one wants them. Better to give them a good life than no life.

    Believe me, cats, horses, cattle, etc. do not have the human hangups about being "men". They don't strut their "macho" stuff all over the place. Actually, that's giving me an idea..... Naw, they wouldn't go for it. (hehehe)

  • JanH


    The problem is people want cute furniture on legs, they don't want real, living animals with all their instincts. Nature is often too wild to be restrained into the lives of urban humans, so we do whatever we need to tame it. And that includes crippling the poor beings to make them fit into our world.

    - Jan

  • SpiceItUp


    I'm not exactly sure where you stand on the subject from your post. Do you have pets? Are they "fixed" ?

    And that includes crippling the poor beings to make them fit into our world.

    Don't get me worng..I still feel bad but my cat will recover and will not be crippled. In fact he has been bouncing around since I brought him home.

    I do see a difference with declawing...that is something that I will NEVER do to any animal- and you should see the scars I get from mine sometimes. In my opinion those that say declawing is saving furniture then I say you shouldn't have a pet if you put a piece of furniture over a life.

    Anyway----would you please be more specific as to what YOU view....thanks.


  • JanH


    Anyway----would you please be more specific as to what YOU view....thanks.

    Since I am not willing to put up with the work necessary to have a real wild animal, I don't have one. Personally, I find the idea of an indoor cat tasteless. I have way too much respect for the nature of wild animals to want to bring them into my urban world. If I was willing to move into their world, and adapt accordingly, it would be another matter entirely.

    - Jan

  • SpiceItUp

    Jan---thank you for the clarification

    If I was willing to move into their world, and adapt accordingly, it would be another matter entirely.

    I can just see it now----Jan the new Tarzan...lol...

  • rosalyn

    I remember when the organization said no to sterilizing humans. Then I believe they flip flopped on that one too but I don't know for sure. I thought they were leaving it to the conscience. Correct me if I am wrong. In the last year, however I was informed that they have taken a stance on "unnatural birth control"(pill, condom, etc.). I have a feeling that I am correct because I know one active Jw was reading all about the natural rythms of the body specifically rythm method for birth control. With that in mind I wonder if I am to become an aunt in the near future.....not a reliable form of birth control. I guess it doesn't really matter because I would only be a very distant observerer.

    I hope you will forgive for jumping from critters to humans but my mind wonders quite easily. Sorry about that.

    And SPICE you did the right thing. You aren't crippling your cat. Don't let anyone tell you different. ROSALYN

  • rosalyn

    Jan .....chances are they wouldn't let you move into their world without a bit of a fight. Would take a lot of adapting. I guess the best thing is for all of us to stay where we are right?

    I do like your attitude about wild animals. However cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and everyone knows that a cat owns you: not you own the cat.

    SPICE cute comment about Tarzan but I don't think Jan wants the role maybe Mowgli he would prefer.

  • SpiceItUp

    lol rosalyn...

    funnie thing too about at least my cat----he dosent like the outdoors. I have tried to take him out so he can play (frolic...lol) in the grass but my efforts are thwarted as he dashes for the front door.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Unfortunately, Jan, housecats have been domesticated for thousands of years and they are no longer "wild" animals. Although many of them are forced to try to eke out an existence in a "feral" state, they are not particularly good at it.

    Have you ever done any TNR of feral cats? Have you ever seen the starvation and disease in uncared-for feral colonies? It's not pretty.

    Humans domesticated cats thousands of years ago, and we now have an obligation to care for them. They are not wild and cannot be expected to thrive without care.

    And trust me....you don't want a "wild" animal in your home. Many have tried it because they like the idea of "exotic" pets. Most of these "exotic" pets end up on "canned-hunt" ranches, or dead from abuse.

    Perhaps you COULD move into the "world" of the feral cat. Check out empty lots, abandoned buildings, and dumpsters behind restaurants. There you could experience the "joy" of the unneutered, unfettered feral feline.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I'm a very passionate advocate of spay/neutering. I'm allergic to cats, so I can't have one in the house with me. But I got my dogs neutered ASAP when I got them.

    Actually, it makes for much more content animals. Much less fighting, more playful, friendly, and not going completely crazy when a female goes into heat that lives within a 5 mile radius.

    Go to your local animal shelter and see all of the unwanted pets, and then tell me how it's bad to do.

    I also grew up around horses. Unless they have something positive to contribute to the breed, it's better to geld the males. Much gentler disposition and easier to train. Most stallions are just too unpredictable and wild. I agree with RHW, animals just don't have the "male" hang ups like humans.

    Though, right before I got my dogs fixed, a male co-worker said to me, "Oh, you have to let them have sex at least once!" Actually, the guy's own family/children situation made a good case for the spaying of humans.

    You did the right thing, Spice. Good for you!


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