Hi Hillary_Step, I suppose you've got a point if it was a genteel world. As it ,masculinity can represent things sweaty, smelly and vulgar as the masculinized females here have so well demonstrated.
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins 134 Replies latest jw friends
Big Brother is here. Censorship has been brought to bear on the companion thread, Where are the masculine men. I'm outta here. L8TA
Yes D8TA, 4skins style of writing does look familiar.
I have stayed out of this for a long time, in fact I just today went back and read all the posts since this thing blew out of proportion.
I don't get it. Not at all. 4skin I honestly feel sorry for you. Your view of women has been limited to June Cleaver as the end all be all. Instead of valuing a woman for being more than an outward appearance you judge them based upon what they choose to wear. You have been socialized to believe a woman's place is in the home, and those who are not happy there should buckle down and be a housewife anway? I would be miserable staying at home. But that is just me. If someone said to you that you are not masculine because the eptiome of masculinity is a Fireman, and you are not a Fireman, don't you think you might be a little offended? Being called as less than a man because of your choice of employment might get ya a little pissy don't you think? You seem to have traditional feminine roles, and feminity confused.
Women who are comfortable in jeans and t-shirts are man hating lesbians? I really suggest to you that you wear a dress suit, pantyhose, and three inch heels for just one morning and then you may understand why women prefer to dress more casually. Again if someone told you, "you're not a real man unless you wear overalls all day long and sweat good" do you think that you might take offense?
I am really not understanding what the point of your orginal post was. You were obviously not asking a question. Merely giving an opinion, and then becoming quite upset when people did not share your opinion. I am merely trying to show why people are just a tad bit upset with you, and why they reacted as they did.
Gender roles often shift from culture to culture, and time period to time period. I think it is time you realized what you believe to be the feminine ideal is no longer the one others share.
I have not resorted to name-calling, nor have I used strong language. Nor have I been submissive. I talked to you on even plane, asking honest questions, and trying to carry out a rational conversation as two adult humans should be able to. I also would like to point out I love cooking, I like cleaning my house, I don't ever want to have children, I wear dresses sometimes, I also wear football jerseys. I hate pink, I drink beer, I wear feminine jewlery, I have no tattoos, I watch football, I don't like shopping, I love my long hair, I love my boobs, and I like to keep my nails painted at all times. (The point of this last paragraph was to show you how far sterotyping goes--I am my own person. I am can be considered feminine, I can also be considered a tom-boy. Depends on what day you see me. But if you see me on my non-June Cleaver days please don't judge me based on that fact alone.)
man Moe is hot!
I really suggest to you that you wear a dress suit, pantyhose, and three inch heels for just one morning
LOL, you really think 4skins doesn't do that on a regular basis?
This post is hilarious. I needed a laugh. Thanks.
After skimming this and the other thread....
i'm thinking "femininity must be in the eye of the beholder".
Spaz, that is exactly what I believe. That each culture has it's own concept of femininity or what is womanliness. The male morons on this thread are offensive because they assert that their concept of what is feminine is the only view to apply to all woman. It's moronic to apply ones own view of femininity to all woman regardless of their culture. If they wanted to have an intelligent discussion they would bring out the changes in American culture. Then, how it has effected womanliness and who defines what is womanly. Do men define femininity or do women?
Plm: Your a** kissing (TJ) never ends...*shakes head*
Edited by - Imbue on 1 August 2002 0:3:14
Edited by - Imbue on 1 August 2002 0:4:5
Edited by - Imbue on 1 August 2002 0:5:3
> There seems to be some consensus between researchers that rape is a recurring feature in male/female fantasy.
My, that's a broad statement. Mind if I ask: What researchers? Which studies? When/where were they conducted? Source citations please. Or is your "research" defined here?:
> I know most women entertain fantasies of being raped and men entertain raping.If that's the case, that is not "researchers." That's personal opinion, which isn't worth horse puckey in terms of drawing conclusions about the rest of the population.