Moe, you are hot!
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins 134 Replies latest jw friends
Moe, you are HOT!
LMFAO thanks... nice way ta start ur morning, 'eh?
Hi Folks,
There's some fine, beautiful and sexy looking women posted here that could be biological females. I saw nothing resembling femininity though( although one male poster could be)! Perhaps you're confused as to what femininity is. Don't worry--if the guys only think of you as sex objects it's because that's how you promote yourself. Some guys need an unfeminine or masculine female; and some guys are so insecure they need a woman to dominate them. Don't you women remember the male chauvinists in the jaydub world? Those guys figured they had a better choice because, statistically, there are more females than males, remember? Those guys wanted a woman that'd take the spiritual lead, get a job to support them, come home and cook for them and of course, they had to look drop-dead gorgeous and had to perform well in bed, or have you forgotten?
There's some fine, beautiful and sexy looking women posted here that could be biological females. I saw nothing resembling femininity though( although one male poster could be)! Perhaps you're confused as to what femininity is.
EXCUSE ME??????????? If Heaven ain't fem to you along with the rest of us Mr. Foreskin-I-am-a-male-ego-driven-reject I would like to know what is? You are pathetic.
Edited by - MrMoe on 29 July 2002 7:33:34
I saw nothing resembling femininity though
What a coincidence! I saw nothing resembling intelligence in your post.
Oh yeah, that is right, silly me, I am not feminine because I speak my mind... oh gosh darn it forgive Master (properly pronounced Masa) for my error, forgive me while I go serve cheetos and beer to your and your much older going bald now overwieght highschool buddys watching the football game, and as soon these "men" leave (must be men the way they keep scratching and rearranging thier crotches tho) I will be in the bedroom waiting for our classic missionary position sex and in the morning I will pack your lunch and send you off to work while I clean house all day and take care of the children, making you a splendid meal and greet you at the door and have everything perfect for you upon your return.
And if you bought one bit of the above you think with your "4skin" more than I thought.
Edited by - MrMoe on 29 July 2002 7:45:38
LOL @ Moe - you are funny !!
You go girl !
You are one funny guy!
OK, I can't hold it in any longer.....
Moe, you are STUNNING!
GRA of the awestruck by Moe's beauty class