Hey I am out of my cave now. I will be off the board now for a few hours, I got to go to the gym and pump some iron. You know "curls for the girls." I have given you plenty of fodder to wail away on me when I am gone. And I do love you. I think I have found my new identity! Maybe I will be the most hated man on this board so move over Fred Hall, Comforter, You Know and Bleep you are being replaced by me! And the funny thing is I agree with 99.99% of the WTBTS opposers! Thanks 4skins for my new identity. See ya!
Where are the Feminine women?
by 4skins 134 Replies latest jw friends
Hat's off to teejay and alchemist; Before you guys weighed in, I was beginning to wonder if there were any masculine men on this board. Those others that are merely biologic males really need to stop sqatting down to pee. The only strong women I might be afeared of are those that stand up to urinate---and there's a bunch of those here(I don't know how many times I've been splashed standing next to a female indiscriminately peeing at a urinal--I fear for my expensive shoes and trousers). And yes, alchemist, at the risk of harm to my person I would gleefully volunteer to be a judge in your feminine-finding quest. The only problem we might encounter is to move the venue offshore where those stinky, non-testosterone, non-masculine biker feminists wouldn't disrupt the show by burning their jock straps, other male paraphenalia and attire which they love to wear.
Oops---I don't know how "non" came back up. I thought I'd erased it. Supposed to read:- "...stinky, testosterone-enriched, masculine biker feminists...."
Mr? Moe you look great If you dress to match your face you can be the new poster child for the rest of the female posters and we can get some results. Maybe we should have a beauty contest and elect a "Miss Apostate 2002"? I volunteer as a judge. 4skins would you like to get in on this privilage? Back to being serious again. If you are angry with men it will reflect on how you dress and look. It is that simple. So there you angry cats...
Do I win ur fem contest now? *rolls eyes* The day i enter into a degrading beauty contest is the day i allow the likes of you to touch the likes of me -- which is about as likely as as Mike Tyson winning the next Nobel Prize.
Man, we should get Mr. Moe angry more often if it means getting flooded with her "masculine" pictures . Stay mad for as long as you want, Moe.
I'm with the beer and popcorn guys, BTW .
Did you volunteer to all this beating up just to get Moe & others to show off their feminine charms? Clever idea! Was it worth it?
- Jan
If you are angry with men it will reflect on how you dress and look. It is that simple.
So THAT explains my compulsion to wear biker boots, dirty overalls, and refusal to wash my hair, every time my hubby pisses me off!
Another mystery solved!
This thread is cracking me up!
pass the popcorn
Spice, love scan up 7 posts and read the ultimate victim "Mommy Dark" for some man hating rubbish or maybe she just hates me?>
I just love how you are trying to defend yourself now by something that was put in the 3rd page of the thread. Not to mention that by lumping all women by one comment is quite ignorant. That would be like me turning into a lesbian because of your comments.
As a woman I enjoy the company of both sexes. Truth be told I have more friends that are male. What does that say about me. It could go either way depending on the point you are trying to make. I dont view myself as being above men but I also dont view myself as being below men. Equality is good and as soon as you get it out of your head that feminine qualities go beyond the clothes we wear then maybe you will see where we are coming from.
Lets just face facts-----you guys are intimidated by strong women that know what they want in life and how to get it. I have no problem with any man that does the same..It just still eludes me how men can still get that superiority complex. Have women suffered enough at your expense. We were treated as slaves and as property and now when we prove that yes we can be strong, intelligent and still remain beautiful then you start complaining that we are not feminine enough for you.
Well--NEWS FLASH-----we are not gonna change the way we percieve ourselves just to make you happy. And if you dont like that then you know exactly what you can do and where you can do it.
"Feminine" is defined in the dictionary (AHD4ed) as "Of or relating to women or girls" and "Characterized by or possessing qualities generally attributed to a woman." I suppose those qualities are personally defined differently by each individual, just as "masculine"
qualities are explained by each person in their own mind. As a general rule, however, until recent decades, culturally, the qualities
of women were defined primarily by men (as were the qualities of men.) Want proof? Here's some: up until about 10-15 years ago,
the majority of psychological studies only included male test subjects. Now that's hardly what one can honestly call realistic or fair,
and when you consider that the data gathered in those studies has been used (and is still used) to define the human experience for
both sexes, (albeit from one point of view that is drastically different from the other) it demonstrates how unrealistic the viewpoints
about the female psyche have been (and as illustrated by some of the mysogynistic posts here, still are, unfortunately.) It's just
going to take time for our cultures to adapt to the evolution of gender perceptions that is necessary and inevitable.Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride...
Edited by - arachnia on 29 July 2002 18:37:47