JanH needs to to read the publication "Life.Howe did it get here..be evolution or Creation.?" Published by the WTS. This highly Scientific book approaches the argument from a blank sheet of paper. Providing fact both for and against each argument. This book has been applauded the world over or its factual statements and quotes. I am sure it has won a literature prize from a third world country. And it is better than a college education.
Are you sure your name is not Pinoccio?
You don't need Scientific American to prove creationism wrong. Just read the bible!
The gods (elohim) create the light on the first day, but there were no days until he created the sun, moon, and stars on the "fourth"day.
They separate the waters and put some on the top layer of a firmament (firm, thin layer) Below this top layer, they create the heavens, on which they place the heavenly bodies on the fourth day. It does not matter that they are billions of years away or that some of them have volumes greater than a billion Earths
On the third day they create the flowering plants before they create their polinators and the sun, but Jehovah creates them after creating man, but before creating woman.
On the fifth day they command the water bodies to create flying animals, which later Jehovah creates from soil.
On the sixth day they create males and female humans in their own image at the same time, but Jehovah has a hard time finding him a mate among the animals, gets a bright idea, and makes a female from the rib of a male, which probably did not occur to him to do to the rest of the animals, which were created from water or soil, and man who was created from soil. This means female humans were the only ones created from living tissue.
There was no rain and plants were irrigated by mist, which could not be transformed into rain because magically the water molecules in the mist would not join to form droplets.
Animals were forbidden to eat other animals, so snakes and spiders had to poison their food to eat it.
Snakes could talk and had legs.