The origin of life remains very much a mystery, but biochemists have learned about how primitive nucleic acids, amino acids and other building blocks of life could have formed and organized themselves into self-replicating, self-sustaining units, laying the foundation for cellular biochemistry. Astrochemical analyses hint that quantities of these compounds might have originated in space and fallen to earth in comets, a scenario that may solve the problem of how those constituents arose under the conditions that prevailed when our planet was young.
But in the 1980s Richard Hardison of Glendale College wrote a computer program that generated phrases randomly while preserving the positions of individual letters that happened to be correctly placed (in effect, selecting for phrases more like Hamlet's). On average, the program re-created the phrase in just 336 iterations, less than 90 seconds. Even more amazing, it could reconstruct Shakespeare's entire play in just four and a half days.
In contrast, intelligent-design theorists invoke shadowy entities that conveniently have whatever unconstrained abilities are needed to solve the mystery at hand. Rather than expanding scientific inquiry, such answers shut it down. (How does one disprove the existence of omnipotent intelligences?)
The final evolution of the flagellum might then have involved only the novel recombination of sophisticated parts that initially evolved for other purposes. Similarly, the blood-clotting system seems to involve the modification and elaboration of proteins that were originally used in digestion, according to studies by Russell F. Doolittle of the University of California at San Diego. So some of the complexity that Behe calls proof of intelligent design is not irreducible at all.
July 2002 issue
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
Opponents of evolution want to make a place for creationism by tearing down real science, but their arguments don't hold up
By John Rennie
Jan, I hope you can read the above dispassionately and see just how unscientific each seems to be. How did the needed components get here during the formation of the earth, allow me to paraphrase and extrapolate his answers, "Uh, maybe the right ones just fell out of space at just the right time. Maybe, a comet??? Yeah, yeah, that's it a COMET!"
How about his answer to how long it would take for the right things to happen in sequence? "Hey, a guy created a computer program that wrote to be or not to be in 90 seconds, heck it could do a whole Shakespeare play in four and a half days!" Yeah, well have it write some new ones then.
And in contrast to the idiot creationists who invoke shadowy gods that have just what is needed at the proper time, " Uh, we evolutionists have comets deliver the ingredients in the right amount at the proper time, and that would be easy to disprove now wouldn't it?
As for the combinations of complicated systems, here is the simple answer, all they had to do was combine them. Nothing to that. "Why that involved only the novel recombination of sophisticated parts that initially evolved for other purposes. See nothing to it." Don't know why anyone would doubt that.
Jan, I don't know if you have ever built anything. I don't know if you have ever tried to modify anything, never mind anything complex. I built a barn using round cedar poles I cut out of the woods and then put a tin roof on it. Plumb, square and compatible don't come easy! Neither do comets with just what you need on them. Read what that guy said with an open mind and tell me he is more believable than someone saying an intelligent being made all this complicated stuff. Everything from the magnetic poles of the earth to the mitrovalve in your heart didn't just happen. At least I don't think so, but I won't call you an idiot if you disagree.