by BONEZZ 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002


    Now that I think about it, your posts like this one are what makes me angry.

    You call yourself a Jehovah's Witness, and you call yourself a Christian and allegedly one of the Anointed who will rule with God?

    Gimme a fucking break Robert King.

    Someone else is posting here pouring their heart out in anguish over a horrible scenario that the CULT YOU DEFEND has CAUSED, and all you can post about is another fanatical ranting about murder, bloodshed, gloom, and death.

    What the fuck is wrong with you man?

    Get your bitch ass off the board you freak.


    I am sorry for your heartache, I hope that one day you find peace.

    The Watchtower has many sins to atone for.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 9 August 2002 5:50:41

  • LittleToe

    I have to agree with Lisa's idea of writing a letter, espressing your feelings about your daughter. That's gotta melt her heart, surely!!?!

    At the end of the day, it's HER day. Maybe she can get that across to whoever is interfering.

    I don't know how things are done outside of Britain, but here the father-of-the-bride walks her down the aisle, there's a question asked as to who gives her away, which he reponds to, there's a speech at the reception, and perhaps even a dance. There are so many issues to do with the progenitor of this little girl. If your to-be son-in-law has any respect for you, he should support her in the right choice, too.

    My heart goes out to you - I can barely imagine what you must be going through. I only hope she will change her mind.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    This may sound crude but it works. When nobody wants me around, I'm gone! I have learned to nurse my wounds.

    Allow me to share this experience. My youngest daughter lived with this pervert and he mistreated her. I never cared for him and he knew it. He is a hypocrite. He cared for younger girls and he took advantage of my daughter's youth. My daughter knew I had strong feelings against this pervert. To make a long story short, she finally left him with two kids and is presently married to a man who is not a witness. For any man to marry a women with kids, it's two thumbs up for me. Anyways, she asked me to walk her down the aisle and even asked me to give the marriage talk. What a great surprise. Though this was not in a Kingdom Hall, it was still a good surprise. Amazing how every situation is different. To be excluded from the wedding party (walking your daughter down the aisle), sorry, it's obscene.

    Now, your daughter is only asking you to take pictures? Hmmmmmm.

    Guest 77

  • You Know
    You Know


    So, to prove your point that apostate Dubs are not murderous sons of Cain you launch into a profanity-laced, mouth-frothing, lunatic diatribe. LOL / You Know

  • Sirona

    Every time I read a post by YouKnow, it reminds me of why I will never be a Jehovah's Witness again. Its almost scary that such an unloving person with such a bad attitude and no reason can at the same time be so pompous and condemning. No love for fellow man there, just hatred veiled with clean words.


  • You Know
    You Know

    I ain't the one talking about murdering Jehovah's Witnesses the next time they come to the door. You people are simply trash. That's all there is to it. Pure trash. / You Know

  • Sirona
    You people are simply trash

    I believe that confirmed everything I just said. LOL. Go and moan on another thread,


  • zev

    i resent that comment.

    You people are simply trash. That's all there is to it. Pure trash

    "you know" you are heartless, unmerciful, cold, unfeeling and unable to see the pain this person is feeling, to type out the words you so unheartfeltly spewed onto this thread.

    my heart goes out to you. maybe someday you will be free of the Jehovah's Witness "box" of control, and then and only then will you see the real pain that others feel when their familys are torn apart by leaving Watchtower.

    Believe it or not, i WILL say a prayer for you today. As you can see, not every EX-Jehovah's witness is a murdering SOB and falls into a MOLD, just like not every Jehovah's Witness falls into a MOLD either.

    bonezz, i don't know what to say to you that others haven't already said but that, i feel your pain.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hello Bonezz,our families certainly have the monpoly on causing the most pain,don't they?

    Your daughters' actions are heartbreaking-but at least you can understand why she feels the need to do this.In the future she may look back on her wedding day and regret all this so much-I hope if she does she'll see the way you reacted put her to shame.

    I think the advice to tell her how much this upsets you is fabuolus advice- I needs to be said-to be stated-so do points about Christian principles in a difficult situation-afterall- she wants to be a good one, surely?

    At a wedding in 'my' cong.a woman would'nt even invite people in her famly that wer'nt in the 'truth' , even though they constantly used to tell them how lovely the association of 'brothers' was!!so much hurt was caused there.And I was asked not to invite anyone from the cong. to mine as I was'nt bapsised and they would'nt come as I was, technically, 'bad association'!!! Christian Congregation ,my arse!

    My heart goes out to you Bonezz;let us know what she says..


  • Francois

    Yet another example of why the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses must continuously be exposed for what it is. And the horror stories like this that we so take for granted must be kept before an unaware public. We make a huge mistake when we project onto the general population our awarenesses of the Witnesses and just what they are.

    I strongly feel it is our responsibility to do all we each are capable of doing to expose this running sore on the body of humanity in any and every way we can.

    Bonezz, how old are you? Maybe your attitude that you're too old is only in your mind?

    My most sincere regret for you

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