Barry says:
Dear Bonnezz, You should be able to go to the elders and talk to them and have the problem fixed and they should talk to youre daughter regardless of youre standing with the JWs. Dont feel bad there the ones with the problems not you .
why would this poster give this man this type of advice, i can't believe how some former jw seem to forget everything they learned as jw.
His daughter right now due to her wt indoctrination feels and believes she is deciding between her dad and jehovah, -
everything that a jw does and learns is to put everything in the context of ===THIS IS THE WILL OF JAH
going to the elders will only result in this man GETTING A REAL ASS BEATING
any half bake elder will tell him :
1. with a smile on his face ----------------
"John I'm sorry to hear that but you have DRAWN away from jah, that was your choice and we are sure she was as hurt at seeing you leave Jah as you are at seeing her leave you out of her wedding
2. Perhaps this is a time for you to reevaluate what is really important to you YOUR INDEPENTANT SPIRIT or working with jah arrangement.
I would never tell any former jw to go and get the advice and help of A DAMN "CHEESE CRACKER"
handign out guy who has the day off from Walmart
this maybe like for so many others part of the price that we have to pay for Freedom
for in order for him to be in the wedding esp if his daughter made her decision on the fact that HE WAS NOT OUR SORT
then he will have to go back to the wt routine and i don't think this guy needs or wants to do that