Perhaps, but would you be obligated to provide them with somewhere to live in the meantime?
Yes...if I was responsible for their condition. I believe a mother and father of a fetus are responsible for the condition of that fetus.
Where we read:
Many pregnancies are not viable, with an estimated loss of 50% before the first missed menstrual period. These pregnancies usually are not clinically recognized. Classic spontaneous abortion is defined as a clinically recognized (ie, by blood test, ultrasound) pregnancy loss before the 20th week of gestation. Spontaneous abortion occurs in an estimated 10-15% of pregnancies.
And, later:
Age and increased parity affect the risk of a miscarriage. Twelve percent of pregnancies terminate in miscarriage in women younger than 20 years; frequency increases to 26% in women older than 20 years.
So, about 60-65% of conceptions result in spontaneous abortion, rising to 76% for women over 20.
Thank you for posting your references, that is always appreciated. However, it says that 50% are lost before the first missed menstrual period, which is generally before a mother ever knows she is pregnant. I don't see how this can be include in a discussion about a parent's decision on abortion. That 50% is obviously never in need of an abortion. So the group we are referring to are those that make it past that point. According to your information, this would only mean about 26% are lost.
But besides all of that, even if 75% were lost. If there is a 25% chance that the fetus will survive, it is my personal belief that the parents are responsible for that. Unfortunately, not everyone feels that way, so we end up with a world full of unwanted children, bad parenting, abortions, etc.
how can you justify a loving god
I thought we were talking about abortion? How did justifying a loving god come into this? The answer is I can't and I don't even try.
Either a fetus does NOT have a soul from the moment of conception, and thus does not need the amount of protection under law, etc., that an adult receives. Or, it DOES, and 'god' has designed a woman's reproductive systems as a baby butchering factory.
Either it does or it doesn't? Says who? How about either it does, or it doesn't, or we'll never know. You are looking for an answer to an unanswerable question to justify the abortion of life. Since that answer is not available it is no excuse for aborting life. And brain waves have nothing to do with a soul.
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and he ought to butt out of what amounts to a personal decision for her. It isn't Quincy who will have to experience the physical risks and pains of labor, and it isn't Quincy who will likely be stuck with the child in the event their relationship doesn't work out.
That is pure CRAP! What are you, from Berkeley? He should butt out of her personal decision? It takes two to tango. It took both a male and female to create the pregnancy, the life result is a product of both of them. They are BOTH involved in the decision. For a woman to take complete control of the situation because it is her body is IMMORAL (understanding there are plenty of cases this is necessary due to loser men.) But in a case where the father is ready to take complete responsibility, I think he has every right to be involved with the decision.
Your irresponsibility created the problem, and you ought to be more considerate of your girlfriend, because in my opinion, the situation is entirely your fault.
What are you, a Femi-Nazi? Where was the mother in all of this? Completely innocent? Unless a woman is raped, she is just as responsible for the situation. How dare you try and put the blame on the father alone. It is the responsiblity of both the male AND the female, to either abstain from sex, have safe sex, or take responsibility for the result of their willingly having sex.
Edited by - amac on 16 August 2002 11:53:58