Being a father of 6 children I have a problem with abortions. But this is only a problem when they are done as a matter of convenience. Each and every one of my kids I welcomed into the world and loved them as much as the others. As others have said, she can have the child and place it for adoption or you can raise the child. I look at it as the unborn fetus as having no say, no rights and doesn't deserve death because his parents find him/her inconvenient. I fully support abortions where the situation dictates its necessity. Like the birth would kill the mother or the child would be still born regardless of whatever the doctors could do. I do not support the the fanatical pro lifers who go so far as to say that even stem cell research is killing a life. I also have an ethical dilema when tests reveal that an unborn would be severly retarded or handicapped. To preform an abortion then is playing God and we become like the Racial purists and Medical Ethicists who argue the costs and care over a life. I would do what your heart dictates and if she persists in having the procedure then there is not much you can do. I do not know how long she is in her pregnancy but the longer it goes the more of a human develops inside her. The argument as to when it is a life is simple, when it becomes an entity within that starts at the time of conception. One last thought, there has been some research that women who have abortions at times suffer from depression and withdraw from thier surroundings. I do not know why this is, I am just relating some article that I read in US News & World Reports. Peace, Docpalo