On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin

by Perry 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    Haters gonna hate. If it's true obsession about gays may reflect a difficulty coming to terms with same sex attraction Perry is so far in the closet he should pet Aslan the lion. However if that is not the case, it is really sad to see a person directing so much hate and negative energy towards people who haven't done him anything.

    On the plus side, this just makes the recent SCOTUS decision so much sweeter!


  • The1975Blues

    We can kill 1,000,000,000 Babies and that don't shock anyone? If someone say's their not comfortable accepting the homosexual lifestyle forced on them through civil rights groups their the villains? Let homosexuals have their rights, it's not the religious person's job to interfere with the Government attacking it, people need to show by their lifestyles they can offer something of value.

    We are in uncharted waters,what if things start to change pace and you get your wish of "religion getting removed by a UN style agency, will you stand back to reflect all the times you preached this was going to happen? I make no claims the JWs are the true group of God on earth, I don't know who is because organized religions have messed lots of people's lives up.

    Don't become too cynical if events start to change you miss that boat because I worry we could miss events because we were to involved in this cultural tug-of-wars, we do the best to be good people, after that we must wait for the next sign or cue in line.

  • The1975Blues

    The wording needs to change, instead of "Tolerance" can't we change it to "I respect your position" because tolerance goes out the door quickly when people disagree on subjects.

  • cantleave
    Their, there, they're......three simple words that should be used properly.
  • punkofnice
    bohm23 minutes agoHaters gonna hate.

    And this is the crux of the matter.

    Perry is just using the Bible to justify his own personal feelings. This is the same as other bigots and wazzocks do.

    I'm glad that all holy books are sh1te to me...that way at least I can despise who I want to for my own reasons without justification form any holy pigswill.

  • punkofnice
    Cantleave - I agree too to two
  • DJS

    Freemind: "Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology. They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact."

    Lower intelligence is also a factor for religiosity. In a meta-analysis of 63 studies (The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity), Zuckerman, Silberman and Hall showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for for religious beliefs than religious behavior. Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

  • _Morpheus
    What i wonder, DJS, is if its really intelligence or is it education? In other words, is it people incapable of learning and reasoning or is it people simply never guided to use their brains fully? Ive known plenty of very intelligent people in the wt org. Doctors and lawyers and engineers etc etc.... Although they do tend to be liberal about org rules, so maybe thats an indicator that they are intelligent, that they can reason on the stupidity of cult rules even while indoctrinated
  • DJS


    The data suggests correlations to both. Researchers identified the correlation between intelligence and a lack of religiosity nearly a century ago; this is nothing new and easily googled. What the data suggests is that contributing factors to secularism and atheism are: intelligence, a rational personality, education, prosperity, culture. However, if prosperity is factored out, intelligence, rational personality and education will still be factors correlating to secularism and atheism. If education is factored out, intelligence and a rational personality will still be factors.

    In other words, intelligence and personality (rationals who primarily make decisions based on an analytical, thinking process), based on a lot of studies, seem to be primary drivers of whether someone is religious. Most of us already intuitively know this. Intelligent people who rely or make decisions primarily on their feelings are more likely to be religious. That isn't surprising either; believing is one step up from Emotions, which is the lowest rung on our evolutionary ladder. Feelings are all that are required to believe.

  • _Morpheus
    And that makes sense but i always question anything i "know intuitively". After all, feeling is the lowest level of intelligence;)

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