We can kill 1,000,000,000 Babies and that don't shock anyone? If someone say's their not comfortable accepting the homosexual lifestyle forced on them through civil rights groups their the villains? Let homosexuals have their rights, it's not the religious person's job to interfere with the Government attacking it, people need to show by their lifestyles they can offer something of value.
We are in uncharted waters,what if things start to change pace and you get your wish of "religion getting removed by a UN style agency, will you stand back to reflect all the times you preached this was going to happen? I make no claims the JWs are the true group of God on earth, I don't know who is because organized religions have messed lots of people's lives up.
Don't become too cynical if events start to change you miss that boat because I worry we could miss events because we were to involved in this cultural tug-of-wars, we do the best to be good people, after that we must wait for the next sign or cue in line.