If there is no God why should you worry,
I don't.
or if your conviciton is that we are free to do whatever crosses our heart why feeling attacked?
Who said we thought we were free to do whatever crosses our heart? Just because we reject bible morality does not mean we reject morality. It's frustrating that so many believers repeat this nonsense, as if they cannot understand the concept of morality without God.
want to point to a more grave problem related to sexuality. Worldwide some 40 000 000 humans are killed by abortion each year. This is very immoral in my eyes and unmatched in history.
I am sorry you feel that way. I do not equate a few cells that could be a human with an actual human. I fully support your right not to get an abortion, I just don't support your right to push your version of morality into others.
There is much blood being shed in the name of liberty and freedom. If people would respect the law of the Bible this misery would be prevented to a high degree.
And if people quit thinking their religion was the only path to salvation we could stop 90% of all wars. That would end a lot of misery right there.
The concept of sin is more and more rejected by most, to the point of criminalizing those who dare to say that same-sex relations are wrong in the eyes of the God of the Bible.
Who said anything about criminalizing words? We all have free speech, I have seen nothing saying we don't.