I think the church brought all this on it's self when they asked the government to be the ones who grants the license for marriage (for taxing purposes) in the first place. As long as the government gets to define marriage, the church has no say in to matter.
The church had nothing to do with this. The institution of marriage by God predates ANY form of government, and certainly predates the christian church by many thousands of years.
Governments have historically simply recognized a stable and beneficial edifice erected by God, for the first pair. Now, 5 unelected people, not representing the majority of the populace, have decided that this new definition is worth making criminals out of men, women and children who hold this most ancient of rites as unconscionable to redefine.
Like most issues, it gets down to words. God says he owns the word "marriage", since he invented it. The godless say that they do because no one is big enough to stop them from stealing it. It has nothing whatsoever to do with money, rights, inheritance, taxes, etc. That is just subterfuge.
These wicked judges and their supporters believe that they have power over God. But, instead of crushing their pride, he will fuel it to fruition. He will hand them over to their own desires and bring them into battle against him that their wicked, false confidence has pressed for. He will grant them what they most desire; full governance of their pride.
Mesmerized under the spell of their conceit, they imagine a vain thing, victory over God. This is what this is all about.