Its relevancy is drastically diminished when compared to our TOTAL inability to cease consciousness when we die.
No one will be able to stop being aware, ever.
by Perry 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Its relevancy is drastically diminished when compared to our TOTAL inability to cease consciousness when we die.
No one will be able to stop being aware, ever.
I have been trying to help snap you out of your fundamentalist funk, Perry. You really are reaching out for help when you share this crap. Do not worry so much about the kind of sex and relationships that other adults are having, and realize that many of the biggest "freaks" out there have been Christians.
If you don't like a society where personal freedom comes ahead of appeasement of Christians, then isolate yourself or get used to it because I would say that in America, people are starting to figure out that they shouldn't follow the morality of the Bible.
Personally, your latest rant disgusts me in that it reveals such a narrow view.
No one will be able to stop being aware, ever.
That's funny to ear that form the mouth of a guy who is proud to share its narrow-minded shitty stuff!!!
Perry: "Its relevancy is drastically diminished when compared to our TOTAL inability to cease consciousness when we die. No one will be able to stop being aware, ever."
Is that a threat, Perry? Is that the way Jah and his baby boy handle things?? Torturing and punishing pathetic little humans forever??? Is that why you love them so much? Birds of a feather I suppose.
Perry, you say sodomy, I say birthday sex. You say fornication; I say fun. You say the LGBT community is damned to hell; I see it is increasing my opportunities for me and my GF on Saturday night.
The world as you know it is passing away, and it can't leave this planet soon enough. When your type of theism and those who practice it can be seen on Jurassic World Part IX (as extinct but reproducible play things for our enjoyment), that will be a good thing. A very good thing.
Fink, I wouldn't say its a genetic defect, but a genetic variance. Like blue eyes.
Which brings me to a question, have they found the 'gay' gene? I don't recall a news story about this, but it seems probable they will if they haven't already.
Perry19 minutes agoDJS,
Its relevancy is drastically diminished when compared to our TOTAL inability to cease consciousness when we die.
No one will be able to stop being aware, ever.
Bloody hell. It's worse than North Korea.
Being aware now is useless with a god that doesn't make things obvious. A god that has no idea how to communicate properly. I'm sure such a god is incapable of carrying out that threat.
If I am aware forever in hell, at least I will be satisfied that I used the brain god gave me to figure out what a pscho he is and how I stood by my conviction against such a vile tyrant.
Actually, death is the end. Nope. No pie in the sky!!
Its relevancy is drastically diminished when compared to our TOTAL inability to cease consciousness when we die.
No one will be able to stop being aware, ever.
Under that statement then Perry, it would be apparent that your physically dead, in that you are not accepting knowledge of modern human sociological behavior but adhering to ancient social moral values, expressed from ancient civilizations.
Perhaps reading some books on human social development might help you to remove that dunce cap off your head.
Fink, I wouldn't say its a genetic defect, but a genetic variance. Like blue eyes.
Which brings me to a question, have they found the 'gay' gene? I don't recall a news story about this, but it seems probable they will if they haven't already.
No! Studies tends to prove that's nothing to see with genetic .
You doesn't have a "gay" gene. You doesn't have an "hetero" gene neither!
How about Abraham who supposedly started all this crap, was he married to one woman? Oh wait, NO! He had three. Also of note, his main b*tch was also his half sister! Then there were the others, and how about his RIGHTEOUS descendant Lott, he didn't even have the decency to marry his two daughters, just bang them.
Your religion is $hit, or better a glass house, think before throwing moral stones.
Fink, I wouldn't say its a genetic defect, but a genetic variance. Like blue eyes.
It is difficult to describe how homosexuality originates but speaking in terms of biology, when a species is only sexually attractive to its own inherent sexual identity, that could be described as a slight genetic disorder.
Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you