On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin

by Perry 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS

    LoveUnit: "But why do want to start a thread about this? The big problem with appealing to scripture, Perry, is that it cannot be established as the word of God."

    Because Perry is full of hate; he has found someone who shares similar hate - Jah and his son. And even better, those 2 justify Perry's hate. Hating others makes Perry feel better about himself. Tearing others down builds Perry up. Denigrating them elevates him. He can claim the moral high ground, the superior position, the favored son. A lot of times x-tians, especially dubs and ex-dubs, continue to act this way, in spite of rational evidence, because they were never allowed, or able, to achieve anything.

    They have a high school education and a ho-hum job with a ho-hum life. Psychologists call it leveling.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Perry: Child murder, Sodomy & corrupting the Human Genome are not new sins, they are old ones. What is new is their institutionalization. But even that isn't totally new. It's all happened before..... before the flood and in Sodom & Gomorrah.

    When compared to the hypocrisy in Christian religions the so called "godless" are minor league players in the world of gross sins against God. No homosexual can ever be as "sinful" as some of the kings and priests of Israel who promoted child sacrifice, Christian church leaders who tortured in Christ's name and the lying hypocrisy seen among many church leaders today.

    No, Perry. Christians must first clean up their own house, take the rafter out of their own eye before casting a stone at people who have not sinned as they have!

    Preserving the separation of church and state is vital to the preservation of Christianity in the U.S. Christian churches should mind the business of the church and stay out of the business of forcing government to do as the church would have it do.

    Government should not attempt to force churches to believe as the government would have them believe. This is a fundamental pillar of our society which must not be allowed to be broken. For if were to be broken the churches will not win out and America will cease to be America.

    So Perry, encourage Christians to clean up their act and let Caesar do his thing. According to the Bible God put him there and Jesus said we should give him what belongs to him. Paul called it honor.

  • nicolaou
    This of course will lead to three (or more) parent babies, which is already legal in the UK:

    Perry, do you understand the difference between Nuclear and Mitochondrial D.N.A? Do you even care about objective facts and evidence? No, of course not. These are NOT three parent babies in any meaningful sense. You deal in ignorance and prejudice.

    I'm calling you what you are, an ignorant and unpleasant bigot.

  • DJS

    Perry suffers from what i'm going to call Angry Old Christian syndrome. It is similar to Angry Old White Male Syndrome, a recognized syndrome that includes old white men who are angry that the world isn't like it was when white man ruled everything and women, blacks and other minorities knew their places.

    It isn't enough for angry old white men that the vast majority of CEOs, Congressman, Mayors, Ministers, etc. are white males. They are angry because anyone else has moved up and they can no longer be the superior force and assist in subjugating everyone below them.

    Angry old Christians have the same issue. It isn't enough that they continue to be the dominant religion and influence society at a major level. No. They want it to remain as it has, when X-tianity ruled everything and was allowed to impose its views and rules onto everyone.

    What Perry or any other theist wants to believe is A-OK with me. But when they try to impose their own brand of hate, their own religious views, and their own fucking opinion onto others, then, Houston, we have a problem. So Perry, please, by all means, continue to believe what you believe. I would prefer that you keep your hate filled views to yourself or share them within the domiciles of your religion. I used to say to share them without your own home, but that is child abuse.

    AOWM and AOC have a lot in common. Both of them are T-Rexes walking. And that is most excellent.

  • cofty

    What Nic said.

    My one and only contribution to this thread.

  • Viviane

    DJS is spot on. It is a case of privilege perceived as right. Christians have held sway for so long, they perceive their privilege of holding sway to be a natural born right when it is indeed no such thing at all. It's simply not having known another way or situation and the idea of not holding sway, when they have done so for so long with such horrific results, is abominable and horrifying.

    My answer to that is... too f'ing bad.

  • Finkelstein

    Hold the phone, here's a recent picture of Perry walking up and down a street which tells a different story.

  • steve2

    Perry you seldom disappoint. You will also know that men having more than one wife is as old as Adam - and sanctioned in Scripture. All of a sudden you happen upon an example of a marriage involving 3 women and you articulate a legalistic minefield. Hmmmmm. Your predilection for selective musings continues.

    I notice that your list of sins did not include Jehovian genocide - a sin that Scripture shows also includes divine orders to kill children and babies. Although, to be charitable, you mention "child murder" (your defense may be that because Jehovah has babies and children killed it is not murder).

    Some would say that divinely ordered genocide dwarfs the consensual and private placing of genitalia in orifices that cause moral police to become squeamish.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I hope you're not married to your parrot Perry.

    As for the right wing and their psychotic obsessions it comes out to this: Gay, gay, gay, gay - Obama. Gay, gay, gay, gay - abortion. Gay, gay, gay, gay - Muslims.

    For those with a cast iron stomach here is a good website documenting the daily insanity and inanity of the Christian right wing and their political prostitutes: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/

  • Viviane
    VI, if you really have a stomach for insane derpitude, try Free Republic.... read the comments sections.

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