JW funeral and I am DF'd

by Vivamus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Well, I just went to a JW funeral 2 months ago. I went with my DFd best friend who was 8 months pregnant. We sat anywhere we wanted, about 4 rows from the front.

    A few years back my JW uncle died, and my DFd sister went to the funeral. She sat in the front with the family. Don't ask them, just do it. When there is a death in the family, where someone sits should be the last concern....


  • Elsewhere

    Peacefully sit where you wish. You are not under their authority. If an elder touches you, DO NOT HIT HIM and DO NOT MAKE A SCEEN! Instead, whisper in his ear that if he touches you again, you will file assault charges.

    Elders like keeping secrets... so give him a secret to keep.

  • Vivamus

    I was reading all of your replies and realised just how much I missed you guys. You are all fantastic people. Thank you for your advise.

    The reason for my dilemma is my mum, she would rather have me sit in the back, as to avoid a scene. She thinks it is wrong, prideful and disrespectful of me to walk up front and sit on the first row. Her words hurt me, but she is under a lot of stress, and I dont want to add to that stress.

    But I agree with you all, I doubt the elders will physically remove me, and so my feelings go to just sit up front.

    Hugs to all of you. Thank you for caring.


  • Wolfgirl

    I like Elsewhere's comments. Good idea.

  • Tish


    Missed you loads old buddy.

    Sorry to hear about your nan, if I was you I would just agree to it now, but on the day change your mind, so they are not prepared for it, and then no-one can put any pressure on your family, to make you sit at the back, which they obviously have.

    When my nan died, my aunt attended as an apostate and she sat at the front with our family, that was the first time I had met her since I was a child, and there were myths about apostates having 2 heads and everything, but when I met her she showered me with love and kind words and I realised we had wronged her all our lives, I hang my head in shame and love her more because she has so much love for us despite the years of pain she put up with.

    Love you Aunt Gloria in Cincinatti, OH


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    The reason for my dilemma is my mum, she would rather have me sit in the back, as to avoid a scene.

    see, this is what always happens. My first wedding, my wife and I couldnt do what we wanted because of her dear old grandmas sensibilities. At ten oclock the father of the bride came to us and said it was time for us to leave because others wanted to go home and we had to leave first. At the JW funeral I mentioned earlier on, 50 family members sat there seething thru the dub funeral spiel, why? because of the sensibilities of one elderly family member again. Bloody protocol and social propriety, I tell you....

    Do what YOU want, You dont owe any bugger a damn thing. Let THEM adjust THEIR thinking. Why should you be bloody reasonable?? THEY ARENT!!

  • SYN

    Hope you're doing ok Viv! Kick their sorry Elder arses! Don't let them control you the way they did for so long! You're free now!

  • Hmmm


    Thank you for your kind words. I've been pursuing uhh... life lately and haven't had as much time to post. It's nice to hear my absence was noticed.



    Hey Viv,sit where you dam well like.If you have any large male relataves,have them sit with you.Don`t take any crap from self important dumb ass elders,or anyone else...OUTLAW

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